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Ukraine takes aim against 'gay propaganda'

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  • #71
    Any kind of violence against gay people is unacceptable.

    Only bullies and scumbags resort to gay bashing.


    • #72
      Originally posted by Cigarillo View Post
      Just spit out my orange juice.

      What's more hilarious is that that's the only post you've made in this thread after Russian Crushin completely raped you with his argument.

      Typical dumbass burner.


      • #73
        Originally posted by UglyPug View Post
        I am a law student; a dean's list, with a 3.5 GPA 2L law student. I've gone back, and forth on what the constitution actually is, and how it should be interpreted. I used to take an organic position, and believe it is a "living document." Now I agree with Scalia - it is not a "living" document. I take the originalist position now. If you want to create a law to give gays the right to marry, do it through legislation like all other laws are enacted. Put it up to vote in each state. The constitution is not there to help create new amendments - it's there to make it harder for new amendments to get passed, and to prevent erosion of others. Freedom of religion, and religious expression is one of the main concepts USA was founded on, and for this to be infringed upon is unconstitutional.

        If a person founded a business, and receives no government subsidies, or support, they should have the right to be a religious institution if they want, and if part of their religion does not support ****sexuality, well then by all means THEY HAVE THE RIGHT to refuse service, and deny employment. This is a constitutionally protected right that cannot be infringed upon. It is there freedom of religious expression.

        An immutable characteristic means one that a person is born with, and cannot help. Unless there is evidence that irrefutably shows "being gay" is how you were born, and you can do nothing to change it, then I would agree it should be protected from discrimination.

        These are not BS reasons. I understand why you want to get angry, because you don't understand the issue here.

        Stop confusing special treatment, with being a legally protected classification. They may sound synonymous, but they are not.

        See, since you don't understand what the issue is, you try to make me the loser, and the bad guy by saying I hate gay people - not true at all. A gay person deserves the exact same protections of the law as anybody else. I just believe being gay is not the same as being a woman, or being black (nor do I think "the struggle" for rights (LOL for gays) is even REMOTELY comparable). . . so therefor I don't think they should be given protected status under the constitution the same way race, and sex are protected statuses under the constitution.
        No you dont understand, you said the constitution is there not to be changed, yet blacks are NOT considered 3/5 of a person and can now vote just like women? I cannot even think of a more ignorant statement then the one you made

        & stop with this Immutable characteristic crap. People should only have rights protected that they are "born" and "cannot" help? Well people arent born with religion are they, so why do you think that should be protected? hmmmmm

        And yes you do hate gays, so you just babble out ignorance and contradictions in an attempt to justify your hate(just look at the last 2 things i highlighted in your last paragraph) . You also made that clear in your final sentence.


        • #74
          Originally posted by Freedom. View Post
          Any kind of violence against gay people is unacceptable.

          Only bullies and scumbags resort to gay bashing.

          Couldn't agree more mate. . .


          • #75
            is gayness part of evolution?


            • #76
              Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
              No you dont understand, you said the constitution is there not to be changed, yet blacks are NOT considered 3/5 of a person and can now vote just like women? I cannot even think of a more ignorant statement then the one you made

              & stop with this Immutable characteristic crap. People should only have rights protected that they are "born" and "cannot" help? Well people arent born with religion are they, so why do you think that should be protected? hmmmmm

              And yes you do hate gays, so you just babble out ignorance and contradictions in an attempt to justify your hate(just look at the last 2 things i highlighted in your last paragraph) . You also made that clear in your final sentence.

              No, people were not born "religious," however, protection of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and religious freedom of expression is guaranteed in the constitution.

              The only thing I'm saying is that if a private company, that receives no government subsidies, should have the right not to hire somebody, or in the case I'm speaking about, photograph them, if they are gay. People have the right to express their religious beliefs through their business. I jsut don't think they should be FORCED to hire, or photograph somebody because they are gay. How the **** does that make me "hateful" towards gay people?

              There are some aspects of the constitution that need to be interpreted differently. It was already written in the constitution about blacks, and women, and their rights (or lack thereof) - it was simply interpreted differently to enact the amendments that then guaranteed them the franchise, and other rights. It was already in the constitution - we just didn't interpret it to mean that in the 1800's.

              We recognized that being black, and being a female (your race, and sex) are immutable characteristics, and things you cannot help (you were born that way). . . And like I said, no, religion is not an immutable characteristic; it is an entirely separate issue the constitution addresses, which is why people are entitled to that right. Making "being gay" a protected class, erodes this right, as we have seen many states do already. Sexual orientation is completely different from your race, or sex.

              I don't know how you get I hate gay people out of all this? It's just a cop out. . 1.) You don't understand the underlying legal issue I'm speaking of; 2.) You've been trained by operant conditioning, and whenever somebody questions how you think, you resort to reciting the manta: "ignorant, bigot, racist, ****phobe, nazi, etc."

              If you want to see gay people have the right to marry, or if you think they should have another right they are currently denied (I can't think of any), then you should call your congressman(woman), and fight for a bill to be itnroduced to grant them said rights. . . Lol, see, people think that the constitution guarantees people everything, which just isn't true; the constitution is not the place to turn if you want to see new laws made.

              I actually support gay marriage, and I intend to sign any petition, or vote yes or anything the state is trying to enact to give gays this right. As long as it does not infringe on the constitution, then I 100% support any bill that would pass laws to help gay people. . . Again, I AM A FRIEND OF THE GAYS. I support them 100%, and I love gay people.

              Finally: I don't think you're guilty of this, but I've seen others (Tim Horton, Bringer, etc.) who call people "phaggots" and say they are gay. . This perpetuates the hate, and bullying towards people who actually are gay. I still catch myself doing this, and I need to stop.
              Last edited by UglyPug; 10-12-2012, 10:51 PM.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Cigarillo View Post
                The Gay agenda being shoved down everyone's throat ( no pun attended) is unnecessary. I cant speak for the Ukraine but I can speak on what I see in America and its over the top.

                I don't give a shyt if your gay. More power to you but when they "come out the closet" and make a big deal about the shyt is when it gets annoying. You don't see straight people making a big deal about them being straight. We get it. They like ****. No need to push it on everyone else.
                You don't see straight guys make a big deal of being straight? Every time you call some "gay" you are making a big deal of being straight buddy. Every time you criticize someone for not acting like a straight guy, you are making a big deal of being straight.

                Every time you drool over fat girls you are making a big deal of being straight.


                • #78
                  Matter of fact, form here on out, I think anybody who uses the term "phaggot" or "****" or "gay" in an offensive manner, or as a derogatory slur towards somebody, whether they are gay or not, should be a ban-able offense.

                  It's just as offensive as dropping racial slurs. .

                  If we want to progress the treatment gays receive, and violence towards them (although it's very rare), and just general bullying - this is the one thing we all can easily stop doing. . .


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by NEETzsche View Post
                    by all accounts gays are more productive members of society than blacks. they have higher average iqs, higher income per capita, lower crime rates, and a greater proportional representation in the fields of science and art. so i agree, it is unfair to compare the two.
                    HAHAHAHAHA! This might be the funniest ownage I have seen all week.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Enayze View Post
                      Being gay is not a right, its a sickness, and I recognize it as such. Matter of fact until 200 years ago it was viewed as a temptation like alcoholism, or fornication that needed to be resisted. Stop being a self righteous prick, in addition other countries can take note of this.
                      Then why don't you get on criminalizing cancer, or aids, or heart disease since you are so anti-sickness.

