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Yesterday was the hottest day ever recorded

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  • #11
    There are some news about 4th July broke 3rd July's record.

    We can see back to back hotter days in the last days of July.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Offensive Wizardry View Post

      nobody can deny climate change.

      in its literal meaning.

      that the climate changes. that's what it does. what people are denying are the climate change that career politicians, hollywood actors, teenagers, and fake scientists are selling:

      that if tax payers dont ok trillions in taxes for using gasoline, the world will end in 12 years as AOC claimed, years ago.

      and recorded history is but a small sliver in the earth's cosmic calendar.

      there are more years that are UNRECORDED than RECORDED.

      do you think its hotter now than when the pangea broke up?
      do you think its hotter now than when the earth first formed?

      We should have been dead 50 years ago when democrats first told us we had a decade until we all melted. Every ten years some loon comes along to declare we have a decade of existence left unless we all give up our cars, switch to solar and electric. Al Gore, AOC. Last month was when Greta Thunberg predicted we'd all be dead. Climate change is cyclical, and the scientists who speak up about this are silenced and "debunked".


      • #13
        Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post

        We should have been dead 50 years ago when democrats first told us we had a decade until we all melted. Every ten years some loon comes along to declare we have a decade of existence left unless we all give up our cars, switch to solar and electric. Al Gore, AOC. Last month was when Greta Thunberg predicted we'd all be dead. Climate change is cyclical, and the scientists who speak up about this are silenced and "debunked".
        a quick google search about climate change/global warming predictions that have failed to come to pass would yield multiple results.

        we already saw how the ruling class shut down any dissenting talk about covid and the vaccine from maisntream media to social media sites. i still remember those physicians being shut down on youtube and other social media sites for talking about coivd and the vaccine in medical non conspiratorial terms.

        we saw those group of doctors whose reputations and livelihoods were destroyed for daring to have a differing opinion that didnt fit the mainstream narrative.

        and they shut down the economy and pick and choosed which businesses get to stay open during covid, which as we know now, is basically a souped up flu with very low fatality rates if you are a non octogenarian. they did that for covid.

        but somehow we have to play the long game with global warming/climate change and "win over hearts and minds" and Pass laws. i guess covid is deadlier than something that will end all human life 12 years from whenever AOC said we got 12 years left years ago.

