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Why is there so much hate on NSB for GGG?

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  • Originally posted by DreamFighter View Post
    maybe GGG will acheive what Canelo has done though, who are we to judge when hes not finished his career yet.
    Ggg can never achieve what canelo has done.... EVER. You can bet the house on that


    • You're imagining things. 97G is irrelevant at this point. A washed up middleweight whose best win is Jacobs isn't good enough to have haters.


      • Originally posted by Floyd is TBE View Post
        You're imagining things. 97G is irrelevant at this point. A washed up middleweight whose best win is Jacobs isn't good enough to have haters.
        they confuse facts with hatred... perfect example with what you wrote. His best win is Jacobs and they’ll say your hating doe that... but it’s the truth! 😂


        • Originally posted by Floyd is TBE View Post
          You're imagining things. 97G is irrelevant at this point. A washed up middleweight whose best win is Jacobs isn't good enough to have haters.
          Lot's of MW's would like to call Jacobs their "best win", since he was ranked the third best MW for years.


          • I never liked the guy and I don't even know how the hate, which is comical, started. If he said he'll take on guys at 154 - 168 so what? What's the huge deal? Did anybody take the challenge? Not one did. It took 2 years for Ward to make noise, but then it's too late already.


            • Posts like this when his biggest win was Lemieux is the reason why. There was so many idiots saying nonsense like this, it was ridiculous.

              Originally posted by Madison boxing View Post
              Im struggling to think of one who i would pick against him with any confidence. Hagler would be pretty much 50/50 i think, but only way i could clearly see him losing is against a bigger man at a higher weight.
              The guy has left a trail of destruction in the middleweight division that hasnt been seen before, greatness is happening in front of our eyes, fighters are running for cover to avoid fighting him, and all you guys can do is ***** and moan!!! Its pathetic!!!!
              And if you are going to say someone can beat him, please provide a good explanation rather than just talking crap, looking for intelligent boxing discussion...
              Originally posted by Madison boxing View Post
              yeah i'd favour GGG against them all. Hagler and jones jr would be tough fights but think he could edge it against hagler and he'd crack jones jrs chin at some point. As for people saying hopkins would beat him, jesus christ do me a favour, guy lost to jermain taylor twice
              Last edited by Robbie Barrett; 02-09-2020, 04:33 PM.


              • Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                Everyone knows he’s a hypocrite. He keeps saying ggg won yet can’t collect her money??? If Jacobs gave ggg problems Ward would of given him NIGHTMARES
                Lol Ward and Jacobs are way different styles...Ward may well have beat GGG in a fair fight...who knows really...but Sullivan Barrera gave Ward imho more problems than Danny gave you could go either way with logic like that.

                Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                8-4 both fights??? Your not even consistent in what your looking for??? Ohhh Your looking at GGG's Dic maybe and how bad you want to flopp down on it.
                I just score fights/rounds how they happen...I don't have my card filled out beforehand..try it sometime...unfortunately I'm close to having to block you on here man...your responses are very childish and kind of disgusting.

                Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                What was Vanes ranked at???

                How about Rolls?? Also where of ALL the names they find him???

                What is Simon Sesmeta ranked?? Another guy I have to google. This sht is PATHETIC.

                And who was that guy that was in house arrest?? I remember seeing him training at the YMCA with only one glove....
                Originally posted by ThatDude44 View Post
                Loma is the truth. GGG is a hype train that fought bum after bum and his fans and media would be ok with it and hold him to standard they hold other fighters to. The man passed up on Dervyenchenko for Vanes and his fans and media were ok with it and made excuses. Think of other fighters that fight that level of opponent and the heat they get for it. Beeg thrama show!
                Lol...I hope you're not Canelo fans...the only reason why GGG was put in the position to face Vanes (and Vanes was always a decent fight anyway; no issue as a late replacement) is because Canelo popped for getting on GGG for that whole situation is a 100% a great example of people looking very biased with their criticism of GGG.

