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Can People STOP Calling Mayweather a PURE BOXER?

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  • #61
    WTF is a pure boxer? The phrase is pretty meaningless as every fighter has different attributes.


    • #62
      Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
      It just bothers me when I hear Max Kellerman continually call Mayweather that. Because he's not a "pure boxer", in the classic sense.

      Historically, a "pure boxer" means using the jab a lot. It's like calling Manny Pacquiao a brawler.
      I was going to read everyones post before I made a statement, but I can't help it. You OBVIOUSLY don't know what the hell you are talking about, so stop acting as if you're some kinda gotdamn Boxing guru. You start this thread with a baseless statement, and continue to fail throughout the lifespan of this thread to accurately establish or set down any perameters in which the "pure Boxer's" mold is casted from. You continue to talk about a constant jab and being up on your toes as the "quintessential" pure Boxer and thats ALL you offer for us fellow posters? That's quite ****in sad bruh if you ask me, I thought I was going to get a well thoughtout and studied anylsis on the various techniques that can be associated with a "Pure Boxer", but instead you give me a bunch of mindless dribble about a gotdamn jab and a little bit of footwork?

      When you discredited reflexes being a key staple in the tool box of a "Pure Boxer" you lost me, thats like saying a Dale Earnhart Sr.(R.I.P.) wasn't a "Pure" Racecar driver because he used his reflexes when he drove. This thread would be a fairly good thread if you would've left it up for debate about weither Floyd is or is not a "Pure" Boxer. But you proceeded to give us a bunch of useless garbage that basically turns out to be a bunch of factitious ramblings set up to con us into thinking you have a clue as to what you're talking about. I'm overall disappointed in you as a poster and believe that us true Boxing fans deserve more than to be Sarah Palin'ed(Talked to as if we're ******, by someone who is clearly not the sharpest crayon in the box) to death by the bull**** that you're trying to pass off as Boxing knowledge. If you're going to tak about a serious subject then, WE need substance the next time you decide to post or start a thread. Please keep this in mind before you contribute to the Boxing Scene lounges again.



      • #63
        Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
        Some of you people on here are such noobs to boxing. That's the only way to explain this phenomenon.

        Howard Davis Jr., Muhammad Ali, SRR to an extent, Pernell Whitaker, SRL sometimes, and Willie Pep are PURE boxers. Which means they'll dance around their opponent, with the jab popping all night. These fighters are not really reflexive fighters, although sometimes they are off the jab.

        Mayweather is more of a counterpuncher, he's very unorthodox in that he leads with his right hand a lot, leaps in with the left hook, but sometimes he switches his style completely.

        Even Max Kellerman partakes in this ****** phenomenon, grab a boxing book and watch some boxing. Kellerman doesn't know anything about boixng.
        Hey everyone, its this M.I.C assshole again!!!!, he just has an alias.


        • #64
          TS got owned big time

          another thread backfired.....


          • #65
            This guy obviously must not watch as much boxing as he thinks he does. Since he wants to call Pernell Whitaker & Muhammad Ali "non reflexive fighters". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

            They used 10X more reflex then Floyd. Floyd just uses the shoulder roll. He doesn't dodge head movement half as much as Ali & Pernell did, who even did it with their hands down....

            TS.....Please use these as references to touch up on your knowledge so you know more about what your talking about....


            • #66
              Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
              Some of you people on here are such noobs to boxing. That's the only way to explain this phenomenon.

              Howard Davis Jr., Muhammad Ali, SRR to an extent, Pernell Whitaker, SRL sometimes, and Willie Pep are PURE boxers. Which means they'll dance around their opponent, with the jab popping all night. These fighters are not really reflexive fighters, although sometimes they are off the jab.

              Mayweather is more of a counterpuncher, he's very unorthodox in that he leads with his right hand a lot, leaps in with the left hook, but sometimes he switches his style completely.

              Even Max Kellerman partakes in this ****** phenomenon, grab a boxing book and watch some boxing. Kellerman doesn't know anything about boixng.
              Originally posted by mushahadeen View Post
              Oh okay now some guy on a message board defines what a "pure boxer" is for the rest of the planet and HBO commentators. Thanks!
              Kellerman knows more about boxing in his left pinky finger then you two idiots do put together


              • #67
                Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
                Some of you people on here are such noobs to boxing. That's the only way to explain this phenomenon.

                Howard Davis Jr., Muhammad Ali, SRR to an extent, Pernell Whitaker, SRL sometimes, and Willie Pep are PURE boxers. Which means they'll dance around their opponent, with the jab popping all night. These fighters are not really reflexive fighters, although sometimes they are off the jab.

                Mayweather is more of a counterpuncher, he's very unorthodox in that he leads with his right hand a lot, leaps in with the left hook, but sometimes he switches his style completely.

                Even Max Kellerman partakes in this ****** phenomenon, grab a boxing book and watch some boxing. Kellerman doesn't know anything about boixng.
                The second half of Whitaker career he was fighting flatfooted, don't know what you are talking about


                • #68
                  Originally posted by The Noose View Post
                  For me the art of boxing is "to hit and not get hit".

                  And thats what Floyd does better than anyone.

                  I dont think the 'stick and move' style defines what it is to be a boxer. There are many different styles of 'pure boxing'.
                  Counter punching is part of boxing.
                  Exactly what it is, to hit and not get hit


                  • #69
                    He has mastered the sweet science, thus he is a pure boxer. He has everything down. From his impregnable defense to his great offense, and the arsenal of punches, which he possesses. TS is trying to argue that he is not a pure boxer because potshots, and leads with his left hook, or right hands at times. Man stfu with that ****. Just because he can get away with potshotting doesn't make him any less of a boxer. Yes he is a counter puncher, but he is also an effective fighter when coming forward, and pressing the attack. Look at the Mosley fight to see this.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by ILLuminato View Post
                      Some of you people on here are such noobs to boxing. That's the only way to explain this phenomenon.

                      Howard Davis Jr., Muhammad Ali, SRR to an extent, Pernell Whitaker, SRL sometimes, and Willie Pep are PURE boxers. Which means they'll dance around their opponent, with the jab popping all night. These fighters are not really reflexive fighters, although sometimes they are off the jab.

                      Mayweather is more of a counterpuncher, he's very unorthodox in that he leads with his right hand a lot, leaps in with the left hook, but sometimes he switches his style completely.

                      Even Max Kellerman partakes in this ****** phenomenon, grab a boxing book and watch some boxing. Kellerman doesn't know anything about boixng.
                      Floyd Mayweather is a pure boxer.

