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Would Rocky Marciano win more than 5 Rounds against Mickey Walker?

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  • #11
    Yogi berra says:

    This fight? would be like De ja Vu all over again!

    "If people would not go to see this fight, you can't force them too."

    An apt analogy would be the time in the 80's when Billy Martin, always down for a bar fight, got into such a keerfufle with a Marshmellow salesman. Thats right! You cannot make this up. Billy could be Mickey: as he was smaller, but very well liquored up and ready to use that liquid courage. The Marshmellow salesman could be the rock...albeit a softer, "mellow" version. Fellow was also ready with that liquid conditioning.

    So we have predecent, what exactly happened? Well in those days the press scored these brew hahas and we are told the following:

    "After an altercation Martin decked the puff marshmellow fellow", with not much affect, but enough to cause commotion and to appear in the New York Tabloids the next day. And there you have it boys! Not exactly Tunney versus Jack D but hey... Those marshmellow salesmen have that hard fat, or...hard marshmellow filling as it is, and it appears that stay puff did not go down for the count.

