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Dempsey vs. Marciano

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  • Cherry picked information by someone too lazy to research a very well know history. Nothing more pathetic than that. Study up. Maybe in 30 years you will stop embarrassing yourself.


    • Originally posted by HOUDINI563 View Post
      Not a question of forgiving anyone. Wills comments that the powers controlling boxing and that Dempsey wanted the bout to occur jives PERFECTLY with the very known history. A history that has been fully understood for nearly 100 years. Suggest you read a few books. The two articles I posted are excellent starting points for beginners like yourself.
      Kinda hard to want the fight when you break a valid contract, yea?

      Oh that's right...I forgot. He claims there was no valid contract because he expected $125,000 on the same day that he signed the contract and accepted a whopping $10 for consideration

      You ready to cry uncle yet?


      • Originally posted by HOUDINI563 View Post
        Cherry picked information by someone too lazy to research a very well know history. Nothing more pathetic than that. Study up. Maybe in 30 years you will stop embarrassing yourself.
        The only one embarrassed here was you...

        And Dempsey when he hung his head and went to the back of MSG while the crowd chanted, "Big Bum," "Quitter," and "Yeller Dog."


        • Originally posted by Zmerai Khan View Post
          You're being pathetic. You're attempting to craft an argument that can't be made to protect an outright bias.

          It's fine that you like Marciano - though the deep infatuation is super weird. But that you allow you bias to prohibit you from coming to an understanding isn't OK. In fact, you're deliberately sidestepping the truth.

          The Colored Championships were wrong. We're all fine with that. But that's a facade for you. You want to have a reason to disqualify Jack. The footage plainly shows Dempsey is Marciano's superior. It also suggests Marciano would make things very difficult for Dempsey by punishing him for his deficits. But Jack simply has to be the favorite.

          Your approach opens up a slippery slope that allows people to disqualify opponents in every cross-generation matchup: RJJ came from the PED Playground era.... Greb came from the NHB era.... Monzon primed before modern training methods and scientific advancement of athletes.... Floyd mayweather only fought opponents after they had passed their expiration date - and to his rules.... Ali never fought Super Heavyweights... Moore could never be the best in his era, so he plainly could never be the best period.
          You can take any small truth and amplify it into something grotesque to avoid direct and meaningful debate.
          I'm sorry I've wounded you so but jeez-o guy sure you did a lot of jumping, reaching, and assuming.

          You sure this has more to do with Marciano than it does black fighters being purposely held back from the historically significant title during their lifetime equating to their historical significance being held back in the present day?

          Your final paragraph is probably your best...funny how you couldn't come up with a single example of systematic exclusion though huh?

          Gnash gnarled teeth all you like the legacy of the colorline should be unfortunate for all parties involved not just those the racists excluded but everyone who missed out on the best of their era being able to prove themselves.

          This barely has anything to do with Jack and Rock. The subject matter could have easily been Tunney and Patterson or Johnson and Louis.

          Oh but we must uphold colorline attitude because to do without would be bias would it? go cry at some other man.


          • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
            I'm the queen of this forum. I can make claims without providing citations!
            I don't doubt you are. I don't doubt the authenticity of your claim. But without a source I can't confirm it, either. Further, there needs to be context.

            I'm sure the public wanted to see the fight. But that was almost more certainly motivated by their desire to see a giant Black man starched. Remember how much peole loved Nogueira and CroCop for what they did to Bob Sapp?

            It doesn't change the fact that being a champion didn't come with the expectation of facing Black opponents. Just like being a great Quarterback or Wrestler, or swimmer or a great soccer player doesn't come with the expectation of competing against a Black peer. Fans might wanna see a standout player compete against a particular Black player, but the player's greatness is not contingent upon it happening. Just ask Brady, Messi, Phelps, Smith, etc.

            And steering this back on topic: we know Dempsey would've mauled Wills. I'm not sure how anything else could be entertained. Marciano, conversely, would have had his hands full.


            • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
              Kinda hard to want the fight when you break a valid contract, yea?

              Oh that's right...I forgot. He claims there was no valid contract because he expected $125,000 on the same day that he signed the contract and accepted a whopping $10 for consideration

              You ready to cry uncle yet?
              Again, you're completely off-topic. This is the subject of a separate (very interesting thread). Stop hi******* this discussion.

              Jack was much better than Wills - he starched men that had beaten Wills. Not the reason for you to ramble on endlessly (off topic) about why the fight never happened. Certainly not of pertinence in a thread concerning Dempsey vs. Marciano.


              • Originally posted by HOUDINI563 View Post
                Cherry picked information by someone too lazy to research a very well know history. Nothing more pathetic than that. Study up. Maybe in 30 years you will stop embarrassing yourself.
                I do appreciate your efforts in this thread. Unfortunately, he's not committed to a healthy discussion.


                • Originally posted by Marchegiano View Post
                  I'm sorry I've wounded you so but jeez-o guy sure you did a lot of jumping, reaching, and assuming.

                  You sure this has more to do with Marciano than it does black fighters being purposely held back from the historically significant title during their lifetime equating to their historical significance being held back in the present day?

                  Your final paragraph is probably your best...funny how you couldn't come up with a single example of systematic exclusion though huh?

                  Gnash gnarled teeth all you like the legacy of the colorline should be unfortunate for all parties involved not just those the racists excluded but everyone who missed out on the best of their era being able to prove themselves.

                  This barely has anything to do with Jack and Rock. The subject matter could have easily been Tunney and Patterson or Johnson and Louis.

                  Oh but we must uphold colorline attitude because to do without would be bias would it? go cry at some other man.
                  Your elevator clearly doesn't make it to the top.

                  You simply pretend things away.

                  Tell me how Dempsey slaughtering Wills, Jeannette, Johnson and Langford could have done anything for your argument. Just more people that Dempsey would have slaughtered. Just more ammunition for the cannon that blows away your argument that Marciano would fair well against a bigger better fighter.

                  Now please, go off topic again. Your non-sequitors are quite entertaining.


                  • Marciano and Dempsey were both ATG hwt champions both exhibited ATG characteristics. Most felt Dempsey would win a hypothetical matchup but that should not make anyone feel threatened nor does it in any way deminish Marciano’s legacy in any way. Off the blocks few in hwt history could stand in front of Dempsey and not crumble under the power and ferocity he brought to the table.


                    • Originally posted by travestyny View Post
                      99% of your post is off topic. The only part that was relevant is "Dempsey wasn't expected to fight Black men."

                      And that's not even worth responding to. Well...ok...??? Again, tell that to the crowd at MSG who called him a yellow dog for ducking Jeannette.

                      And if you don't think it's a shame that we never got prime Dempsey vs. Prime Wills, shame on you. Take your racist agenda elsewhere, or at least share it with someone who cares.
                      I am off topic!?!?!? ME!?!?!? You either have an amazing sense or irony and shamelessness, or you need to be culled from the gene pool.

                      People certainly would have wanted to see Brady's Patriots play Vicks' Eagles or Kaepernick's 49ers, but no one felt his place as greatest Quarterback or legitimacy as Superbowl Champion was dependent on it.

                      Not that any of this speaks to Dempsey's offensive superiority over Marciano.

