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Mayweather on Mosley: "Why Would I Fight a Sparring Partner?"

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  • Mayweather on Mosley: "Why Would I Fight a Sparring Partner?"

    In an interview with ESPN, Floyd says if he decides to continue fighting after DLH he wouldn't fight Mosley since he's nothing but a sparring partner. He also mentioned that Mosley beat DLH twice and all he had to show for it was 3000 showing up to his fight with Collazo in February and Mosley made less than $2 million. It's pretty sad that Mosley can't draw flies to **** yet people call him a superstar...

  • #2
    Floyd scurred of Mosley or something?


    • #3
      Sure he is terrified........think about it after DLH, you think Mosley would be a big draw. At best it gets HBO BAD not PPV material.


      • #4
        If Floyd cares about his legacy then he will fight Shane if he beats Oscar. If all he cares about is money right now then he won't fight Shane.

        He has made comments about Ray Leonard would not be a top 10 fighter in this era,and that he is the best boxer of all time. Prove it and fight the best fighters,


        • #5
          Mosley vs. Mayweather would be a even better fight then De La Hoya.. It would also boost his Legacy even more if he won since thats what its about right?? ... No wait its about money, no legacy, no money... Floyd needs to quit bull****ing.


          • #6
            What a bull**** cop out......Mosley would beat Mayweather.......Just like Oscars gonna.


            • #7
              Your saying if Mosley fought Mayweather it wouldn't be PPV???? Better yet it would only be on BAD???


              • #8
                I forgot to mention Mayweather said the only way he would ever fight Shane is if he got the lion's share of the purse since Mosley isn't a draw...


                • #9
                  Has anyone ever considered that Mayweather might just be trash talking, and thus this comment had little value in relation to his true feelings?


                  He just smack talking, you know, for a laugh

                  Oooops, no, here come the bitches again, taking every word he says very very seriously,

                  For the rest of this thread look for comments on floyd being a coward, how mosley would kill him and how floyd is ducking him.

                  Here's an element of truth.

                  Mosley had his chance, got offered the fight, he got 'toothache' and couldnt fight.



                  • #10
                    get your **** out of mayweathers arse for ****s sake you seriously do seem like you fancy him

