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Why a lot of people think Pac is juicing? Look inside ...

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  • Originally posted by pistol whip View Post
    Yup I agree with you he looks a lot softer at welter and that might have something to do with the 7000 calories he has to eat just to maintain his weight.
    So a 5'6" 126/130 pound fighter, who normally weighs in around or beyond 140.
    This same fighter took in 7000 calories over a 6 month period, weighed in at 143-144, Then for fight night he's 144-148 not an ounce of water weight (Ripped).. If it's not mass, that guy should still be able to make 135 atleast rite?

    Just think it only took 7000 calories, 1 year, new supplements by Alex (Alex has said he gives Manny supplements) and Manny the featherweight, knocks out Cotto....
    Who woulda thunk it....

    I would of thought all these supposed PED's he's taking would help him with that but apperently he's taking the ones that make you look softer and do nothing to help you gain weight.
    Again if it's not mass, Manny should be able to make 135 comfortable rite?
    Any answer other than yes is admitting to mass, now how do you get that mass that quickly?

    2 choices, some sort of performance enhancer. Or it's really all natural, and we have to give Manny his whole props.
    Shouldn't Manny be proud that people think he's so good, they think it's a drug?
    Manny can push living rite over the edge, just by doing all the tests and welcoming the skeptics.
    But Manny chooses to get defensive, angry, then refuses to prove not to only his accuser but his fans that he's clean.

    the reasons? well just pick one out of the million... Oh I forgot, Manny accepted OST..... He accepted ALL of Floyds demands, Manny is offering a 7 day cut off date for testing??????????
    Way to go all the way Manny.. GTFOH


    • LOL, PEDS. Pac hits people with straight up speed power punches in combinations and has excellent, excellent, excellent movement and agility. People can talk about him on this and that but when he is landing 70-80 punches every singe rd, how do you think his opponents are going to look after that?

      Very few people have great genetics, Pac and Floyd are two of them...


      • Originally posted by mathed View Post
        LOL, PEDS. Pac hits people with straight up speed power punches in combinations and has excellent, excellent, excellent movement and agility. People can talk about him on this and that but when he is landing 70-80 punches every singe rd, how do you think his opponents are going to look after that?

        Very few people have great genetics, Pac and Floyd are two of them...
        It has nothing to do with genetics.


        • Originally posted by Subtraction View Post
          It has nothing to do with genetics.
          Huh? Really? You don't believe in people having a one-of-a-kind ability?

          You might want to read and enhance your knowledge about genetics.


          • Originally posted by Walt Liquor View Post
            horrible article, did you really get this in the mayweather enquirer?

            show me a failed drug test, then you have proof.
            Walt - there is no need for proof. There will be some people who think he's juicing and some who don't, even if he took the tests and passed. But there is nothing wrong with asking for better testing. It should even be commended--and I don't care who asks. The real question is, would you support a fighter asking for it? Is it that much worse than asking for a catchweight? Or something else which usually hurts a fighter?

            I'm not one of those people who will pretend Floyd Jr himself never accused Manny. When he made the comment to RA the Rugged Man (following a question about Manny) that the Philippines is known to have good steroids, that was an accusation. However, the other fighter RA asked him about was Shane Mosley. And Floyd answered the same way; never directly saying that he would fight Shane, but that Shane was a PED user, blah blah. Clearly that was a major issue for him. And clearly it wasn't an excuse to duck because, guess what? He ended up fighting Shane (even though people didn't think it would happen, even Shane lol).

            The only reason we are discussing this is because Manny Pacquiao refused to do what Shane did. And instead of being straightforward, he did it in a way to raise su****ion in even some of his most ardent fans. Do I believe Manny is a user? Yes. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Floyd used in the past. But when a fighter asks for something that might benefit the sport, perhaps give better shelf life to these fighters, or just so he doesn't get hurt...he has every right to do so and we should support it. And if the other fighter is acting dodgy, he should get called out front and center. This would never have been a debate if (like any other logical, clean fighter) Manny thought to himself, say what? I know this muthaphukka isn't saying I'm on steroids. This guy is, I'm going to knock this muthphukka right out of the ring. I KO people for fun, but for a steroid accusation, I'm going to carve him up real nice...
            Last edited by IMDAZED; 01-04-2011, 09:11 PM.


            • This is just another diversionary tactic designed to keep
              people from talking about their chicken idol. Pac has already
              stated he will be bowing down to the Lil Floyd's extra tests
              even after the sixth round. All Fraud Jr has to do is pick up
              the phone and announce his intentions to whoever he wants
              it relayed to. Until he does, these fanatical followers of his
              would continue to say the same thing over and over and
              over again. The impression I'm getting is, these fanatics want
              Pacquiao to continue disagreeing with the tests. They didn't
              really expect it. It's as if it's impossible to believe.


              • Floyd looked pretty dam kut to me goin into the dlh fight


                • I agree with TS


                  • Originally posted by Subtraction View Post
                    Manny should just take the tests with no cutoffs then.
                    Like it would matter. Come on know damn well these same people will still come up with something.

                    If he takes em with no cut off it's, "Well anyone can pass them let's see him test year round".

                    He does that then it's, "Well save his blood so years down the road we can test it in case these current methods are able to detect unkown PEDs".

                    How do I know this? Well look at Usian Bolt and the fact that he has took even test know to man. If people are gonna believe he is test in the world will change their mind.


                    • Originally posted by -Top Rank- View Post
                      Like it would matter. Come on know damn well these same people will still come up with something.

                      If he takes em with no cut off it's, "Well anyone can pass them let's see him test year round".

                      He does that then it's, "Well save his blood so years down the road we can test it in case these current methods are able to detect unkown PEDs".

                      How do I know this? Well look at Usian Bolt and the fact that he has took even test know to man. If people are gonna believe he is test in the world will change their mind.
                      That's not what Manny said and that's not what he did. His own actions and words betrayed him. And that raises su****ion. Period. He didn't say "I'm not doing this because of what other people will think." He said "I'm not doing this because *insert absurd, unscientific notion here*."

