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Only idiots think fighters 60 years on back would be competitive today

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  • Originally posted by ИATAS206 View Post
    So you're saying Sugar Ray Robinson wouldn't be competitive today? give me a break, he would dominate the WW division.

    Listen, there was more talent back then there was today. That means in order to be a great back then, you had to fight tougher opposition. In today's world you can fight bums 20-30 times, fight a couple champs and your a top dog. Back then nearly every one was a tough fight.

    Think about it - NY had over 50 boxing gyms over 50 years ago. Now there are about 3. The pool of good fighters back then was insanely deep compared to today.

    Your point would make sense for heavyweights only, especially the old timers that weighed like 185 pounds and ****, they would be just too small.
    / of the ****** thread. very unlike the ts


    • Originally posted by pasawayako View Post
      Resume: Yesterdays fighter >>>> Today's fighter.
      Skills, Conditioning, Preparation, Etc.... : Today's fighter >>>> Yesterdays fighter.
      toughness/talent pool yesterday' fighter>>>>>>>>>>>>>todays fighter


      • Originally posted by Hous View Post
        given their condition. Our fighters today are bigger, stronger and faster then they ever were. Why? Because they aren't goinghave into it alone now, now they have researchers (nutritionist, fitness experts) who conduct research to find the most positive results. This allows them to find the maximum balance of muscle to body frame / weight for strength and speed. They now have tapes to study and research other fighters methods in detail. Fighters back then didn't have this luxery. Science makes the difference.

        Humans make fables about the past neglecting logic, its natural.
        agreed that fitness experts etc have helped the sport, tho fighters today sometimes struggle to go 12 rounds hell i've seen guys JUST make it through an 8 rounder lol point im making is back in the day..... 24 rounds/15 rounds was done every week for some boxers

