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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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  • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
    You just never got it was my point. You went to a document that had nothing to do with EPO testing and wanted me to answer a question about that?

    I even responded to you with enough information that should have made you back out of your statements but you carried on.
    Originally posted by travestyny View Post
    Stop crying like a bltch. He's gonna take his lumps not only for being a deflector, but also for being a moron and trying to prove a non-threshold substance relies on threshold criteria.

    You are right about one thing. He was really ****ing ****** to enter the dome if he thinks he can prove that.
    See, this was all along what I disagreed with you on. You keep on stating this here, before and even in the Thunderdome.

    I told you that what I meant and made it clear:
    Originally Posted by ADP02 View Post

    SO TO BE CLEAR, its not whether they found EPO, which is naturally produced in the body. Its if they found traceable amounts that they meet a certain criteria. If they have a result that is somewhat ambiguous then it does NOT meet the threshold acceptance criteria!
    While the above does not fully explain the full document on EPO, it should have clarified what I meant.

    BUT you came back with this according to your previous posts:

    Originally Posted by travestyny View Post

    "Originally Posted by ADP02 View Post

    Hmmm, maybe you still do not know about EPO?
    Here is a definition of Threshold. Got it now? If you still need more info, I will be more than glad to provide it for you ..... see no DUCKING from me.

    Threshold: The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested."

    The above is what we argued on.

    I didn't care what was in a document that you provided that had NOTHING to do with EPO testing. I was basically telling you that EPO testing is not black and white. Its not just about finding out if there is an illegal quantifiable amount of substance in a urine sample. yet, all you did was come back with ..... that useless document!


    • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
      I will be impartial. I lean with Floyd when I bet money. I learned after the first Castillo fight that he was gonna get the nod in any close fight. I lost money betting on Castillo.

      As far as Floyd goes, all I ever wanted to see was Floyd get ktfo, or knocked down. As far as my money goes, I'll bet Floyd every time. I lost money betting against him.

      Spoon23 is obsessed with Manny, feels manny got a raw deal. Whatever. The discussion in the thunder dome is about EPO and threshold testing. I just want to see the best evidence from both sides.

      This question, theoretically has nothing to do with Floyd & Manny.

      I hope you guys keep it in the thunder dome, it's easier to follow the arguments made and the points that are agreed upon.
      I agree with you (keep the discussion in one place).
      I reposted my initial statement there at the Thunderdome. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer it ... but remember that there is more info to come.

      That is fair Floyd/Manny - We will be keeping that out of the discussion. For sure. and as I already said before, I think you would be fair.


      • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
        So what you guys are argueint are two differnet things? You both can't make a case without establishing what is the premise of what you are fighting about. That alone, Travestyny, can't even get a clue what it is you guys are actually argueing shows how much of a vicoius loop you got yourself into. Stage 1, which is indentifying the issue, still hasnt been established? If so, it only means, Travestyny, is not capable of a debate. The guy just can't argue based on a context he thought you are argueing about, but not really what it is? GTFO of there that's where clowns reside lmao

        A merry go round of nothingness... Even here he tries so hard to put up a front he got game. When he obviously been destroyed alomg time ago.

        In here, travestyny is my jester. He keeps me entertained, now he's ducking you and Vadrigar, my gatekeeper. I treat him as a jester since at this point, you cant take him seriously. He is all that is wrong in boxing. Fans that wear their eterbal biasness for a boxer. Treat him as such. Afterall, his rep for 9 years never changed. That's how pathetic he is.


        That was one of my initial posts at the Thunderdome. What are we arguing about. I told him what I was arguing on and told him and if he had the same disagreement then we can get the ball rolling.

        He had 2 points but I stated that its dumb to argue about what is in a document that he presented because I had no arguments about it. It has NOTHING to do with EPO testing ... my only argument may be is that he keeps on bringing it up like as if its important in our discussion ....

        At least we now came to an agreement with that.


        • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          See, this was all along what I disagreed with you on. You keep on stating this here, before and even in the Thunderdome.

          I told you that what I meant and made it clear:

          While the above does not fully explain the full document on EPO, it should have clarified what I meant.

          BUT you came back with this according to your previous posts:

          The above is what we argued on.

