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Why didnt Floyd ever demand OST until he was faced with Pacquaio?

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  • Originally posted by fcastro1 View Post
    14 days was NOT good enough a few months back and now it is. dont you Pac fans have minds of your own.
    Castro...I fixed your post for you.


    • Originally posted by SkillspayBills View Post
      He believes Pac might be on steroids. You are either asking a question you know the answer to or an ignoramus.
      I know that Floyd claims publicly to believe that Paq is on steroids, but in his own mind....


      • Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
        Why do you insist on calling into question the mental capacity of those who disagree with you? Are you a certified genius, or are the rest of us just so ****** that it makes you look smart by comparison.
        Although I do make an effort to be respectful and all of that, I only have so much patience. The poster that I was referring to is constantly posting biased arguments that clash with common sense and logic. What I said was exactly true. The fact that Mayweather had revoked the 14 day offer months ago has been pointed out to him several times, yet he continues to ignore it in order to defend Pacquiao. He's either slow or a complete jerk. Plus he's the type of poster who has no problem insulting others and even the fighters(Mayweather anyway) themselves. You seem to be rather selective with your sensitivity.

        Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
        In my experience, those who "talk down" to others are just not very bright themselves, and often so ****** they dont know it. Can you post a reply without a personal attack attached to it?
        More psycho-analysis from you huh? I've noticed that you'd rather play internet psychologist than debate the actual topic. I most certainly can post without insulting others. In fact 99% of my posts don't contain insults. I'm still unsure as to whether I actually insulted you. It's not my fault that you're so sensitive and insecure that your feelings get hurt when someone questions your intelligence. Maybe you aren't that bright and I've struck a nerve? Either way, sounds like a personal problem. This is the internet my man, not the place for the thin-skinned. Besides, all I see here is people insulting anything that moves. "Gayweather" this, "Fraud" that, "crackhead Sr." this, "Pacroid" that, ect. Spare me of all the whining, please.

        Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
        I have read and comprehend all of your arguments Thatnickuh, and at the end of the day none of your arguments have convinced me that the real reason, in Floyds mind, is anything other than he feels some doubt in his ability to beat Paq.
        Like I've said, this is because your mind was already made up when you started this discussion. You had no intent of starting this topic with an open mind. You've convinced yourself that the only reason that Mayweather is asking for the testing is because he doubt's that he can beat Pacquiao, even though that silly argument clashes with logic and common sense. Common sense should tell you that Mayweather obviously feels as if Pacquiao may be dirty. Common sense should tell you that if Mayweather were simply looking for an excuse not to fight Pacquiao, he'd have used one of Pacquiao's requests instead of putting all of his hopes on the idea that Pacquiao would refuse the testing that his team initially said that they would have no problem agreeing to. So you see, me not convincing you to change youir biased outlook on the situation is nothing for me to be ashamed of. My only intent was to illustrate you bias to all non-biasd observers.

        Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
        If you can stop with the childish insults and check out my posting history, you will see that I do not pull for Floyd and dislike him, but I have also started several threads praising his talent and accomplishments. Cixthree posted a very respectable, solid argument against mine, no problems there.
        Nothing that I've said to you is personal, and I have no idea why you're so sensitive. If you're so impressed with Cixthree's argument, then why didn't you give him more than "well articulated"? Why didn't you give him a thought-out response? Are you saying that his post has changed your outlook on this situation? We both know that's not true.


        • Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
          I know that Floyd claims publicly to believe that Paq is on steroids, but in his own mind....
          None of us are privy to his inner thoughts, so you're asking a question that only he can answer.

          What's the point? What relevance is Mayweather's motives for asking for the test? Is your opinion that Mayweather is simply scared of Pacquiao a legit reason for Pacquiao to duck the tests? Is that what you're trying to get at?


          • Originally posted by thatnickuh View Post
            Although I do make an effort to be respectful and all of that, I only have so much patience. The poster that I was referring to is constantly posting biased arguments that clash with common sense and logic. What I said was exactly true. The fact that Mayweather had revoked the 14 day offer months ago has been pointed out to him several times, yet he continues to ignore it in order to defend Pacquiao. He's either slow or a complete jerk. Plus he's the type of poster who has no problem insulting others and even the fighters(Mayweather anyway) themselves. You seem to be rather selective with your sensitivity.

            More psycho-analysis from you huh? I've noticed that you'd rather play internet psychologist than debate the actual topic. I most certainly can post without insulting others. In fact 99% of my posts don't contain insults. I'm still unsure as to whether I actually insulted you. It's not my fault that you're so sensitive and insecure that your feelings get hurt when someone questions your intelligence. Maybe you aren't that bright and I've struck a nerve? Either way, sounds like a personal problem. This is the internet my man, not the place for the thin-skinned. Besides, all I see here is people insulting anything that moves. "Gayweather" this, "Fraud" that, "crackhead Sr." this, "Pacroid" that, ect. Spare me of all the whining, please.

            Like I've said, this is because your mind was already made up when you started this discussion. You had no intent of starting this topic with an open mind. You've convinced yourself that the only reason that Mayweather is asking for the testing is because he doubt's that he can beat Pacquiao, even though that silly argument clashes with logic and common sense. Common sense should tell you that Mayweather obviously feels as if Pacquiao may be dirty. Common sense should tell you that if Mayweather were simply looking for an excuse not to fight Pacquiao, he'd have used one of Pacquiao's requests instead of putting all of his hopes on the idea that Pacquiao would refuse the testing that his team initially said that they would have no problem agreeing to. So you see, me not convincing you to change youir biased outlook on the situation is nothing for me to be ashamed of. My only intent was to illustrate you bias to all non-biasd observers.

