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Mayweather vs. Cotto post fight Thread -DON'T make new threads about the fight

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  • How do people see Floyd KO'ing Miguel?

    So far 75% of the articles are predicting an absolute blow-out of Miguel Cotto when he steps in vs Floyd on 5/5. Let me give my thought and tell me if agree or disagree.
    1-Cotto's only 2 losses (1 obvi was b.s) were against fighters who apply constant pressure for 12 rds.
    2- Cotto is undefeated against fighters when hes the one stalking and applying pressure.
    3- When he has someone on the ropes (which floyd loves to do), thats when he is most dangerous.
    4- The timing of his jab has been able to neutralize fighters who had better speed than him.
    5- He's a much smarter fighter now than he was back in 2008, and he picks his spots when to really open up.
    6- He moves alot more on his toes in/out than he used to.

    Now having said those 6 facts, where does everyone see Floyd KO'ing Miguel in this fight? Yes PBF has shown a few spots in his last few fights that he is willing to move foward and box but ultimatley floyd is a counter punching defensive mastermind. Im not saying that Miguel will or wont win, we all know Floyd seems to frustrate fighters and wins but how does everyone think that he will KO Miguel when he is not a power puncher, doesnt pressure constantly, and hasnt knocked out but 3 people in the last 8 fights dating back to 2005 (and one of which was against Ortiz who decided to keep his arms down and kiss him during the fight).


    • Most people are just blind to the facts. They think he's some ricky hatton or something which Cotto is not. I have been saying this for the longest, Floyd will not blow out Cotto. He is not a pressure fighter!!!!


      • Originally posted by jose830 View Post
        “I am not going to rest,” concluded Cotto:” Not me, no one from my team is going to rest until we find the formula to beat Mayweather on May 5th.”

        Love it...
        The way for Cotto to beat Mayweather is

        A) Be a better fighter

        B) Hope Floyd has lost a step because as of his last fight, Mayweather has given no indication that he has declined.

        C) Hope to land something huge and pray that Mayweather can't defend himself.

        D) I think Cotto could enjoy success if he were to emulate Mayweather's approach but not try to be Mayweather as he doesn't have the gifts.

        If Cotto could jab to the body as often as Mayweather does .. and then instead of headhunting with hooks Miguel could jab to Mayweather's chest .. Miguel could do what Macklin did: Stay relevant in the fight instead of trying to win it from the onset and wait for a spot to possibly take the lead.

        Cotto isn't going to outbox Mayweather. His only other chance is to land something lucky. However those in the game understand that staying around and being competitive is more important than trying to win right away against a superior opponent.

        Macklin is not a better than average boxer. However his APPROACH to how he responded to Martinez' aggression was VERY impressive.

        He was patient.

        He didn't let Martinez get into a rhythm.

        Martinez had trouble dictating because Macklin always answered when Martinez scored.

        Macklin didn't try to be more than he was. He did what he knew he could do and kept on doing it while resisting being led in to believing that just because he had some measure of success he should go balls out.

        Cotto has to come in the fight in the best shape of his life. I've never seen Floyd tired. If Cotto comes in with great stamina and gives a 12 round effort, he's got a chance to stay competitive.

        Cotto CANNOT get discouraged when Floyd slips and counters him. It happens to everyone who fights Floyd. Its just a fact. Cotto has to accept that, regroup and go back to trying to get inside.

        When inside, Cotto HAS TO throw tight, short punches. Throwing looping hooks against Mayweather only guarantees that you get countered. Leaping in guarantees that you get check hooked. Cotto should go to the body, but no become oblivious to everything else like DLH when he got Floyd against the ropes. Floyd merely timed him and countered him HARD because DLH put ALL focus on bodywork once he got the chance to get off.

        Cotto HAS TO use feints. Make Floyd time things wrong. Make him jump or flinch and follow up with something hard to the body, chest and shoulders. If you get off something lucky while going for the shoulders, then smile and keep working. Don't get caught up in thinking that Mayweather is hurt because he's always just one counter away from reversing any situation.

        Cotto has to listen to his corner. They see more than Cotto does even though Cotto is doing the fighting. What they see will reflect in the advice that Miguel will get in between rounds. If he doesn't listen, he'll get stuck in using one approach and won't be able to adjust accordingly. One man may do the boxing in this sport, but a boxer who knows how to use his ENTIRE corner is a smart boxer.

        Its chess not checkers at this level.

        Cotto has size and possible time on his side. Floyd is still amazing, but he's not getting any younger. Even if Floyd were at his very best, Cotto still has size on his side and more importantly one more thing:

        Cotto has NOTHING to lose and everything to gain.

