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Comments Thread For: Mind your business? The complicated question of what coverage boxing fans care about

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  • Comments Thread For: Mind your business? The complicated question of what coverage boxing fans care about

    Eric Raskin explains why you cant stick to "fights and fighters" anymore when covering boxing in a time of speed, cynicism, and scrutiny
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Well, as many boxers now act like businessmen and accountants then I do take an interest in the biz-ness side but ultimately i just want to see the best fights - i don't care that S.A is sports-washing - Its not a big deal when we consider the major western powers have sold trillions of dollars in arms to violent regimes during the last 80 years. And of course a boxing league is of interest as it may sort out all the ducking. Or not.
    blackbakers blackbakers likes this.


    • #3
      I used to buy magazines all the time I would buy four or five at one time until they became obsolete. I really enjoyed the articles about fighters and fights the most.


      • #4
        You lost me at New York Times, a far left commie rag, I'm sorry to say.

        I do understand the concerns about Saudi though.

        Love for the Don and Elon.


        • #5
          PLEASE go back to covering just fights and fighters (or other things directly related to the fights- like trainers, workout methods, and refs). If you have to go off of that then cover why fights are, or not being made. Outside of that, who cares? Leave the rest of the other nonsense to tabloids & TMZ or the other media outlets that try to shape opinions rather than report info.

          Be better boxingscence


          • #6
            Originally posted by SteveM View Post
            Well, as many boxers now act like businessmen and accountants then I do take an interest in the biz-ness side but ultimately i just want to see the best fights - i don't care that S.A is sports-washing - Its not a big deal when we consider the major western powers have sold trillions of dollars in arms to violent regimes during the last 80 years. And of course a boxing league is of interest as it may sort out all the ducking. Or not.
            One should never stop caring about the wrong in the world.

            The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
            blackbakers blackbakers likes this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Liondw View Post
              You lost me at New York Times, a far left commie rag, I'm sorry to say.

              I do understand the concerns about Saudi though.

              Love for the Don and Elon.
              Concerns about Saudi”? Really?

              Based on what exactly? They did not invade Iraq in 2003 and murdered over a million brown people.
              They did not topple a dêmôcratǐcally elected president in Iran in 1953 and installed a puppet to serve their needs?
              They did not create a proxy war between Iran and Iraq which lasted 8 years and over a million brown people murdered.
              They aren’t selling arms to rogue nations helping murder millions around the globe (Iran contra affair).
              They did not murder two Reuters journalists.

              Within their own country, laws aren’t created by corporations and there aren’t any powerful lobbyists nickel and diming their own citizens by creating obscure laws to protect themselves.
              They aren’t arresting and jailing tens of thousands innocent people every year nor do they have laws like gerrymandering which …. I think you know what that does.

              Such insane LEGAL things never happen in Saudi Arabia


              Or the hundreds of cases showcasing modern day slavery like this one in Alabama.


              These are facts yet you are concerned about Saudi hmm


              • #8
                Originally posted by SteveM View Post
                Well, as many boxers now act like businessmen and accountants then I do take an interest in the biz-ness side but ultimately i just want to see the best fights - i don't care that S.A is sports-washing - Its not a big deal when we consider the major western powers have sold trillions of dollars in arms to violent regimes during the last 80 years. And of course a boxing league is of interest as it may sort out all the ducking. Or not.
                It’s not just selling arms to violent regimes, it’s also how we loot, punish and enslave our own citizens through corporations and lobbyists.

                Just take a look at this tiny example of what we do to our own people through corporations



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Liondw View Post
                  You lost me at New York Times, a far left commie rag, I'm sorry to say.

                  I do understand the concerns about Saudi though.

                  Love for the Don and Elon.
                  You’re an idiot where you get your news from the right wing nut propaganda of Fox & News Max . Saying the fires happen cuz the fire department is not white enough


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by leftuppercutko View Post
                    I used to buy ****zines all the time I would buy four or five at one time until they became obsolete. I really enjoyed the articles about fighters and fights the most.
           doesn’t allow M.a.g.a
                    That's Crazy. Everything is filter now days.
                    Last edited by boxingitis; 01-14-2025, 09:45 PM.

