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Pac/Floyd investigation, documented punches (disputed rounds) blow by blow

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  • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
    Your so called thunderdome is where NSB juvenile misfits reside, you guys belong there.
    I would get you neutral judges who are neither Pac tards nor Floyd fans. The Thunderdome can get a little rough but they will give you a fair shake.

    Of course, you'll have to come up with something of substance in your arguments. "Wear pink flip flops" and "Travolta bam bammed you, missy" aren't really going to cut it over there.

    But maybe that's why you're too scared to leave the safety of your bubble and defend your opinions over there?


    • Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
      I would get you neutral judges who are neither Pac tards nor Floyd fans. The Thunderdome can get a little rough but they will give you a fair shake.

      A fl0mo looking for a nonbiased judge that's a first hahaha!

      This is where the thunderdome is buddy. Where I lay the gauntlet regarding your false Idol, and in the process expose all you kissass floyd ass lickers for what you guys really are, brainwashed minions that have no legs to stand on when truth is exposed about your false god hahaha!

      As I've exposed your master countless times in here, I too have exposed all of you Fl0mos for what you really are, fan girling a fraud, that can't defend their hero properly because the fact is, there are too many holes to cover in this rigged fight. That no amount of Fl0mo loyalty can defend it.

      This thread of over 150,000 views and almost 500 pages of owning Fl0mos is a testament to how epic this thread has become. I pillar of truth that cannot be shaken. A monument of how rock solid this thread speaks off. Memorializing the most expensive Sports Heist in History showcasing what is wrong in boxing front and center is why this thread succeeds. There is much to learn about the corruption and fix in Vegas boxing, by learning from this fraudulent super fight.

      Boxing fans can learn what matters , and what matters is winning the right way, and obviously Floyd didn't, what's even more suprising is that even if the proof is clear this was a competitive fight and that there are plenty of facts that support Pac winning it. Floyd Mayweather, can close the show and clean up this unfinished business and redeem himself for all his *****ness he showed in the first fight by doing a rematch, but instead of challenging himself, and cleaning up his honor as a true fighter should, he chose to rather fight a non boxer for his 50th fight. It only shows what type of man this fraud is, a cherry pickn' swindler who only thinks or ripping off boxing fans for every penny they have and to rip them off to the last drop of his stellar fraudulent career.

      Your kangaroo court is what it is another failed attempt to clean up your mess, at least you guys are trying to fix things to save your idols tainted rep, unlike your fraud hero who only wants to keep on disgracing himself. That super-fight could have put boxing back as the premier sport, back on the map, as the whole world was watching, and the casuals were glued to see an epic showdown, but what they got was a fighter chasing a chicken for 12 rounds of a marathon event. Boxing lost a huge opportunity there. Floyd brought boxing back down to insignificance. Even more so now, if by a long shot he fights McGregor for his 50th fight, and gets KTFO by a non boxer. Floyd will be so humiliated and embarrassed for the whole world to see, but not only that, he would have single handedly destroyed boxing. I know it's far fetched that he would lose, but think about it, what if the chances of a lightning strike happened that day and KTFO of him, thus, being the self proclaimed TBE destroyed by a non boxer, that would only be the ultimate nail in the coffin that will destroy boxing to mediocrity. Boxing will not survive if that ever happens. McGregor has nothing to lose, he is expected to lose against a top boxer, but in Floyd's case as he is expected to win and he loses, that's like a white belt toppling a 7 dan black belt of a sport. That will shame boxing in a whole new level. As Floyd's rips you guys off anew, and runs of to the sunset destroying the sport that we love in his biggest and final swan song farewell and a big finger in the end saying to all of you how much he earned by conning you guys up for being suckers.

      My point is, as a true boxing fan, you Floyd fans should be demanding a legit fight for his 50 if you guys are after a true legacy for him, but instead he chose another path of less resistance again, and the crazy thing about it, most of you floyd fans are okay about it coz FLoyd can do no wrong. Even if a true ATG is about testing himself, more so for a 50th fight that has a ring to it. It's a long shot that He loses against McGregor, but think about it, if by luck McGregor catches him and KTFO of him in the early rounds, Boxing will never recover from that. If Floyd is not fighting a legitimate threat for 50, he should just retire and stop ruining boxing. Food for thought.


      Last edited by Spoon23; 03-20-2017, 09:18 PM.


