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  • Bodies!

    One thing a boxer should have is a style suited to his body. I am assuming there is such a thing as the perfect style for any body made of meat. Maybe there isn't, but I feel there is.

    Some fighters may be using the wrong style for their bodies. Does this ever happen? Do you know of any such fighters? Or does this always get sorted out by trainers and training and in actual fights where the fighter may revert to something more natural to him.

    I have to admit I don't have a clue, not even an example.

  • #2
    Usually it’s taller fighters bringing themselves down to a shorter fighters advantage. Not using their height, reach advantage properly.
    Slugfester Slugfester likes this.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Slugfester View Post
      One thing a boxer should have is a style suited to his body. I am assuming there is such a thing as the perfect style for any body made of meat. Maybe there isn't, but I feel there is.

      Some fighters may be using the wrong style for their bodies. Does this ever happen? Do you know of any such fighters? Or does this always get sorted out by trainers and training and in actual fights where the fighter may revert to something more natural to him.

      I have to admit I don't have a clue, not even an example.
      Sometimes it depends on whether or not you're facing someone taller or shorter. A lot of styles morph over years, like Mayweather, De La Hoya, Canelo
      Slugfester Slugfester likes this.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
        Usually it’s taller fighters bringing themselves down to a shorter fighters advantage. Not using their height, reach advantage properly.
        Ernie Terrell.
        Jim Jeffries
        Slugfester Slugfester likes this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Slugfester View Post
          One thing a boxer should have is a style suited to his body. I am assuming there is such a thing as the perfect style for any body made of meat. Maybe there isn't, but I feel there is.

          Some fighters may be using the wrong style for their bodies. Does this ever happen? Do you know of any such fighters? Or does this always get sorted out by trainers and training and in actual fights where the fighter may revert to something more natural to him.

          I have to admit I don't have a clue, not even an example.
          This is because you are semi familiar with boxing. The styles matter more as a fighter goes up in weight. I could tell you about what styles certain body types should learn.
          Last edited by Dr. Z; 12-04-2023, 10:18 AM.


          • #6
            It may sound absurd, but Tyson Fury's strange body and overall size make me unconvinced of whatever style he brings. As effective as he may be, I find him somewhat clumsy when he boxes, and scarcely credible - KOs of Wilder notwithstanding - when he decides to act as a puncher.

            In a way, Fury reminds me of Joe Calzaghe: a quintessential slapper who manages to exploit a peculiar mix of physical attributes and stylistic uniqueness to get excellent results.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

              This is because you are semi familiar with boxing. The styles matter more as a fighter goes up in weight. I could tell you about what styles certain bodes type should learn.
              That's told you! lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tatabanya View Post
                It may sound absurd, but Tyson Fury's strange body and overall size make me unconvinced of whatever style he brings. As effective as he may be, I find him somewhat clumsy when he boxes, and scarcely credible - KOs of Wilder notwithstanding - when he decides to act as a puncher.

                In a way, Fury reminds me of Joe Calzaghe: a quintessential slapper who manages to exploit a peculiar mix of physical attributes and stylistic uniqueness to get excellent results.
                Fury's style is to fight guys who can't fight, and use his size to clinch, maul his opponents, and foul them around the ring. This works vs. the Old, out of shape, and unranked guys. Though a few have exposed him in victory.

                Fury is not Calzaghe. That guy hardly got hit ( Fury does get his quite easily ) and was much more active in movement and punches. Joe C had a style all his own. He has elite speed, very good footwork and off beat but very effective slapping style.
                Last edited by Dr. Z; 12-04-2023, 03:02 PM.
                Tatabanya Tatabanya likes this.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ivich View Post
                  That's told you! lol
                  As usual you make no sense and offer bad information.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post

                    As usual you make no sense and offer bad information.
                    "This is because you are semi familiar with boxing. The styles matter more as a fighter goes up in weight. I could tell you about what styles certain bodes type should learn."

                    You, who by your own admission have never boxed competitively, are giving advice on it and offering to educate a poster?
                    You make an illiterate post and expect it to be taken seriously?
                    Your lack of self awareness is stunning!
                    If I didn't know you better ,I'd say you were being facetious,but you are actually serious!
                    Slugfester Slugfester likes this.

