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Comments Thread For: Ben Whittaker: I'm Training at a Higher Level Than I Should Be To Make These Fights Look Easy

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  • Comments Thread For: Ben Whittaker: I'm Training at a Higher Level Than I Should Be To Make These Fights Look Easy

    British boxing is searching for the next group of fighters capable of filling areas and creating headlines. For a long time that weight of expectation fell squarely on the shoulders of fighters produced by the successful Team GB amateur set-up but in recent months - and across all promotions - boxers who turned professional with limited amateur
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    The injuries are unfortunate but Whittaker needs to understand human nature. If he just quickly KO'd some massively inferior opponents he probably wouldn't get grief. Look at DDD. We don't like demeaning & humiliating massively inferior opponents. That is a really bad look. Either step up substantially or stop showboating. Ideally, do both.

