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Comments Thread For: Team Haney: This Narrative That You Don't Have To Be A Champion, That's a Falsehood

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

    Damn you responded before I could but you're exactly right. Looks like he cut and pasted an article str8t off of ESPN FOX and Showtime are more than capable of "creating a framework for boxers to fight in the best division". If the bodies forced the best to fight the best then why haven't we been getting all the fights we've wanted over the past 5 yrs? And don't even get me started with the WBA and their racist judges picking and choosing who advances to the next level based on skin color and nationality. Please!
    More undisputed champions in the past few years then ever before yet we aren't getting "the fights" shut the racist rhetoric **** the **** up already man all you do is cry and make things about color like you are owed something. The WBA is based out of Panama where there have been plenty of Afro-Panamanian champions as well as other Afro-Latinos who have held that belt. Let me guess since they speak Spanish they aren't black enough you are always crying. By the way there have been plenty of African-Americans who have held the WBA belt as well. Liston, Ali, Foreman, Frazier, Spinks, Dokes, Tubbs, Tyson, Holyfield, Bowe, Moorer, etc and that's just heavyweight don't forget Andre Ward held the WBA along with Marvin Hagler. If you go down the list you will find plenty more throughout all divisions.

    You are literally taking once instance and acting like it happens repeatedly this is why society never advances because of people like you dwelling on ****. Funniest part is where you said ESPN, FOX and Showtime (3 American Broadcasters) can create a framework for boxers. What about worldwide? Do you even sit back and take the time to think things through? This is the entitlement I'm talking about like you are owed boxing it's worldwide how the **** are you going to get rid of the titles and then expect everyone to come stateside to fight for those mentioned networks? Are you going to provide all the televised dates? Travel expenses? Hotel rooms?

    Cypocryphy Cypocryphy MulaKO MulaKO like this.


    • #32
      Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

      Terrible analogy using the other sports to bolster your arguments. The one single reason why boxing is chaotic is because of the sanctioning bodies. Can you imagine the NFL NBA MLB WTA with sanctioning bodies where decisions are being made by the presidents of ten different organizations who all have different interest for the sport? Hell no! Those sports thrive and succeed because they have one figurehead and a governing body with the same interest for the sport. If Al, Bob and even El Spatula were to join forces and become one boxing league with one head and a governing body with ESPN FOX and CBS/Showtime as the networks, boxing would be in a much better place than it's ever been.
      Definitely agree with what you are saying. My argument was in regard to having "no sanctioning bodies." If I had to choose between no sanctioning bodies and having sanctioning bodies, I'd choose sanctioning bodies. That being said, restructuring them so there is only one organization supervising or administrating boxing would be the best scenario.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kannabis Kid View Post
        More undisputed champions in the past few years then ever before yet we aren't getting "the fights" shut the racist rhetoric **** the **** up already man all you do is cry and make things about color like you are owed something. The WBA is based out of Panama where there have been plenty of Afro-Panamanian champions as well as other Afro-Latinos who have held that belt. Let me guess since they speak Spanish they aren't black enough you are always crying. By the way there have been plenty of African-Americans who have held the WBA belt as well. Liston, Ali, Foreman, Frazier, Spinks, Dokes, Tubbs, Tyson, Holyfield, Bowe, Moorer, etc and that's just heavyweight don't forget Andre Ward held the WBA along with Marvin Hagler. If you go down the list you will find plenty more throughout all divisions.

        You are literally taking once instance and acting like it happens repeatedly this is why society never advances because of people like you dwelling on ****. Funniest part is where you said ESPN, FOX and Showtime (3 American Broadcasters) can create a framework for boxers. What about worldwide? Do you even sit back and take the time to think things through? This is the entitlement I'm talking about like you are owed boxing it's worldwide how the **** are you going to get rid of the titles and then expect everyone to come stateside to fight for those mentioned networks? Are you going to provide all the televised dates? Travel expenses? Hotel rooms?
        Well it looks like someone didn't take a hit of the kannabis tonight seeming as though I touched a nerve but let me retort. You said all that dumb shyte about the Wba but never addressed the core of my argument that they use race and nationality as a means to springboard certain fighters to higher levels. You say American blacks from Liston to Tyson and Holyfield have held the 'coveted' Wba title as proof that the leaders of the Wba organization was always a friend of the black man. You failed to mention the the American black boxer and the Latino man (yes I know the difference between hispanic and latino) has always had a symbiotic relationship in boxing where the American black man has been seen as the brute force and Latino men such as the founders of the Wbc and Wba (and Bob Arum) have used their skin tones to force their way into the white dominated power structure. It was a great relationship to start out but unfortunately those guys got comfortable with the white power structure and started to emulate them. It's soooo funny you say I think Afro Latinos aren't black enough because they speak spanish. HAHAHAHA!!! No my kannabis friend that's you pale-skinned Latinos that think that "African skinned" people aren't Spanish enough. There is so much racism south of the border against dark skinned Latinos man it's crazy. Like I said ESPN FOX and CBS can handle the business of American boxing and don't need help from anyone. No one in America feels entitled to boxing. Basketball is worldwide and you don't see the Nba trying to takeover the Slovenia Bball league. I want American boxing in America. You and Hearn and Dazn can have the rest of the world. Please don't ever try to lecture me on sport in America again you stoopid mollaphuqka!


        • #34
          Ring belt? Fuck that. Those are side rankings. I don't even acknowledge the Ring. They are just as screwed up as the belt orgs. Ring is owned by GBP. Boxing does need a single org with one belt tho. Screw the corrupt orgs and other racist websites.

