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Life philosophy

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  • Life philosophy

    To be alive is of really importance up to the age of (about) 40. But as years pass by, you start to question the meaning of life. You realize, you’ll be forgotten when (and long before that) your deathbed reach you. The next generation has taken command, and its agenda doesn’t include you.

    My advice to young people is, keep chasing for your goals in life. But be aware of, that it is the longing for those goals, and the attempts to fulfilling them, that make life worth living. Once they are achieved, you start questioning why you bothered so much to reach these goals.

    Whether you choose to go for your dreams or not, don’t forget to appreciate the little things in life you already got. It’ll make you happier. Relax, try to enjoy, and don’t take yourself too seriously. You’re just one individual among billions of others.