      • Scared pu$$y.

        Let the record show that TravestyNY offered to debate your video and let people decide who had the better argument...but you punked out.


        • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          Shut your dumb ass, ducking ass up. Everyone already witnessed you turn into a straight up coward. You are less than a man, but honestly no one expected anything more from you, and that's just sad, don't you think?

          Everyone already knows you're a bltch. That must be hard to live with.
          Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
          Man, I gave it to you on a silver platter. YOU WERE WRONG and its all there to see. You cannot hide.

          All you had to do is say, "OK, I was wrong" but you FAILED MISERABLY DEFLECTOR!!!!

          Spoon, my job is done, caught the DEFLECTOR in ACTION ..... his DEFLECTOR SHIELDs failed miserably!!!


          Great job ADP02

          The mosquito has been exposed again. Told you that mosquito doesn't know how to own up to his fumbles. The guy has zero credibility. It's a wall longer than *****s wall lmao and thicker than the vault in Fort knox lolololol

          The deflector doesn't have the hotness of wonder woman more of a buzzing mosquito that just doesn't want to go away If only wonder woman was deflecting it. I'll be fine by it.. But it isn't the case hahaha!

          At this point TravestyNy damaged career as a failure debater is now in the category 'impossible to resurrect' hahahaha!


          As I've exposed you as sneaky slimy snake oils man with a bad reputation that will say anything to sell shyit.

          Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
          lol okay..

          Here I'll help you out. So we can document everything in here for the world to see.

          Do you honestly think Pac has no argument for winning round 2? Simple straight up question.

          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          I haven't looked over round 2 and I have no desire to.
          When I asked you a simple question related to the round you were questioning. It was a simple question to see how much rationality you have left in your sorry existence. Knowing this was an old boxing match. I only asked you to give your take in the round we are dis*****g. It was a very simple question. Any normal person should be able to answer. And yet this was your ******ed answer.

          You folded, you flip flopped with false narratives to fit your agenda, but when you get trapped in a corner, you caved in, and denounced that you actually have no idea what you were talking about in the first place lol

          - to make it clear, I just caught you arguing about something you didn't really have inept knowledge off in the first place. It just shows that you have a preconceived notion of what you want to believe happened that night, like how the Judges in this fight did too hahahaha! Or you are one big fuvkn' liar who would lie to your teeth and say whatever will help you with your weak lame arguments. Problem is I caught it haha Bravo dude lol

          And that is why, you fuvked up bigly.

          That said, do you even have a right to argue with me again?

          No you don't. The olive branch that will bring back honor and dignity to you has long past. Your credibility as a moron has been exposed over and over as evident to your RED rep since 2008 which is way over 9 years. SMDH

          For once in your life I tried to convince you to take responsibilities for your actions bud, but you didn't own up to your mistakes. That's not how the world works. You fumbled and got exposed as a deserter. You Flip FLop when the going gets rough. vaginas don't belong in the battlefield.

          Last edited by Spoon23; 03-19-2017, 11:05 PM.


          • Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post

            Scared pu$$y.

            Let the record show that TravestyNY offered to debate your video and let people decide who had the better argument...but you punked out.

            pussay is how many times you ran off in here and hid for days in a fl0mo hole you came from lmao

            Tell you what, Travestyny can teach you how to hop to your make believe kangaroo court. I know he can bwahahahaha!!

            Justice for Fl0mos oppressed in NSB!

            JUSTICE!! hahahaha!!


            • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Thank you. So you're saying you have no information about whether he felt pain. No evidence from the fight itself. Ok. That's all I needed to know.

              Ok. You actually believed that's why he backed off? Let's say he backed off because of that. Ok.

              What happened the rest of the fight? Why didn't he mention the injury? Why wasn't it iced? Why did it not seem to affect him ever again? Why wasn't it noticed by any of the announcers.

              We have evidence from other fights above. It's not something that just goes away. That is NOT the reason he backed off, and you know it.

              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              I have been asking you these type of question on Floyd for like forever.

              You actually came back with BS such as urinating in a cup instead of the toilet 4 days beforehand, will contribute to Floyd's severe dehydration to the point that he had not 1 but 2 IVs (hate that I'm saying 2? .... too bad, so sad .... you know what I mean, DEFLECTOR!!!)