          I didn't care what was in a document that you provided that had NOTHING to do with EPO testing. I was basically telling you that EPO testing is not black and white. Its not just about finding out if there is an illegal quantifiable amount of substance in a urine sample. yet, all you did was come back with ..... that useless document!
          You are wrong.

          All you are doing is dodging my question then. I asked you straight up if EPO is a threshold substance. You didn't answer.

          And don't dare try to say that the document was useless when you said what....."IT MUST BE A PARTIAL LIST BECAUSE I DON'T SEE EPO ON IT."

          Doesn't that mean you thought EPO was a threshold substance? Admit it. Man up and stop trying to squirm out of your statement!


          • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            I agree with you (keep the discussion in one place).
            I reposted my initial statement there at the Thunderdome. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer it ... but remember that there is more info to come.

            That is fair Floyd/Manny - We will be keeping that out of the discussion. For sure. and as I already said before, I think you would be fair.
            I have no questions now. I prefer to let you and travestyny make your points to each other. If I need any claififocation, I will certainly ask.


            • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Then tell me, why don't you want to address the video? Why don't you want to address the quotations that I gave you? Why are you instead making up your own scenario about what he is saying in the video? You're saying that blacks are intellectually inferior? Is that what you're saying?

              I haven't accused you of anything. I showed you the character of the guy you are *****eting as an unbiased (black) uploader, and every single part of that is false. You know it and I know it. The truth of the matter is that you duck because you are backed into a corner with nowhere to go here. How does it feel, chump?

              I just explained to you how you don't really know who he is.. All you did was quote him with bits and pieces you heard. You don't even know the guy. You only watched a video of him and think you know him. I gave you his thoughts and what did you do?

              You again began his selective reasoning, "What the actual **** does any of that have to do with his statements? Go respond to my post with the video and the quotations. Let's see what you got from his video."


              That's a quack! Again for the love of God, read below to understand what he means by white supremacy. And after reading it, stop trying to paint him as a racist, but take aim of his video at face value, and try to contest it. That's how you win dumbass. Dispute the thread videos. That's what you should be addressing you C U N T. You still have a lot of work cut out to you. Stop ducking, and refocus on what is important as your role as a debunker is to debunk the thread videos. As I said you are not worthy of my time, but I gave you an olive branch. Contest my Gatekeeper which you have been ducking for the 100th time you pussay and only then you can reach my doorstep and fuvk you up a new.


              Originally posted by Vadrigar. View Post
              *Hello darkness my old friend*
              Originally posted by Vadrigar. View Post
              Since you ducked my initial challenge I'm going to make you pay. The heat gets turned up now. Here is a playlist that re scores the entire fight in slow motion:


              In addition to my previous challenge, debunk it. So here is my updated challenge:

              18 videos travestyny has yet to debunk:

              1. A portent of things to come.
              2. Let the ass whopping commence
              3. Pacquiao takes the middle rounds
              4. Floyd cannot adjust.
              5. Championship rounds 50/50
              6. Why pacquiao beat mayweather 60fps
              7. Pacquiao vs Mayweather Rescoring at Slowmo playlist (12 videos)

              Get to work chump.

              Wtf is wrong with you?? He is talking about what is reality from within the shadows that you dont see. He is mainly informing of the truth of reality that most people do not see. He is not a white supremist, he is someone who explains why they exist. I don't fivkn support this rich oligarchs controlling the financial system of our nation. That's why I voted for *****. The problem with you is you always end up out of context. Painting a fake canvas about Pac, Precise Presenter, and depict Floyd as an angel lol you my friend is what you call a hypocrite. You are the racist that is destroying this great nation. We are one, Americans. No color or race should devide us. But what you lack in the understanding of politics, you also lack in the nature of a conman. As no sane person will see Floyd's antics as a clean cut victory. There is so much controversy and sketchyness woven in his fake win. Deep inside, you know it even if you deny it till the day you die.