            Nothing that I've said to you is personal, and I have no idea why you're so sensitive. If you're so impressed with Cixthree's argument, then why didn't you give him more than "well articulated"? Why didn't you give him a thought-out response? Are you saying that his post has changed your outlook on this situation? We both know that's not true.
            Laughing more and more with every post you submit. For the seventh time, you didnt strike a nerve, or hurt my feelings. What part of that dont you understand? Ok, for the eighth time, you didnt hurt my feelings, or strike a nerve. Should we go for nine? No, you apparently want to think that you have struck a nerve or hurt my feelings so you can continue thinking you are smarter than me, and if you are, who gives a ****? I think you are obsessing on me, you arent going to start driving by my house are you? Bottom line, Floyd wanted a way out of fighting Paq, and if that fails and he gets beat, he can claim he only lost because Paq was cheating.


            • cause pac is a beast and mayweather know's it.......


              • Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
                Laughing more and more with every post you submit. For the seventh time, you didnt strike a nerve, or hurt my feelings. What part of that dont you understand? Ok, for the eighth time, you didnt hurt my feelings, or strike a nerve. Should we go for nine? No, you apparently want to think that you have struck a nerve or hurt my feelings so you can continue thinking you are smarter than me, and if you are, who gives a ****?
                You were the one who continued to harp on me supposedly insulting you even though I was trying to stay on topic. This post is a perfect example. I posted a thorough reply and what did you do? You picked out the part talking about the insults to post a praragraph-length response to. If you weren't insulted, then why did you make an issue out of it? Why not ignore the supposed insults and just respond to my arguements regarding the topic?

                Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
                I think you are obsessing on me, you arent going to start driving by my house are you?
                Weak and immature.

                Originally posted by ballgamessuck View Post
                Bottom line, Floyd wanted a way out of fighting Paq, and if that fails and he gets beat, he can claim he only lost because Paq was cheating.
                Like I've said over and over, this is what you're going to believe regardless of anything else. Your silly "opinion" has been refuted with logic and common sense, but you ignore all of that to hang on to your anti-Mayweather/pro-Pacquiao stance. You tell Cixthree "well articulated" regarding his argument, but you probably didn't even read and comprehend his argument just like you're not reading or comprehending my argument. No way that you're reading and comprehending what we are saying if you're still holding on to this silly notion that Mayweather is only requesting stricter testing to avoid fighting Pacquiao.

                You wonder why I keep questioning you all's intelligence, well it's you all's inablility or refusal to comprehend simple **** that causes me to do so. The bottom line is, your opinion is ****** and only a complete idiot or a completely biased person would share your opinion. If Mayweather was looking for an excuse to avoid Pacquiao, he would have never agreed to all of Pacquiao's demands. He would've never budged on his 1 and only demand by offering the 14 day compromise before the 1st attempt at making the fight fell through. It would make no sense for Mayweather to agree to all of Pacquiao's demands and hope that Pacquiao walks away from the fight because of testing that his trainer initially said that they would have no problem agreeing to. This is common sense to people who have it.


                • this is the simplest question of them all..........because floyd never doubted his chances of winning until he was faced with packy!....this is as clear as day!


                  • Originally posted by M.I.C. View Post
                    Why Floyd asking for OST with Pac? Cause he know's a PED user when he see's one. Even Golden Boy in their legal defense has cited the unusual growth of Pac's head. It aint no coincidence.
                    Too funny.

                    Originally posted by cixthree View Post
                    1. Floyd is/was a big Pac fan, been to many of his fights. He has seen Pacs limits and he knows what he can and can't do.

                    2. Both are pro boxers, they know the sport from the inside, unlike 99.9% of us

                    3. None of Floyds other 39/40 fighters defied convintional wisdom. Floyd being in the sport, and has seen strange things happen before.

                    4. Seeing these strange things, knowing that NSAC testing is bogus, knowing Pac, watching Pac from a Pro fighters prospective made him question how legit it was.

                    5. He knows how Bob Arum operates.

                    6. Drugs are common in boxing, and I'm sure Floyd has seen the sytem fail more than it worked.

                    7. Floyd is not "Cleaning up the sport" he's cleaning his fights.. what's wrong with that?

                    So ask yourself the question "why is it wrong to assure both fighters are clean?" I'm sure we all agree that testing in boxing needs changing, so why would it be wrong to step up and say so?

                    If that man wants better testing, he has that right, according to the rules he can request better testing. Manny has the rite to refuse also, but refusing comes with question and that's to be expected.
                    Does Manny care if he's fighting a cheater? I'm sure if Manny were to lose to a fighter, then later he found he'd been cheated he'd be pissed rite? So why not assure a fair/clean fight with better testing?

                    I'm convinced that the people who are against this better testing are affraid that
                    1. Maybe it will affect how the fighter performs.
                    2. He may be using and if its helping him win then **** it.

                    So I hope I answered your question.
                    Excellent reply. Something the NSAC, USADA, and Victor Conte would agree with.


                    • Because Floyd is scared ****less of Pacquiao

