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California Is Beginning to Enforce Transgender Studies to First Graders

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  • #41
    Originally posted by Szef View Post
    That's your interpretation of the Bible.

    The Bible teaches children the basic moral values every person should have like humility, respect to yourself and others, loyalty, honesty, equality, gratitude, hard work. It teaches you how to be a human being.

    If it wasn't for the Bible the Western civilization wouldn't be what it is now. It's literally the core of the world you know. They call it the greatest book ever written for a reason.

    What's funny is that I'm not even a religious person. But I recognise the influence this book had on me, you and the world around us.

    I once heard somebody call the Bible 'the handbook of life'. They were on point.
    My interpretation? Sure, whatever.

    The bible is a pile of shit. Most of the good stuff from modern civilization came from the Greeks.


    • #42
      Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
      Really, Genesis erks you just as much as someone teaching your kids that being the opposite sex is normal and ok?
      How is that relevant?

      If it irks me the same, if it irks me more or if it irks me less - it still needs to go.


      • #43
        Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
        It's indoctrination training. Get to their minds when they are young and impressionable and convince them this shyt is normal. Then, confuse the shyt out of them and try to convince them there is no such thing as gender. Some schools have already removed any reference to gender from their he or she, him or her. Colleges enforce gender neutral writing, use their, them, they in place of him, her, she, he, etc. Wait until you see what this world looks like in 15 years.
        But who is doing this, and why?

        Seems to be promoted in the media a lot, and the rest follow what media promotes.


        • #44
          Originally posted by Thraxox View Post
          Since when is 66 books of historical and universally verified manuscripts of historical and modern scholars became a work of fiction? Or did you not just not know that the bible is composed of 66 books of different authors that accurately recorded history just composed into one book?

          Because the moment you opened your mouth on what the bible is, is completely and utter Garbage.

          And also lol at Religion dying out in a generation. In China, in Korea, and In Japan and many other once pagan and atheistic majority society are turning into to Christianity by the rising numbers, and it is infact Atheism that would be on the losing ground.
          You sucked on religion's cock as a child, which is why you are so fucked up now.

          Actually, to be more accurate, it was shoved down your throat. Now you want to do that to the next generation of kids.

          Perhaps this is why so many religious people are pedophiles.

          You cling to the unbelievably stupid excuse that there are some historical accuracies in the bible, therefore they are historically accurate books. Yet you have been told, as every religious wingnut has, that many fictitious books are set in real world scenarios - and still remain works of fiction.

          You ignore this and keep repeating the same deceit.

          Here is the crux of the matter. Nothing of religious significance from the bible is true, not a single religiously significant thing happened. Not a single reference to god is true. Not a single miracle described is true. It is a book of fiction which happened to be set, like so many works of fiction, in the real world.
          Not just like so many other works of fiction though - let's be more specific - like so many other religious works of fiction.

          Also, let's be more honest. The bible isn't just a work of fiction, because fiction is honest enough to say that it isn't real. The bible is a book of lies. Every single religiously significant thing from the bible is a lie.

          I know you are a liar, and I know you will keep using the lie that the bible is some kind of historically accurate book to imply that the lies within it are truth.

          If you hadn't had it forced down your throat as a child, you wouldn't be so sick and perverted now that you want to do it to other children.

          Without indoctrination religion would be dead in a generation. This is why you twisted fucks won't leave children alone.


          • #45
            Don't know where all this has come from in recent years. There was a programme on the BBC a few weeks ago called 'No More Boys and Girls' which was billed as a social experiment involving a class of young kids being 're-educated' with this new 'gender neutral' mindset.
            FFS. Just let kids be kids. What happened to the idea of celebrating difference and accepting who we are? Why are we now trying to make everyone the same? I think the majority of boys like being boys and the majority of girls like being girls. Nothing wrong with that. We're living in an age now where the feelings of the few are more important than facts.


            • #46
              Both my kids go to a Catholic school yet we are neither Catholic or particularly religious

              They have to undertake some religious studies but the beliefs are not forced on them as far as I can tell

              It's more a case of "do unto others, etc" which is not a bad thing

              Both are good kids and it hasnt done them any harm plus it has forced my son to actually read up about the origins of life (fyi, he thinks that the immaculate conception is BS and believes in the big bang theory)

              In any event, it's a generally recognized that the vast majority of a child's social development comes from the home

              As for transgender studies - what horse****

              Kids know far more today than we did anyway and I can tell you that my son is far more aware of that stuff at 11 than I was at say 16

              As an example, we are going to Thailand next week and the subject of ladyboy shows came up

              My 7yo daughter asked what they were and my son replies "they're **** that dress up as girls and get weirdos to pay them"

              Not exactly PC but pretty much covers it
              Last edited by Tomjas; 08-26-2017, 08:44 PM.


              • #47
                Originally posted by Lomasexual View Post
                My interpretation? Sure, whatever.

                The bible is a pile of shit. Most of the good stuff from modern civilization came from the Greeks.
                Arguably the greeks have played a part in all this fruity **** as well. Them Thebans would love all this transgender ****.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by PF Rudyo View Post
                  Arguably the greeks have played a part in all this fruity **** as well. Them Thebans would love all this transgender ****.
                  Nobody's perfect.

                  I mean the word lesbian is derived form the greek island of Lesbos.

                  But I can't hold that against the greeks. In fact, going from my browser history, I'd have to give the greeks major kudos for giving us lesbians.