              Your comprehension is so weak. The oligarchs owns the world. The white elites, called the shadow government rules the world. Starting from The bankers that started our currency. The Rothchild family. They are worth trillions. They rule the world silently. They even have control and influnce of the media, the past presidents, they are in some ways part of the illuminati who have so much influence and power they have access to the very top of the food chain. And if you did understand him, boxing eversince was a sport oligarchs invest in. They gamble and rigged fights for their pleasure. Boxing in the past are riddled with mobsters, who rigged fights to make sure their man wins. The corruption in boxing has always been big. Run by whites, and to this day, they still do. That is why John McCain if he won the Presidency before, would have fixed boxing as a whole, because boxing is the only sport without an official governingg body to sanction illegal corrupt acts in the aport. Yes, the white elites are the richest people on earth. That is just a fact. There is a brotherhood of free masons, skull and bones that have been there along time ago. Influencing our scoiety. Their vast richness can tap into our political, social aspects. They control the media, the news that they want to feed. Great example is, the fake polls that the mainstream media keep on blasting on air that ***** is trailing. When he actually was winning. ***** is fighting the shadow government, these shadow government want someone yhey can control, and that was Hillary. A puppet like ***** was, *****, is not one to mess round as you can see they try to paint him in most mainstream media with fake news to topple him down and to get him impeached eventually. This is the shadow goverment he was talking about. The recent one was Goerge Soros, a billinare *** from hungary, who helped crash countries economies in the past and is now helping Hillary, in the recent feminiist Rally. He funded that rally. These billionares are trying to influence everything. What he's trying to say is wakeup son. They are their in the shadows.


              • Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                ADPO2 agreed to me because I am impartial. The question has been narrowly defined. No slow motion video needed, and no conspiracy theories needed.

                Threshold EPO. That's it. Nothing more or less. Go back to your PAC cave and slow motion yourself off to PAC posters, and videos.

                You are a freak. I put up Jhonny cuz he is cool, the bear doll was cool, unlike your naked life's size PAC blow up doll.

                I take this seriously, and have no opinion on EPO.

                I've already posted negatively about Floyd and drugs, so travesty is the guy who might be at a disadvantage. Unlike you, I am not trying to overturn fight results years after the fact.
                Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                I think Manny won the third round, Manny wins third for Zaroku.
                Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                The fight was closer than I originally thought.
                I declare Zaroku, unfit to be in the fl0modome jury for reasons of obvious conflict of interest. He has already prejudged Floyd as a cheat, thus his position for epo is clear. ADP02, PLS BE REMINDED, that Zaroku thinks Floyd cheated. Thus, any ruling he makes that differ from this, will show he's integrityto be false. I therefore, conclude, it is wise to remove him from this fl0modome.

                Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                Floyd cheated, my opinion.

                Oh, by the way Zaroku, I don't have a life size pac doll. I don't have a doll period. Unlike you, who does own some is a known fact hahahaha!! I grown ass man with dolls lmao Creep!!

                Originally posted by Zaroku View Post

                I put up Jhonny cuz he is cool, the bear doll was cool

                Zaroku's mantra: 'A fake win is a good win. Cheating is cool!'

                Zaroku's world: An inflatable Doll is still a girlfriend hahahaha!

                Oh by the way, Zaroku, Alexkid found your PC, he says he found it near the park in Japan were you walk johnny. He told me to come visit him so he can give it back to you.

                Nice swag brah hahaha!

                Last edited by Spoon23; 04-05-2017, 08:09 PM.


                • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

                  I just explained to you how you don't really know who he is.. All you did was quote him with bits and pieces you heard. You don't even know the guy. You only watched a video of him and think you know him. I gave you his thoughts and what did you do?

                  You again began his selective reasoning, "What the actual **** does any of that have to do with his statements? Go respond to my post with the video and the quotations. Let's see what you got from his video."


                  That's a quack! Again for the love of God, read below to understand what he means by white supremacy. And after reading it, stop trying to paint him as a racist, but take aim of his video at face value, and try to contest it. That's how you win dumbass. Dispute the thread videos. That's what you should be addressing you C U N T. You still have a lot of work cut out to you. Stop ducking, and refocus on what is important as your role as a debunker is to debunk the thread videos. As I said you are not worthy of my time, but I gave you an olive branch. Contest my Gatekeeper which you have been ducking for the 100th time you pussay and only then you can reach my doorstep and fuvk you up a new.


