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Comments Thread For: How Much Criticism Does Ryad Merhy Deserve After His Poor Showing Against Jared Anderson?

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  • Comments Thread For: How Much Criticism Does Ryad Merhy Deserve After His Poor Showing Against Jared Anderson?

    As Ryad Merhy turned in a narcoleptic performance against Jared "Big Baby" Anderson on Saturday night, securing the No. 3 spot on the leaderboard of shame for fewest punches thrown in a 10-round fight during the CompuBox era, ESPN broadcaster Tim Bradley said he never wanted to see Merhy again.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Merhy was threatened with his life if he so much as put a mark on TR's precious little hype job. I'm more than certain he was paid handsomely as well.

    Please stop with this willfully ignorant pandering to the sport. We may be ignorant, but we aren't ******. Boxing is as corrupt as the NFL and the U.S. government combined.


    • #3
      Didn't Jermell Charlo do the same against Canelo?


      • #4
        Hey why don't anyone bring up Big Babies part in it ? Why no disguist over how poor he behaved inside the ropes ? If he was half of what ESPN and TR pretended he was as a fighter he could have worked his way inside busted up his body, wore him down and knocked his head off. As Merc moved away he could cut off the ring and done damage. I dont blame Merc for the mess inside the ring i put that on Andy. This was "supposed " to have been a chance for Andy to display his skills and his killer power, but no lets blame it on Merc get real everyone is covering for Big Baby ............well not everyone not me. toss them both out with the bath water......
        shenmue shenmue likes this.


        • #5
          Fans pay their hard-earned money to buy tickets and even to pay for basic cable that has ESPN.

          They have every right to complain when boxers don’t give them their money’s worth.


          • #6
            Ryad Merhy, fought a defensive fight, with virtually no offense to his strategic plan.
            He made a conscious decision to go the 10 round distance without endangering himself.
            It lead to one of the most boring fights of the year, and that was basically all his fault.
            So he does deserve all of the criticism that he's receiving, for consciously not fighting to win, but to survive.
            Last edited by Boricua181; 04-17-2024, 07:34 AM.
            pnut901 pnut901 Pharlapz Pharlapz like this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tatabanya View Post
              Didn't Jermell Charlo do the same against Canelo?
              And wasn’t he universally panned for his performance to the point virtually no one would ants to see him fight again?


              • #8
                On a second thought, quoting from the article's conclusion...

                "all he did was try a little too hard not to get hit by a rising heavyweight’s sledgehammer punches".

                So, why did he choose a boxing career in the first place? I have never seen a Formula 1 driver keep 60 mph for an entire Grand Prix because he was afraid of accidents.


                • #9
                  All I want to hear about is that they pulled the paycheck for that non-performance!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
                    Fans pay their hard-earned money to buy tickets and even to pay for basic cable that has ESPN.

                    They have every right to complain when boxers don’t give them their money’s worth.
                    It seems like more, and more fighters are concerned with their self preservation to the point that they aren't entertaining.
                    Back in the day they left it all in the ring, I'm not saying that you have to give your life for the sport, or the fans.
                    That said there is a certain amount of effort that they have to put into the fight in order to win, and have the public coming back for more.
                    You have to earn your money, if you want to be successful, and revered in this sport.
                    If you don't have it within your self to be a tried, and true professional then you should find another occupation in which to make your livelihood.
                    Last edited by Boricua181; 04-19-2024, 01:38 AM.

