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Comments Thread For: Richardson Hitchins Takes a Tight, Debatable UD Over Gustavo Lemos

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  • #21
    Originally posted by SteveM View Post

    Have you not been paying attention ?? Tim Cheat-'Em has been consistently filing poor outlying scorecards for years now - this is just one of many. Just last weekend he had Fundora very wide while the other two judges had it closer - in other words he's frequently 'seen' a different fight to the other 2 judges.

    wonder who would have paid him to give Fundora the decision…


    • #22
      ¡ROBBERY! Just seeing how the fight between Castro and Montoya ended and the way they stopped the "Avión" fight and the way the judges bamboozled Lemos, both Argentines had to knock out their opponents so that at least they would get draw. Welcome to "Las Vegas"


      • #23
        Hitchins obviously has talent but is another guy who talks better than he fights when the pressure is on. I do think the fight was close and I wasn't surprised that he got the decision. If you have been watching boxing long enough, you get used to the corruption. The referee was worse than the judges. It seems like the only guys who lose points for fouls are the guys who are supposed to lose.
        Last edited by Claude Palle; 04-07-2024, 07:43 AM.
        Sid-Knee Sid-Knee Smash Smash like this.


        • #24
          Just stop it with the home cooking boxing.


          • #25
            Originally posted by thegreenmachine View Post
            The Blatant Holding that is allowed without warning or points deduction is a joke in boxing . I woulda taken multiple points . Only sport u can blatantly break the rules when you’re in a bad spot and have no consequences . Sometimes commentators even say smart . If you get saved from being knocked down or out by diving n holding around the waist non stop without trying to move or box your way out when hurt or in a bad spot it should be instant point deduction . Hitchens was using this tactic from round 1 when in tough positions n when hurt it was just ridiculous.
            Always these "slick" boxers get the round by default. Holding as a strategy needs to be penalized. Wald used it, mayweather used it, pacquiao, bhop. I wouldn't be so hard on them if refs allowed infighting. It handicaps the shorter ranged fighter tremendously and unsportsmanlike.
            landotter landotter likes this.


            • #26
              awful robbery, glad lemos had the chance to show himself in the US, now i just hope he starts training there. down here he can't grow anymore.


              • #27
                Terrible job by Tim Cheat-um and the referee who did nothing about Hitchins holding all night. Lemos won the fight. He was in Hitchins arse bigly. Claressa Shields is so biased when it comes to black fighters from her hood rat posse. She was a terrible analyst. And David Benavidez gets interviewed while he was obviously high, drunk, or both. How the Fook can Vegas keep allowing Cheat-um to be a judge when it’s clear he’s on the take?

                For all the talk about Hearn doing the show at the new Fountainbleu, the place was half empty and his mistress Skye will get her arse smoked by Serrano.
                Wacked_Out Wacked_Out likes this.


                • #28
                  No way spinning this, straight up robbery. Hitchens should not get a shot at the title.
                  mev1 mev1 likes this.


                  • #29
                    Could've went either way. a rematch is warranted


                    • #30
                      This grab and run style is for the dogs. Letting a guy grab all night then giving him points is disgusting. We saw more of the ref breaking them up than a fight. Might as well advertise as Hitchens, Lemos, and the ref.
                      Regge Regge likes this.

