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James Toney vs Sam Langford

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  • Langford would win. Although he is shorter he has a better reach, is stronger, and way more active in terms of punches thrown.

    Toney lacks a fight controlling jab.


    • Originally posted by Ascended

      Can you name/show any amateurs/midcarders who fought as obsolete as these guys in 70s-90s?

      If not That means your version of Sam doesn’t exist. This one is trash and would be destroyed by Toney since he, even as an amateur, fought way more advanced fighters.
      You underestimate Sam toughness and activity.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

        You underestimate Sam toughness and activity.
        Can you name/show any amateurs/midcarders who fought as obsolete as these guys in 70s-90s? Answer the question



        • Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

          You underestimate Sam toughness and activity.
          Toney 13th match is sam and that guy he fought as advanced as this guy toney fought or toney himself?

          Is it anybody on video from Sam's era in this class or another as advanced as this guy tone fought?Toney's 13th match is Sam, and that guy he fought as advanced as this guy Toney fought, or Toney himself?

          ​If not That means your version of Sam doesn’t exist. This one is trash and the fighters he fought compared to even that guy tone fought
          Last edited by Ascended; 04-20-2024, 05:17 PM.


          • Originally posted by JAB5239 View Post
            Look at this advanced lateral movement. See how these guys don't leave themselves open and throw themselves into one another. A fantastic display of fighting from range. One of the greatest heavyweight champions vs one of the greatest heavyweight contenders showing flawless and silky smooth skills!!

            Sorry Bat, I was browsing fights and this just stuck out to me.

            No response on this from Ass ended?
            mrbig1 mrbig1 Rockin' Rockin' like this.


            • Originally posted by JAB5239 View Post

              No response on this from Ass ended?
              What is it to respond to their way more advanced then 30s-50s

              And also a clip, which I don't deal with, so you're slow for even trying to use that as proof of anything. The full match shows these guys were way more advanced in every way.

              I can easily post way more advanced guys in 90s compared to 70s so that easily should tell you slow idiot I see all advances/obsolete flaws in every era
              Last edited by Ascended; 04-20-2024, 06:01 PM.


              • Originally posted by Ascended View Post

                What is it to respond to their way more advanced then 30s-50s

                And also a clip, which I don't deal with, so you're slow for even trying to use that as proof of anything. The full match shows these guys were way more advanced in every way.

                I can easily post way more advanced guys in 90s compared to 70s so that easily should tell you slow idiot I see all advances/obsolete flaws in every era
                Lol, you make me laugh kid!


                • Originally posted by JAB5239 View Post

                  Lol, you make me laugh kid!
                  Crazy slow idiot exsposed like always for making ****** comments

                  No one I saw on tube says the 70s-'90s were less advanced than guys in the 30s-50s unless they were crazy like you cult members here, which again isn't a coincidence so agian you're wanting me to speak on way more advanced fighters in 70s was supposed to exposed what exactly?

                  Still no response to the 8 videos. I proved all guys in 30s with the same obsolete flaws as each other, or is it any videos yet or guys in the eras I asked you multiple times to name or show with the same exact flaws as those guys in 30s-40s not a coincidence
                  Last edited by Ascended; 04-21-2024, 02:25 AM.


                  • Interesting all from as much of the full fights we have on video all see how horrible he is,

                    yet here mutiple crazy idiots say how he can beat tone yet he never fought anybody as advanced as the average amatuer in 70s let alone the guy I posted tone fought which was tones 13th match bunch of crazy idiots
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Ascended; 04-21-2024, 03:16 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Ascended View Post

                      Can you name/show any amateurs/midcarders who fought as obsolete as these guys in 70s-90s? Answer the question

                      Not all guys fought this way. Take Benny Leonard in the 1920's. Now he is as advanced as any 2024 boxer.

                      In general you are correct though, the technique is better now as in posters during the boxing scene's lifetime. But things like toughness and stamina at heavyweight have suffered a decline.​
                      JAB5239 JAB5239 likes this.