                Originally posted by Curt Henning View Post
                im white....i dont like golovkin...yet i dont display the same disdain for guys like loma and kovalev...usyk etc....because i have respect for them.....i may throw a dig at them here and there(because im a ward fan...a wilder fan also and fans of those guys will disparage those guys) but its rare....

                if people had respect for guys like ward and floyd...i probably wouldnt even bat an eye about golovkin and his career and how much of a hype job i believe it is/was.....but golovkin fans go around giving nobody any respect...floyd, ward, canelo etc.....

                the sad part is they do this and then cry "why doesnt anyone respect golovkin"...its so friggin sad and pathetic....then they cry hate and racism or whatever they want to cry when its them who starts the cycle of hate....

                golovkin was always fun to watch.....if you see someone hating on loma its probably because his fans have **** talked on any and every fighter that does, or has, fought around his weight class.....guys like golovkin and loma would be enjoyed and left to be if it werent for insecure fgts feeling the need to put down other fighters by using their mancrushes to do so...
                Originally posted by Shadoww702 View Post
                Wow!!! GREAT post. I couldn’t of said it better. Don’t forget he chose Rolls out of a phone book when Andrade and Lara said pick me!

                Now it’s some guy name Simon Says Sesmeta
                Originally posted by Robi13 View Post
                I used to like ggg, until they started calling him the greatest middleweight of all time. 😂
                Originally posted by Robi13 View Post
                You nailed it
                Honestly, thanks for admitting that your 'hate' of GGG is not based on logic, but rather on emotion...and for admitting that you only really hate on him because you are upset that some of his fans hated on your childish lol.

                Originally posted by Monzon99 View Post
                Because Golovkin is one of the greatest fighters of all time. And the vast majority of non white boxing fans cannot embrace and accept excellent great white champions.

                White fans love and admire all great boxers of any color but sadly the favor is not returned.
                Pretty accurate imo


                • Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
                  Posts like this when his biggest win was Lemieux is the reason why. There was so many idiots saying nonsense like this, it was ridiculous.
                  Hagler went 15 rounds with Duran in basically a draw...was schooled 8-4 by an inactive SRL...he lost twice to nobodies earlier in his career...he also would probably be fighting at 154 if he were to fight today.

                  Point is to say that GGG has a lot of great parts to his career, and then legit things you can get on him for as well...and then there are some like you who feel compelled to go way overboard in criticism of him.

                  Dude was an ATG MW...great am career and a great pro career...exactly where he falls all-time at MW is up for debate, but he is certainly in the discussion.

                  Lemieux Jacobs Murray and SD and even Brook would be his top 5 official wins...not bad at all beat prime versions of those guys...4 of them at their best weight.

                  And if people want to say the SD fight was a fortunate win (thought it was a very close fight, edged to GGG), then they should give GGG his wins over it could go both ways really.


                  • Originally posted by maguirre View Post
                    I never liked the guy and I don't even know how the hate, which is comical, started. If he said he'll take on guys at 154 - 168 so what? What's the huge deal? Did anybody take the challenge? Not one did. It took 2 years for Ward to make noise, but then it's too late already.
                    Good post...I like GGG but I think a big part of why I seem to 'defend' him so much on here, is that a lot of the flack he gets is so crazy lol.

                    If some fighter at 147 said 'I'll face anyone at 154'...I mean how is that even a remarkable comment lol...people say stuff like that all the time.

                    As I've said before...there is valid stuff to get on GGG for, just like any fighter...he never moved up (though some guys don't, Hagler didn't for example)...he could have dominated more vs Jacobs Canelo Canelo or SD...etc etc...I wish people would get on him for the more valid stuff so we wouldn't have to have these silly conversations so often.


                    • Originally posted by Floyd is TBE View Post
                      You're imagining things. 97G is irrelevant at this point. A washed up middleweight whose best win is Jacobs isn't good enough to have haters.
                      Originally posted by Robi13 View Post
                      they confuse facts with hatred... perfect example with what you wrote. His best win is Jacobs and they’ll say your hating doe that... but it’s the truth! 😂
                      Beating a prime guy very good fighter on even terms at his best weight is a great win...but Floyd wouldn't know a ton about that really so I wouldn't expect a clown with the name 'Floyd is TBE' to be objective about too much lol

                      His best win was Canelo...twice lol...and a prime Canelo at 160...not a baby Canelo weight drained

                      How can you call yourself a man btw with the name 'Floyd is TBE'...and call yourself a man by saying you're not a hater when you call him're a child lol.

