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Toughest Tiny Man Ever

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  • Toughest Tiny Man Ever

    The toughest tiny man does not have to be a boxer. He probably does some kind of fighting though. After almost picking Jimmy Wilde. I changed my pick to a man who only wrestled. My tiny man could bend nails and horseshoes, drive nails through a board with his bare mitts, bite through a nail and was a practitioner of jujutsu. His 93 year old son could pull trucks with his teeth, which he learned from the old man. The Mighty Atom once cleaned out an anti ***ish riot and protest all by himself. The next day the headline read; Police save crowd from Mighty Atom.
    Willow The Wisp Willow The Wisp likes this.

  • #2
    Read about the Mighty Atom here.


    • #3
      I might also mention for your entertainment some of the Mighty Atom's other feats, and ask you at the same time if these are mere tricks or legitimate feats of strength. If they are tricks, do you know what the trick is? People with normal musculature never perform feats like this. Or do they, I ask you?

      Additional feats:

      1 Prevented an airplane tied to his hair from taking off

      2 Broke chains by expanding his chest

      3 Bent horseshoes and iron bars with his teeth

      4 Unscrewed lug nuts without tools

      5 Allowed a dixieland band to perform on him while he lay on a bed of nails.

