By Mark Vester

No, not Roy Jones, Jr. No, not Junior Jones. But, 66-year-old pop star veteran Tom Jones.

According to Movie & Entertainment News, Tom Jones is scheduled for a celebrity exhibition bout with former heavyweight chamion Mike Tyson, to take place before the end of 2006.

Tyson noted that maybe an upset is in the works.

"It's just going to be marvelous. Tom Jones is going to be one of the boxers. What if I get beat? Who knows - I might even enjoy it!" - Tyson said.

Journeymen, women and old pop stars. If I rolled back the clock to 1997 and told the world that this is who Tyson would be asking to face in exhibition bouts after retirement - I would have been committed to an asylum.

I know these bouts are for charity, and for Tyson to get out of debt, but I'm positive that there would be a massive line of fighters willing to pay top dollar, to be trained, advised and groomed by a fighter like Mike Tyson.