The Figueroa Brothers are one dimensional. They come forward and brawl. There are no head movements, no body movements, and no defense. It's hard to win at the elite level with limited abilities.
Stephen Fulton was expected to win. Fulton is bound to lose against better competition - fighters who have punching power and can box.
I think it came down more to Figueroa smothering his own work than Fulton being good. I'm not sure he beats Shu Shu, or any of the other champs. Figueroa was BAD that night, and Fulton close enough shut him out, though, so he's clearly got skills.
Very sad to hear of such a bad performance from Fig. Something went wrong here, I don't know what. But he should have done better IMO. But kudos to Fulton.
The Figueroa Brothers are one dimensional. They come forward and brawl. There are no head movements, no body movements, and no defense. It's hard to win at the elite level with limited abilities.
Stephen Fulton was expected to win. Fulton is bound to lose against better competition - fighters who have punching power and can box.