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Comments Thread For: Fenech Fears Mike Tyson Would Seriously Hurt Williams or Gallen

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  • Comments Thread For: Fenech Fears Mike Tyson Would Seriously Hurt Williams or Gallen

    Jeff Fenech, who at one time was the trainer of former undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, believes the boxer would seriously hurt Sonny Bill Williams or Paul Gallen. On Wednesday, Australian promoter Brian Amatruda placed $1 million on the table to get Tyson to Australia for an exhibition fight against Williams, Paul Gallen or Barry Hall. There are now reports that the offer may have been upped to $3 million.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Someone should tell Fenech it's an exhibition. He can uncover his eyes.


    • #3

      Fifteen years ago he was destroyed by kevin mc bride


      • #4
        Sonny Bill Williams was clumped around plenty by David Tua. That's got to be at least as dangerous as 53 year old Mike. I think Mike looked great hitting the pads, but the fiction that's now grown around it is pure cringe.


        • #5
          People are now getting carried away, I think because he is loved in most boxing circle, Tyson gets this cult hero following from fans to boxers to celebrity to trainers. But the fact is, he his 53 years old, he is an ex-pro trying to get fitter, he should be ok for exhibitions but anything else is just silly.


          • #6
            I loved fenech as a fighter and champion, but he makes a tiring cheerleader


            • #7
              Too risky for both his health and that of the other



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