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  • #11
    Just a few more things on Motivation from UA!

    Believe passionately in this creed:
    The hotter the competition and the problems, the better!

    What to think when the going gets tough:
    Hang in there. Keep fighting. Things will turn my way. Come on, I can do this!

    What to think when faced with one obstacle after another:
    Bring em on, all of them! If anyone needs practice at solving problems, it's me!!

    What to think when you're tired, burned out, negative and weak before the game even starts:
    Today will be a great challenge for me. I've got to be super tough today to make it. If I can do it here & now, I can do it anywhere! I'm going to hang in there no matter what! No Excuses!

    Remember, somewhere out there someone is training for you!!!


    • #12
      You can't train properly without motivation.


      • #13
        i feel so warm and fuzzy now.....and motivated too for some reason!


        • #14
          if there was a being that was motivation, i would have crazy, sloppy *** with it.

          Actually... i think i just did....


          • #15
            was it good for you???


            • #16
              yes, thank you for asking


              • #17
                the ultimate motivation
                is watching someone who you can idolize as the epitimy of fitness and ability and just plain kicks ass....

                ie: watching silva or vitor belfort or any exciting fighting in their prime condition KOin ppl is the ultimate motivation to go out and hit the heavy bag for an hour then grapple for 3 hours and then lift weights for an hour

                then go home and shag the lady for 8 hours....



                • #18
                  I love all those little bits of Motivation.....

                  Very cool


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by seldomTap
                    "To get tougher, always focus your training on your weakest links. "

                    Truest words ever spoken
                    apart from " seldom tap takes it up the smack"


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by astroboy
                      the ultimate motivation
                      is watching someone who you can idolize as the epitimy of fitness and ability and just plain kicks ass....

                      ie: watching silva or vitor belfort or any exciting fighting in their prime condition KOin ppl is the ultimate motivation to go out and hit the heavy bag for an hour then grapple for 3 hours and then lift weights for an hour

                      then go home and shag the lady for 8 hours....

                      very true!

