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Mayweather-Baldomir: Of Princes and Paupers.

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  • Mayweather-Baldomir: Of Princes and Paupers.

    The publicity machine is gathering steam behind Floyd Mayweather, Jr. in the form of mainstream television exposés and ****zine spreads assuring those uninitiated viewers that he stands at the pinnacle of our sport as the pound-for-pound champion. You won’t be hearing of another Mayweather assault charge for some time, and there’s even talk of him patching up the notorious feud with Floyd Senior. Why? Because if Mayweather is a champion in and out of the ring, he’ll make superstar money for himself and the spin doctors working to clean up his act.

    You’d be forgiven for thinking that Oscar de la Hoya fathered his first child with Millie Corretjer. And that **** charge thrown at him a few years ago disappeared in a hurry. In fact, to offset the successful reputation, designer suits and contagious smile, to truly feel the public’s wrath, the “Golden Boy” would have to be caught financing Al Qaeda. When your star shines bright enough, there isn’t much you can’t get away with. Mayweather will soon be enjoying the full benefits of P.R. preservation.

    But as these secret stratagems seek to illuminate Mayweather’s greatness and enrich his co-conspirators, we see that boxing is not without a sense of irony, as the next man to challenge Mayweather, and attempt to bring down the “Pretty Boy” empire, is Carlos Baldomir, or, the anti-Mayweather.

    They are opposites in every way. Where Mayweather was able to launch himself into the professional ranks through the Olympics, and waltz through multiple weight classes, having his pick of championships, Baldomir was not so fortunate. The Santa Fe native traveled the world, eking out a meager living as a professional fighter, and when that proved insufficient, he sold feather dusters in the streets to support his family.

    Mayweather’s public demeanor is loud and dynamic as he hails himself as the greatest boxer in the world; Baldomir is unassuming, humbly accepting of his place in the shadow of Argentine great Carlos Monzon, and grateful for his current success.

    On paper, it isn’t even a fight. Mayweather’s speed, vast array of skills, and talent for adaptation in the ring set him leagues ahead in class from Baldomir’s slow but sure persistence. But when they meet, the weight of expectation on each man will also differ; though this time, to Baldomir’s advantage. [details]

  • #2
    MAN they are really setting up an astonishing come from behind win for Baldomir.
    Story of the century.

