Team Havnaa, the movie about Magne and Erland Havnaa, premiered December 25 in Norway and got good reviews. It follows the real-life happenings of Magne Havnaa, who, after participating in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, turned pro with Hall of Fame promoter Mogens Palle in Denmark and went on to become Norway's first professional boxing world champion when stopping Boone Pultz to win the WBO title in 1990.
His brother, Erland, was a kick boxer, and helped train Magne. He later participated in the biggest bank robbery in Norway and was sentenced to 16 years in jail.
Magne Havnaa died at the age of 41 in a drowning accident. Erling, however, is still around and trained Magne's son, Kai Robin, during his pro career. Kai Robin also has a small role in the movie.
It should be noted that Magne Havnaa beat no other than future world champ Johnny Nelson, then 0-2, in his pro debut in a remarkable fight that - if memory serves this reporter right - saw no punches landed. Nelson had all the slick moves but didn't punch for three rounds while the Norwegian kept hitting air. In the fourth and final round Johnny finally punched a bit but Havnaa, long on workrate and stamina but not technical skills, somehow avoided them and was a clear winner at the end due to his steady aggression.