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Robinson or Ali, who's really the greatest?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by VG_Addict View Post
    Both Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali have a legitimate claim to the title of, "Greatest Of All Time". Robinson is widely considered to be pound for pound the best fighter to ever lace a pair of gloves, but Ali is considered to be the best heavyweight ever, and heavyweight has always been seen as the premier division in boxing. They both have among the best resumes in boxing history, with Robinson holding wins over Lamotta, Fullmer, Basilio, and Gavilan, while Ali holds wins over Frazier, Foreman, Liston and Patterson.

    Who do you think is the best ever?
    Boxing wise Robinson, Ali floated like a butterfly & resisted the deep you wanna dive? If you an EA sports phaggot don't ask me ****


    • #62
      Originally posted by The Old LefHook View Post
      You are one of those British halfwts, no doubt about it. The worst and least informed sports fans in the world.

      Tell us how Joshua is so superior to everyone else after two fights neither of which should have been stopped, you pure British halfwit.

      Now get out of here. You are sickening
      The Brits and their purity...being a Prolateriot halfwit would not do for the Bonny Prince, one must be a pure half wit.


      • #63
        Originally posted by The Old LefHook View Post
        You are one of those British halfwts, no doubt about it. The worst and least informed sports fans in the world.
        I'm British... why are we so uninformed? Why are we the worst sports fans?

        In the sport of boxing in particular I think a case could be made for the British to be the most supportive nation of their own and others boxers.


        • #64
          Brits got any little drunken songs to sing?


          • #65
            Originally posted by The Old LefHook View Post
            Brits got any little drunken songs to sing?
            Stereotyping, making unsubstantiated claims and avoiding questions...

            Fan of your current head of state?


            • #66
              Originally posted by joeandthebums View Post
              Stereotyping, making unsubstantiated claims and avoiding questions...

              Fan of your current head of state?
              Read this once in a sort of "reader's digest" for baseball stories. In this case it was talking about the popularity of Joe Dimaggio...

              It was during the second world war or so and the Queen's guard was coming and apparently they sort of jostle through, which they did rather brusquely to two servicemen, elbowing them while shouting "make way for the Queen's Guard!" To which one of the offended servicemen said to the Beef eater "well Bully the Queen!" to which after a tense silence the Beef Eater thinking replied "Well Bully Joe Dimaggio!"

              Now Joe what is funny about this tale, and it is probably an Urban Legend, is that it repeats, there is a version where the same confrontation takes place but instead of Dimaggio Babe Ruth is used, and... a more recent take where none other than Muhammed Ali is used! In no case is a president, a member of congress, or someone like an astronaught is used, in all cases it is a sports figure.

              The Brits are great fight fans, they support their fighters, and are not fair weather fans.


              • #67
                Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
                You know you might want to invest some time and look through Youtube. Not only are there plenty of these fights that one NEVER Could see, but commentary, comparison, etc.
                I'm sure we are dealing with young guys drive by social media, & repeat & retweet what they know, which is very little.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                  I'm sure we are dealing with young guys drive by social media, & repeat & retweet what they know, which is very little.
                  These little b astards!!! what I would have given for the resources these young punks have!!! Wiki, UTube, I used to have to wait for public television shows like "the way we were" when they would show the old timers.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
                    These little b astards!!! what I would have given for the resources these young punks have!!! Wiki, UTube, I used to have to wait for public television shows like "the way we were" when they would show the old timers.
                    And record them on vhs....

                    Imagine if Jim jones or Manson had social media recruitment tools..
                    Last edited by Zaroku; 11-19-2017, 03:45 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
                      And record them on vhs....

                      Imagine if Jim jones or Manson had social media recruitment tools..
                      Don't want to it is that scary Z... The Haight, 1970ish, pretty Hippie chicks selling blotter for Grateful dead concerts, the pasty white flower swilling children of god just went up against the military industrial complex and won! Talk about David and Goliath, the "GRave diggers", the Berkley radicals, true ********...who put their own selves in check, living in communes, raising a generation of kids who respect life and are willing to explore the limits of human consciousness like astronaughts, what could go wrong? what could bring this Bakti nexus, the likes of which have only been seen in India perhaps, Kashmir 400 years before Christ is born to such a screeching halt?

                      It wasn't the government... they tried, they even created a whole disinfo community called Laurel Canyon... No it was groups in the government that learned one fact: If you want to bring down a real G? you need a real roach, a piece of garbage, something that fights for nothing of value, has no respect for any ideology, just for a word you need the worse psychopaths and sociopaths to come into these pure Hippie arcadias bearing blankets with small pox, so to speak...

                      And so it was, grifters like Jones and Manson were recruited...given gifts by the more seasoned contra pro boys from military families in laurel canyon primarily... thousands of them! told that there was free p ussy to be had and told to go in with their drugs, need for self fufillment and have at it... and soon all the pretty hippie girls were pregnant and fighting, instead of selling blotter they were selling heroine to pay for concert tickets, and not long after, these same hippies tasted the supply because nobody told them not to, just like the indians who grabbed the sword blades and cut themselves while the spaniards laughed.

                      When Jerry died the way he did it was appropo for what was really happening. Manson, L Ron Hubberd, Jones... and so many other similar sociopaths were let loose to destroy what the government could not and they did a magnificent job. They might as well have carried jerry's head through the streets of the Mission... That was not the day the music died Z, no... that happened years before. It was simply a cruel joke, a slap in the face, a way to symbolically throw one last pile of dirt on a movement that dared to be great, that stood up to the worse bastards in the world and lived to tell about it, a movement that had the potential to change the world and threaten the status quo.

                      So when asks if these parasites had more options? God help us.
                      Last edited by billeau2; 11-19-2017, 04:05 PM.

