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Comments Thread For: Herring Antibody Test Suggests False Positive, Aims To Reschedule Oquendo Bout

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  • Comments Thread For: Herring Antibody Test Suggests False Positive, Aims To Reschedule Oquendo Bout

    Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. For the second time in a span of five weeks, a fighter has been removed from an ESPN-televised main event due to what amounts to a false positive on a COVID-19 test. Jamel Herring is the latest victim, as his planned 130-pound title defense versus Puerto Rico's Jonathan Oquendo on July 14 was scratched shortly before Monday's pre-fight weigh-in.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Maybe he got it again?


    • #3
      This Covid hoax is being exposed daily and we just need the rest of the sheeple to follow suit and follow the money and propaganda machine to the source...the synagogue of satan!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Squ□redCircle34 View Post
        This Covid hoax is being exposed daily and we just need the rest of the sheeple to follow suit and follow the money and propaganda machine to the source...the synagogue of satan!
        It's such a hoax that me and 4 of my friends are currently recovering from it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bballchump11 View Post
          It's such a hoax that me and 4 of my friends are currently recovering from it.
          Lol I mean the propaganda behind it!

          Don’t you remember the CDC saying it was airborne and that there was no cure or anyways to recover significantly from it and that you needed to wear masks then they changed their tune to that it’s not airborne, that there are ways to recover from it without a cure, and that you don’t need masks cuz it doesn’t really protect you unless you have N97!

          Just look up who’s making money off of this and you’ll find your answers!

          Yes the virus itself is real but Covid itself the propaganda isn’t!

          If it was as they say it was then you’d see the memorial section in the newspapers stacked high cuz of the reported deaths from this!

          I know of people who worked in hospitals and left cuz the hospital administration told them to report anyone with any sickness or have died that it was due to COVID-19!

          There are literally doctors getting killed for speaking out how the Governments are making business be mandated to shut down cuz of this even though virologists have said this is no more than an upgraded flu and if your not compromised then you’ll very likely survive or not get sick!

          I’m sorry that your sick(how do I know that you’re not lying and your not some bot being paid to say this) but there is holistic remedies to fight Covid 19, you have natural powerful antibodies that helps which is another thing the CDC actually omitted from the propaganda machine but it’s on their website health guidelines!

          Also go on the CDC website and check, they also said wearing masks for hours severely cuts off oxygen to the brain and blood vessels!

          If you’re a paid bot, fûçk off and if you’re just a scared person who was brainwashed then heed what I say and do proper research and have a willingness to think for yourself!


          • #6
            First off, has to be incredibly gutting for Herring to have this fight scrapped yet again.

            Another example that we don't really know all that much about the virus and how it interacts with our system.

            Also, it's challenge enough to get fight cards together. Unless something changes, I can't imagine how team sports with multi-game schedules will pull it off.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Squ□redCircle34 View Post
              Lol I mean the propaganda behind it!

              Don’t you remember the CDC saying it was airborne and that there was no cure or anyways to recover significantly from it and that you needed to wear masks then they changed their tune to that it’s not airborne, that there are ways to recover from it without a cure, and that you don’t need masks cuz it doesn’t really protect you unless you have N97!

              Just look up who’s making money off of this and you’ll find your answers!

              Yes the virus itself is real but Covid itself the propaganda isn’t!

              If it was as they say it was then you’d see the memorial section in the newspapers stacked high cuz of the reported deaths from this!

              I know of people who worked in hospitals and left cuz the hospital administration told them to report anyone with any sickness or have died that it was due to COVID-19!

              There are literally doctors getting killed for speaking out how the Governments are making business be mandated to shut down cuz of this even though virologists have said this is no more than an upgraded flu and if your not compromised then you’ll very likely survive or not get sick!

              I’m sorry that your sick(how do I know that you’re not lying and your not some bot being paid to say this) but there is holistic remedies to fight Covid 19, you have natural powerful antibodies that helps which is another thing the CDC actually omitted from the propaganda machine but it’s on their website health guidelines!

              Also go on the CDC website and check, they also said wearing masks for hours severely cuts off oxygen to the brain and blood vessels!

              If you’re a paid bot, fûçk off and if you’re just a scared person who was brainwashed then heed what I say and do proper research and have a willingness to think for yourself!
              I'm not a paid bot. I was going through hell Thursday and Friday last week. I'm much better today though despite me not being able to smell ****.

              And the government screwed up big time with the mask guidelines early on.


              • #8
                Squ□redCircle34, just shut up. You know nobody payed be for these words as they are too unsophisticated so just eat them quietly.

                As for the bout, I was looking into it after Herring said he will show how he dealt with virus in only few weeks.

                Some information about SARS-Cov 2:
                - some people don't develop antibodies. Those who had hidden form of disease or cured with light consequences could not have enough time to develop strong (or at all) antibodies.
                - some people show false-positives after MONTHS after curing out of it. It's dead particles of virus RNK which coould have been left in fat or other cells deep inside for some time.

                Now with all information I know about virus I STILL couldn't clearly figure out how doctors decided it was false-positive by antibody tests. It could be Herring didn't cure himself enough or it could be died parts of virus but HOW can you know that judging by Antibodies test considering of what I wrote above is a mystery for me.

                Good luck to Herring anyways.
                Last edited by Ajvar; 07-13-2020, 09:01 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bballchump11 View Post
                  It's such a hoax that me and 4 of my friends are currently recovering from it.
                  Did you get really sick ?


                  • #10
                    another false-positive LMAO

                    most countries returned all of those fake testing kits from China

                    Spain even returned the replacement kits, because they were also faulty

                    the USA received the most testing kits... but returned the least

                    did they order replacement kits... if so, how many did they return?

                    is there anything about corona that has not been proven fake...???

                    when corona first hit, public hospitals killed a LOT of people by sedating them and shoving them on ventilators...

                    ... how many of those people were perfectly healthy... ???
                    Last edited by aboutfkntime; 07-13-2020, 09:27 PM.

