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Comments Thread For: Mark Magsayo's Promoter Calls Scoring Of Figueroa Fight 'Pathetic,' Says 'Why Even Fight?'

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  • #11
    It was a closer fight than what the judges had, but fig won clearly. I had it 116-110.


    • #12
      I had it close but the points taken doomed him. The judges were ridiculous with how wide the scores were but the right man won. Magsayo built up an early lead though. And what a cast iron chin the Texan has by the way, he took some flush shots and never came
      close to going down


      • #13
        The scoring may have been a bit off, but Magsayo clearly lost the fight. He was a walking corpse later in the match, save for a couple of late desperate flurries. I figured he thought those late efforts were enough to erase all of the grabbing & holding on for dear life that he did. He was very proud of those late flurries & threw his hand in the air at the final bell, as if he had done something.


        • #14
          The right man won, but the scorecards were far too lop-sided. It was an overall great fight night. At the end of the day if you are Magsayo and you get to go home to his wife then you know the man won't be upset for too long.


          • #15
            Fig landed much harder shots. Magsayo has fast hands and flurried and landed some clean shots, but they had nothing on them. Magsayo held excessively after the second or third round, Fig hurt him and Magsayo attempted to win hitting and holding.

            Fig hurt him several more times and Magsayo was fighting just to make it to the end of the fight by the middle rounds.

            I believe the judges were correct in seeing that Magsayo was not fighting a clean fight, he was running most of the fight, Fig was taking it to him and was being held. The judges didn't fall for the tactic, you can't win the first minute of the round and then hold for the last two and steal a fight. Not to mention, Magsayo was falling down as he was being hit, keeping his head at waist length to try and avoid shots, or possibly trying to get Fig to hit him in the back of the head to get out of the fight or cause a foul at least.

            Really pathetic and frankly embarrassing show by Magsayo, and I was glad to see that the judges scored it properly.


            • #16
              Let's see. Magsayo won a belt by almost losing to a one-armed Gary Russell Jr. Lost it in his first defence against Rey Vargas, and last Saturday gassed out badly in the second half against the right winner, Figueroa. Had he not hold so much in the 10th, he would have been stopped.

              So, yes - the cards were a little too wide. But Magsayo is not that good after all.


              • #17
                I saw a pretty much one sided fight in favour of Figueroa. Clearly Gibbons is smoking some of those twigs coming out with this nonsense. It wasn't competitive to me. In fact, i question whether Magsayo is even a decent fighter. His first fight with anyone with a name in Ceja was against a fighter well past his best and out of the ring for far too long. Yet, he gave Magsayo a gruelling war where he had him down. Magsayo is not only the fresher of the two, but he's the natural at this weight. Not Ceja.

                The same thing happened with Russell. He'd been out for far too long and had an injury. Yet it was still close. He won, but it shouldn't be happening with that much of an advantage. As soon as he comes in against a fresh fighter who is a active, he clearly loses and shows apart from a bit of power and heart, he does absolutely nothing to even a decent standard. He's all over the place. He isn't a brawler by nature or training, so he can't do it. He attempts boxing. Problem is, he's woeful at it. It has zero direction and no structure. What the hell are they working on in that camp?

                Sorry, but Figueroa won 10 of those 12 rounds. The other two were close to which they weren't even won by Magsayo in an any way clear fashion. You'd have to be generous to give him them.

                Any thoughts of Magsayo being a top fighter have clearly come to an end. He isn't. He isn't close to being.


                • #18
                  C'mon... Magsayo clearly gassed-out and lost. Why blame the judges. You are just teaching your fighter to make excuses instead of making him realize his long time problem on STAMINA

