I got Zhang by knockout over Wilder within 6 rounds. Wilder looked bad in his last fight. His aggression wasn't there in the last fight against Parker. Zhang will catch Wilder and put him down and out.
While I was serving in the US Navy, I was stationed on an Amphibious Assault craft. We were lucky enough once to not only have our usual compliment of Marines onboard, but US Navy SEALs who were doing some exercises with them. I got to talk to one, and the way the Marines were acting around him was amusing. They were all talking about how hard they worked out, how great of shots they were, how manly-men they were. The SEAL? He just nodded politely and asked questions about the ship. Translation: The SEAL was an actual bad-ass, and did not feel the need to justify it. He just knew. Meanwhile, the Marines' HAD to talk about it. I set up a new guide to judge people in that interaction.
If you have to brag about something out loud, it likely is not true.
Wilder telling everyone how aggressive he is just rings hollow to me. And if you need to say out loud "I am not afraid to die" when you are entering a huge match, odds are you realize you are in a place where you are likely to be hurt and are trying to overcompensate.