              Floyd was there close up for all of us to see just before getting the IV. NOBODY said that Floyd looked severely dehydrated. Not the commentators, not Floyd fans, not Floyd haters, not Ariza, not Floyd and company ..... not before nor after.

              but more importantly, Floyd said for days that he was doing fine. Even right after getting the IV.

              and then there is of course the vital signs, pre-fight forms and so on.

              You believed Floyd but saw ZERO SIGNS. HOW COME??????????????
              ..... yet here you are asking about Manny. If you were objectively speaking about Floyd, cool ..... but you were NOT!!!

              At least, Manny had verified with USADA on if he can he use those meds. NSAC brought it up that the meds that they wanted to use was for that specific injury and it was BEFORE the fight.

              Manny's pre-fight form had those meds!

              Floyd? Uses an IV but looked good just BEFORE and right AFTER. So why are you not asking the same question on Floyd? Where is your evidence on Floyd? Did you notice Floyd severely dehydrated? Not drinking orally? What signs did you notice?

              Just like I told you. Its possible that there was pain but pain does NOT correlate to the seriousness of the injury!!!!:
              "The amount of pain you’ll experience isn’t necessarily indicative of the amount of injury you’ve sustained. A full-thickness rotator cuff tear, such as the one Pacquiao sustained, may sometimes cause little pain. On the other hand, a fairly minor irritation can cause enough pain to substantially affect your quality of life or sports performance. "
              Damn! You just exposed Travestyny to a whole new level of why he is MR.DEFLECTOR HAHAHAHA!

              Nice one ADP02! Ace again! These flowmos are like their hero, FRAUDS that love to duck and deflect. Like father like son in this case Like Floyd and his ******ed sons lololol
              Last edited by Spoon23; 03-20-2017, 12:22 AM.


              • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                love to duck and deflect.
                Duck and deflect, huh?

                Like ADP02 is doing when it comes to EPO. He won't admit he is wrong. I wonder why.

                Like you are doing about your videos. You're life's work, gone to shlt.

                Dude, shut your coward ass up. You been a certified bltch ever since your "more accurate poll." Probably before that. Probably since you were born. Stay put in your Global Boxing Scene hole.


                • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                  Duck and deflect, huh?

                  Like ADP02 is doing when it comes to EPO. He won't admit he is wrong. I wonder why.

                  Like you are doing about your videos. You're life's work, gone to shlt.

                  Dude, shut your coward ass up. You been a certified bltch ever since your "more accurate poll." Probably before that. Probably since you were born. Stay put in your Global Boxing Scene hole.

                  Love to deflect? Naah that's you with your deflector shields bud hahaha!

                  Now you're into malicious editing into something I never said. That's a new low for you bud. That's the reason why you are what you are. A slimy devious oil salesman who would fake anything to get a sell. Anyway, Go on in being a pathetic lowlife. This is why no one takes your word, your scams are all documented in here. Lying and cheating to get a W is not the way of an honorable dignified man Tsk tsk tsk..

                  You just made it clearer for others to see why you can never be trusted in a forum.

                  Last edited by Spoon23; 03-20-2017, 08:11 AM.


                  • exactly


                    • Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

                      Love to deflect? Naah that's you with your deflector shields bud hahaha!

                      Now you're into malicious editing into something I never said. That's a new low for you bud. That's the reason why you are what you are. A slimy devious oil salesman who would fake anything to get a sell. Anyway, Go on in being a pathetic lowlife. This is why no one takes your word, your scams are all documented in here. Lying and cheating to get a W is not the way of an honorable dignified man Tsk tsk tsk..

                      You just made it clearer for others to see why you can never be trusted in a forum.

                      Shut your coward ass up. You destroyed your own damn thread by ducking me, but don't worry. I understand why:

                      Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post

                      @ 9:15 - Oh, Oh, left hook to the body (author failed here it didn't land)
                      The blind can't lead the blind, bltch.

                      By the way, Go ask ADP02 about "malicious editing." Your boy gave a false quotation from a WADA lab toxicologist to fit his agenda. When I called him on it, he never fessed up. Just said he was gonna go prove it wasn't falsified....then he never brought it up again. I'm still waiting for him to fess up to it.

                      So that means, according to you, he is a pathetic lowlife. I thought you two were friends!!!

                      Do you need proof that he did this? Let me know, bro.
                      Last edited by travestyny; 03-20-2017, 11:53 AM.