                  Wtf is wrong with you?? He is talking about what is reality from within the shadows that you dont see. He is mainly informing of the truth of reality that most people do not see. He is not a white supremist, he is someone who explains why they exist. I don't fivkn support this rich oligarchs controlling the financial system of our nation. That's why I voted for *****. The problem with you is you always end up out of context. Painting a fake canvas about Pac, Precise Presenter, and depict Floyd as an angel lol you my friend is what you call a hypocrite. You are the racist that is destroying this great nation. We are one, Americans. No color or race should devide us. But what you lack in the understanding of politics, you also lack in the nature of a conman. As no sane person will see Floyd's antics as a clean cut victory. There is so much controversy and sketchyness woven in his fake win. Deep inside, you know it even if you deny it till the day you die.

                  Your comprehension is so weak. The oligarchs owns the world. The white elites, called the shadow government rules the world. Starting from The bankers that started our currency. The Rothchild family. They are worth trillions. They rule the world silently. They even have control and influnce of the media, the past presidents, they are in some ways part of the illuminati who have so much influence and power they have access to the very top of the food chain. And if you did understand him, boxing eversince was a sport oligarchs invest in. They gamble and rigged fights for their pleasure. Boxing in the past are riddled with mobsters, who rigged fights to make sure their man wins. The corruption in boxing has always been big. Run by whites, and to this day, they still do. That is why John McCain if he won the Presidency before, would have fixed boxing as a whole, because boxing is the only sport without an official governingg body to sanction illegal corrupt acts in the aport. Yes, the white elites are the richest people on earth. That is just a fact. There is a brotherhood of free masons, skull and bones that have been there along time ago. Influencing our scoiety. Their vast richness can tap into our political, social aspects. They control the media, the news that they want to feed. Great example is, the fake polls that the mainstream media keep on blasting on air that ***** is trailing. When he actually was winning. ***** is fighting the shadow government, these shadow government want someone yhey can control, and that was Hillary. A puppet like ***** was, *****, is not one to mess round as you can see they try to paint him in most mainstream media with fake news to topple him down and to get him impeached eventually. This is the shadow goverment he was talking about. The recent one was Goerge Soros, a billinare *** from hungary, who helped crash countries economies in the past and is now helping Hillary, in the recent feminiist Rally. He funded that rally. These billionares are trying to influence everything. What he's trying to say is wakeup son. They are their in the shadows.
                  He is the author of these videos, a judge of sorts, and all I'm doing is taking into account his material for the basis of deciding if he can be an unbiased judge in this matter. That's it. I'm not accusing you of anything. You, on the other hand, cannot deny what is clear and proven here. For example:

                  racist |ˈrāsəst|
                  a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another: supremacist.

                  "White people are supreme. That's White supremacy."
                  --Precise Presenter

                  "On average as a whole whether it comes to intellect, technology, inventions, building civilizations, society, the white man is superior to the black man. And that’s just a fact that a lot of you have problems dealing with."
                  -- Precise Presenter

                  Saying that the black man is athletically superior is the very definition of racism.

                  Saying the white man is intellectually superior to the black man is a fact.

                  This is the man who is making these videos. I just want you to know who you are supporting. Now look at the evidence and if you wish to discuss based on WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAYS IN THE VIDEO instead of talking about WHAT HE DOESN'T SAY IN THE VIDEO, then let me know.
                  Last edited by travestyny; 04-05-2017, 08:51 PM.


                  • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                    That was one of my initial posts at the Thunderdome. What are we arguing about. I told him what I was arguing on and told him and if he had the same disagreement then we can get the ball rolling.

                    He had 2 points but I stated that its dumb to argue about what is in a document that he presented because I had no arguments about it. It has NOTHING to do with EPO testing ... my only argument may be is that he keeps on bringing it up like as if its important in our discussion ....

                    At least we now came to an agreement with that.
                    I see what Travestyny is doing to you, he's patented dumb move, he brings past cleared disputes as something part of a new argument even though it's been deemed cleared already. That guy is a slimy devious c u n t who has no business debating. His selective reasoning and bringing out past unimportant topics to drag you and misdirect you to what is important in the case is why he can never be considered a true debater. He just puts you in a nonsensical loop and you get lost in his labyrinth of pointlessness. Be aware of his lame tactics my friend. You are talking to a snake.


