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VADA: Tom Loeffler’s tweets regarding Golovkin/Alvarez testing are not correct

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  • #61
    Anyone figured out why NSAC scheduled post fight testing and then canceled it yet? Still can't figure that one.

    Why schedule it at all if it wasn't thought necessary? And if the NSAC did deem it necessary then why cancel it?

    Loeffler's handling of this situation was extremely unprofessional and he's rightly taking flak for it, but what has been confirmed is that there was a request for a test and it was canceled - so what's that all about?
    Last edited by Citizen Koba; 11-22-2018, 08:27 AM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by JRB123 View Post

      He didn't want to accept the loss on Golovkin's record so this was what he tried to pull. Even Abel Sanchez said that Golovkin lost straight up and as mentioned here in this thread that is the last person that people would expect to admit it.

      “I scored the fight even. I thought that the 12th round was the pivotal round. I said to Golovkin in the corner that I thought we were behind in about the 8th or 9th, and I told him I needed the rounds at the end. I thought it was even, but you know what? Canelo won, and that’s what’s important.”
      Funny thing is I keep seeing folk saying that Sanchez said Golovkin lost and I still can't find an actual quote of him flat out saying that - he kinda skirts around it using ambiguous phrasing... though I have been told there is one in Spanish.

      Thing is, I don't actually have issue if Sanchez (or anyone else for that matter) did see Canelo winning - it's the weirdos trying to claim that the only legitimate score is one that had Canelo winning. What we're actually seeing is a wave of revisionism attempting to turn the closely contested fight into an unarguable victory for one guy or the other... though TBF that happens in every closely contested fight between popular fighters
      Last edited by Citizen Koba; 11-22-2018, 08:43 AM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
        The problem here was not Loeffler having su****ions, you can have your su****ions. The problem was Loeffler accusing VADA apparently without even contacting them first to ask them to clarify what happened. He went straight to reporters to name and shame them only to walk back what he said when they responded. That's what you call an emotional little b.
        Spot on bro. Loeffler closing this year with one last L.


        • #64
          Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
          They're not talking about it, but Sanchez already gave his take on that. He pretty much threw GGG under the bus with his performance, said that's not how he wanted to him fight, he didn't follow the gameplan.

          Abel may not be the greatest trainer ever, but he knows a few things...specifically this:



          • #65
            Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
            The problem here was not Loeffler having su****ions, you can have your su****ions. The problem was Loeffler accusing VADA apparently without even contacting them first to ask them to clarify what happened. He went straight to reporters to name and shame them only to walk back what he said when they responded. That's what you call an emotional little b.
            Spot on. GGG needs to lose this female acting emotional biatch.


            • #66
              Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
              The problem here was not Loeffler having su****ions, you can have your su****ions. The problem was Loeffler accusing VADA apparently without even contacting them first to ask them to clarify what happened. He went straight to reporters to name and shame them only to walk back what he said when they responded. That's what you call an emotional little b.
              Hold it what Loeffler said was correct.
              VADA did contact him. True
              They asked to schedule a test. True
              He did tell them to test Canelo. True
              The test was canceled. True
              He didn't get an explanation why. True.
              VADA did cancel the test. True. Whether some one else told them to drop the test is immaterial. They cancelled it.


              • #67
                Originally posted by -Kev- View Post
                They're not talking about it, but Sanchez already gave his take on that. He pretty much threw GGG under the bus with his performance, said that's not how he wanted to him fight, he didn't follow the gameplan.

                Sanchez told GGG to his face in the 8th round he's losing the fight AFTER he panicked yelling at him almost every round because he refused to do follow his instructions or the game plan. When the fight ended and GGG was too busy being a sore loser running out the ring and refusing to talk Sanchez stayed and did a million different interviews saying GGG didn't win the fight and throwing GGG under the bus.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Motorcity Cobra View Post

                  This is ***** like lie. lol Loeffler thinks we are all ****** and can't read what he first tweeted that started this nonsense. He got caught red handed lying his azzz of making up accusations that VADA is trying to hide dirty tests from canelo. Then VADA took his pants off and spanked him for the world to see and made him walk it back. But saying I never discredited VADA is a lie.

                  Last edited by bigdunny1; 11-23-2018, 11:30 AM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bjl12 View Post
                    Lmfaoooooo the GGgoonies never cease to amaze me. This some straight ***** shit here...

                    Anyhow glad the regular logical folks and some bandwagon casuals are finally waking up after me and Robbie been pointing this trash out for y e a r s
                    WTF? For just posting that a 3rd fight probably won't happen?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by TonyGe View Post
                      I disagree the Vada 365 isn't more stringent than the program Golovkin signed up for. The duration is longer and in Canelo's position he should have been forced to participate it should be not have been an option. As it was he dragged his feet signing up for it, Golovkin had no reason to sign for the more advanced testing he passed all his tests. Canelo didnt. Canelo pretty much had to sign up because of public pressure and to restore his reputation. So he's no saint.. Far from it. He screwed up a huge fight threw Golovkin's plans into disarray, People who scheduled vacation time etc to see the fight got screwed the casinos lost money because Canelo wasnt responsible enough to pass his required tests. .
                      Here we have the epitome of denial, this Idiot is presented with facts and decides to brush them of just to fit his agenda. The article mentions how Canelo's most Stringent enroll testing, is the most and best option. This ïnbecïl decides that no his reasoning is more imperative and correct than Vada's statement. What a moron! SMH