          We need something different.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

            Well it looks like someone didn't take a hit of the kannabis tonight seeming as though I touched a nerve but let me retort. You said all that dumb shyte about the Wba but never addressed the core of my argument that they use race and nationality as a means to springboard certain fighters to higher levels. You say American blacks from Liston to Tyson and Holyfield have held the 'coveted' Wba title as proof that the leaders of the Wba organization was always a friend of the black man. You failed to mention the the American black boxer and the Latino man (yes I know the difference between hispanic and latino) has always had a symbiotic relationship in boxing where the American black man has been seen as the brute force and Latino men such as the founders of the Wbc and Wba (and Bob Arum) have used their skin tones to force their way into the white dominated power structure. It was a great relationship to start out but unfortunately those guys got comfortable with the white power structure and started to emulate them. It's soooo funny you say I think Afro Latinos aren't black enough because they speak spanish. HAHAHAHA!!! No my kannabis friend that's you pale-skinned Latinos that think that "African skinned" people aren't Spanish enough. There is so much racism south of the border against dark skinned Latinos man it's crazy. Like I said ESPN FOX and CBS can handle the business of American boxing and don't need help from anyone. No one in America feels entitled to boxing. Basketball is worldwide and you don't see the Nba trying to takeover the Slovenia Bball league. I want American boxing in America. You and Hearn and Dazn can have the rest of the world. Please don't ever try to lecture me on sport in America again you stoopid mollaphuqka!
            A bunch of more crybaby rhetoric from the racist DCLefthook learn to space your paragraphs you moron no one want's to read a wall of crybaby text.

            Haha basketball is worldwide but the NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION isn't. You dumb racist light skinned ***** you can't use that as an analogy football would be better but you are so dumb I had to come up with that one for you as well. So many tears you have shed instead of using that energy towards becoming something in life you are just a hating bald black man degrading Latinos every chance you get.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kannabis Kid View Post
              More undisputed champions in the past few years then ever before yet we aren't getting "the fights" shut the racist rhetoric **** the **** up already man all you do is cry and make things about color like you are owed something. The WBA is based out of Panama where there have been plenty of Afro-Panamanian champions as well as other Afro-Latinos who have held that belt. Let me guess since they speak Spanish they aren't black enough you are always crying. By the way there have been plenty of African-Americans who have held the WBA belt as well. Liston, Ali, Foreman, Frazier, Spinks, Dokes, Tubbs, Tyson, Holyfield, Bowe, Moorer, etc and that's just heavyweight don't forget Andre Ward held the WBA along with Marvin Hagler. If you go down the list you will find plenty more throughout all divisions.

              You are literally taking once instance and acting like it happens repeatedly this is why society never advances because of people like you dwelling on ****. Funniest part is where you said ESPN, FOX and Showtime (3 American Broadcasters) can create a framework for boxers. What about worldwide? Do you even sit back and take the time to think things through? This is the entitlement I'm talking about like you are owed boxing it's worldwide how the **** are you going to get rid of the titles and then expect everyone to come stateside to fight for those mentioned networks? Are you going to provide all the televised dates? Travel expenses? Hotel rooms?
              And I'm sorry but it is always so ignorant for people like you to say "society never advances because of people like you dwelling on ****" MLK....Ghandi...Mandela...would probably beg to differ....dammit you dumb people just need to go away forever!


              • #37
                Originally posted by DClefthook View Post

                And I'm sorry but it is always so ignorant for people like you to say "society never advances because of people like you dwelling on ****" MLK....Ghandi...Mandela...would probably beg to differ....dammit you dumb people just need to go away forever!
                Except you are no MLK, GANDHI or Nelson Mandela you uneducated fool. You are a black power advocate more like a Malcom X wannabe.


                • #38
                  I like the debate between Kannabis and DC. I really don't see where either of you is a racist or too extreme. Your exchanges are backed up with enough boxing analysis that the personal exchanges look miniscule. Cheers.

                  Keep it there!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Kannabis Kid View Post
                    A bunch of more crybaby rhetoric from the racist DCLefthook learn to space your paragraphs you moron no one want's to read a wall of crybaby text.

                    Haha basketball is worldwide but the NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION isn't. You dumb racist light skinned ***** you can't use that as an analogy football would be better but you are so dumb I had to come up with that one for you as well. So many tears you have shed instead of using that energy towards becoming something in life you are just a hating bald black man degrading Latinos every chance you get.
                    That's how I know you're a lil biych boi...spacing paragraphs?? hahahha when you can't debate you resort to tactics like writing comments on is a method for getting into Yale U. Dumbazz. That whole diatribe you just spouted made no sense at all. I guess you are a non -MURICAN so that shyte makes sense in your culture. Again you trying to use the Nba and Nfl in your argument is hysterical. You don't know WTF you're talking about about but I digress. I will give you one thing, I did get bald and I couldn't help that but that hasn't stopped me from sailing around the Carribean from the Ba***** to DR to Jamaica to Costa rica to Aruba to VI to Mexico and back to DC. No reason hating on Latinos because you guys have so much hate amongst yourselves it's crazee. Hey when your in your community why don't you ask a melonated person who speaks spanish about race relations. Try it bytchboi...just try it! Damn you mothaphuckas are so stoopid!!!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BoxingIsGreat View Post
                      I like the debate between Kannabis and DC. I really don't see where either of you is a racist or too extreme. Your exchanges are backed up with enough boxing analysis that the personal exchanges look miniscule. Cheers.

                      Keep it there!
                      Hey my man you are's always funny because the American black and Latino man can't be racist against each other because we don't have enough power to be. We have always historically teamed up to gain power but over the last 20-30 yrs they have separated from blacks to side with the people that hate them and will always hate them. It deeply saddens me and always will but I have to battle these mothaphuckas.
                      BoxingIsGreat BoxingIsGreat likes this.