                    • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                      He is the author of these videos, a judge of sorts, and all I'm doing is taking into account his material for the basis of deciding if he can be an unbiased judge in this matter. That's it. I'm not accusing you of anything. You, on the other hand, cannot deny what is clear and proven here. For example:

                      racist |ˈrāsəst|
                      a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another: supremacist.

                      "White people are supreme. That's White supremacy."
                      --Precise Presenter

                      "On average as a whole whether it comes to intellect, technology, inventions, building civilizations, society, the white man is superior to the black man. And that’s just a fact that a lot of you have problems dealing with."
                      -- Precise Presenter

                      Saying that the black man is athletically superior is the very definition of racism.

                      Saying the white man is intellectually superior to the black man is a fact.

                      This is the man who is making these videos. I just want you to know who you are supporting. Now look at the evidence and if you wish to discuss based on WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAYS IN THE VIDEO instead of talking about WHAT HE DOESN'T SAY IN THE VIDEO, then let me know.
                      I just want you to know that guy who made those videos. This is what he meant, since your comprehension is just too bad to understand him. Anyway, stop ducking my gate keeper you pussay!

                      Blacks have been genetical superior today because of their past. They have been in hard labor because of their past. They were ******, so that trait of being strong is because of their resistance to pain and suffering which made them evolve to being strong, and their genetic traits have been past to their children. That is just a fact. That is not being racist you ****** fuvk. That's called evolution of the black race. Why they became physically gifted in strength, is because of their evolution from the past. You racist c u n t.

                      Wtf is wrong with you?? He is talking about what is reality from within the shadows that you dont see. He is mainly informing of the truth of reality that most people do not see. He is not a white supremist, he is someone who explains why they exist. I don't fivkn support this rich oligarchs controlling the financial system of our nation. That's why I voted for *****. The problem with you is you always end up out of context. Painting a fake canvas about Pac, Precise Presenter, and depict Floyd as an angel lol you my friend is what you call a hypocrite. You are the racist that is destroying this great nation. We are one, Americans. No color or race should devide us. But what you lack in the understanding of politics, you also lack in the nature of a conman. As no sane person will see Floyd's antics as a clean cut victory. There is so much controversy and sketchyness woven in his fake win. Deep inside, you know it even if you deny it till the day you die.

                      Your comprehension is so weak. The oligarchs owns the world. The white elites, called the shadow government rules the world. Starting from The bankers that started our currency. The Rothchild family. They are worth trillions. They rule the world silently. They even have control and influnce of the media, the past presidents, they are in some ways part of the illuminati who have so much influence and power they have access to the very top of the food chain. And if you did understand him, boxing eversince was a sport oligarchs invest in. They gamble and rigged fights for their pleasure. Boxing in the past are riddled with mobsters, who rigged fights to make sure their man wins. The corruption in boxing has always been big. Run by whites, and to this day, they still do. That is why John McCain if he won the Presidency before, would have fixed boxing as a whole, because boxing is the only sport without an official governingg body to sanction illegal corrupt acts in the aport. Yes, the white elites are the richest people on earth. That is just a fact. There is a brotherhood of free masons, skull and bones that have been there along time ago. Influencing our scoiety. Their vast richness can tap into our political, social aspects. They control the media, the news that they want to feed. Great example is, the fake polls that the mainstream media keep on blasting on air that ***** is trailing. When he actually was winning. ***** is fighting the shadow government, these shadow government want someone yhey can control, and that was Hillary. A puppet like ***** was, *****, is not one to mess round as you can see they try to paint him in most mainstream media with fake news to topple him down and to get him impeached eventually. This is the shadow goverment he was talking about. The recent one was Goerge Soros, a billinare *** from hungary, who helped crash countries economies in the past and is now helping Hillary, in the recent feminiist Rally. He funded that rally. These billionares are trying to influence everything. What he's trying to say is wakeup son. They are their in the shadows.
                      Last edited by Spoon23; 04-05-2017, 08:29 PM.