        Cotto has lost before. Twice. He doesn't have to worry about losing anymore because he's been there, done that. Some of you might be surprised at how preoccupied some boxers are about staying undefeated.

        Cotto has no such issues any longer. He simply can go out and do his best .. secure in the knowledge that Floyd has much more to lose than he does.

        In closing, Cotto simply has to be a better conditioned Macklin. A strong, tenacious work engine that doesn't get caught up in scoring to the point where he leaves himself open too often and doesn't get gunshy when Mayweather counters him.

        If Cotto want to do well, he's got to be more concerned with what he doesn't let Floyd do rather than what he can do to Floyd. He has to score, but he has to be mindful that Mayweather feed off his opponent's energy. If he turns it up, Floyd will as well and then some.

        So Miguel has to try to stay on par with Mayweather without making Floyd feel as though he needs to establish anything. Play on Floyd's ego and make him think that you're not doing so well while you keep working. Then hope towards the late rounds he can step up a potshot game or a maybe even get lucky enough like Macklin to score a knockdown and take the lead.

        I remember years back the way Teddy Atlas described the way George Foreman beat Michael Moorer on Legendary Nights:

        *Atlas imitating Foreman talking while throwing constant jabs*

        "Eh .. don't worry about that Mike. I'm an old man. Don't worry that. And you stand there. And BING! There's a right hand right behind that."

        Go to the 18 seconds mark.

        Cotto has got to do the same kind of thing to Mayweather. Make it seem as he stays busy "Don't worry about that Floyd. I'm washed up. Don't worry about that." And then BOOM! Try and land something big in the late rounds.

        Difference is Cotto can't be as inactive as Foreman was in that fight. He's got to at least stay IN THE FIGHT so he doesn't need a knockdown or more to have a shot at winning.

        Its possible. Just highly unlikely. Miguel doesn't fight like that. And pride has A LOT to do with it. And that will be his undoing.


        • Pacquiao didn't put pressure for 12 rounds. He just beat Miguel to the punch. Cotto after round 2 was fighting Manny's fight and that's when it went all wrong for him. Also what makes you think Miguel will be constantly backing Floyd up. Cotto got a hell of a jab but you could only tell fight night how effective it will be.


          • When Cotto can literally do nothing by the 7th round and he's doing nothing but retreating I can see his corner stopping it later in the fight as the result becomes more and more inevitable.


            • Floyd will not KO Cotto at any point of the fight. Cotto is stronger and has a better chin than most of the fighters Floyd has faced. If anyone KO's anyone in this fight it will Cotto KOing Floyd but don't see Cotto landing any big shots on Floyd. UD win Mayweather.


              • Floyd doesn't possess that knockout power anymore
                "open your eyes guys, Floyd is out of his prime"


                • It won't be a one or two punch KNOCK OUT, ref counts to ten the fight is over. No, it will be a stoppage, TKO, accumulation of clean, flush left hooks and right hands.


                  • Perdo Luis Diaz: Cotto's key to Victory

                    When Miguel decided to part ways with Hall of Fame trainer E.Steward I thought he was done for. Not just because Emanuel and Cotto seemed to work good together but because Cotto was now going to have 4 trainers in 3 years. But when I heard Diaz was his new head trainer I was pretty pumped and surprised at the same time. If you had no experience in amateur boxing then you'd probably never heard of him. But for those of us who have boxed at the amateur level know Diaz as the man who for a time ran the worlds most successful Olympic Boxing Team : CUBA. Even those who dont know of him but do follow boxing should know the success of Cuba in the world of Olympic boxing. He has always been a coach who not only demands the fighters perect the fundamentals but he utilizes both your strengths as well as nullifies your opponents style and strengths. He is a combo of "old school grit" and "new school science". Obvi we've only seen him as a pro in the Margarito fight and it didn't take an expert to see what you had to do to beat him but never the less, he came up with a great strategy and got the W. I'm anxious to see what kind of plan Pedro goes with against a fighter who has arguably the best defense ever. I am certain that he will come up with a plan of attack that Floyd hasnt sen before, the only question will be can Miguel stick with it for 12 rds.


                    • by later rounds, Cotto will be tired and slower, which will make it much more easier for Floyd to counter Cotto's every punch and hit him clean in the face. He will not KTFO Cotto, but a guy can only take so much punch in the face for the trainer/ref to stop it. Cotto's best chance is the first few rounsd while he's still fresh. The longer the fight goes, the more Floyd gets the upperhand due to his tremendous stamina.

