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Comments Thread For: Top Rated Prospect is Shot During Robbery in South Africa

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  • #11
    NEVER! America isn't perfect but atleast you can own a gun and drop an body if somebody breaks into your home.


    • #12
      Originally posted by MisanthropicNY View Post
      Lol I knew there would be a "blame the White man" post. This is why this keeps happening - Libtards who take no responsibility and want socialism and defend ****hole cultures.

      What about all of the African countries... does the White man have all the wealth in Nigeria too? You got a few mofos living like King Joffe while the rest starve. You need CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM and end those ****ty military-run states.
      Those military states are lead by puppets that are being paid by European countries.


      • #13
        Originally posted by MisanthropicNY View Post
        Lol I knew there would be a "blame the White man" post. This is why this keeps happening - Libtards who take no responsibility and want socialism and defend ****hole cultures.

        What about all of the African countries... does the White man have all the wealth in Nigeria too? You got a few mofos living like King Joffe while the rest starve. You need CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM and end those ****ty military-run states.
        international monetary fund, the world bank, world health organization, the clintons, the debeers, the oppenheimers, the rothschilds, the dutch, french, portugese, british, "americans",spanish the entire eu, benefit from the collusion of the puppets they install through debt aid percentages that re-enslave the nations wealth and enforce those regulations through africom and other Proxy organizations and corporations that loot and siphon the resources from these lands.

        funny i'm readin' a book by norman davies called: europe... a history. very indepth about yalls origins and customs and behavioral traits. interestin'..


        • #14
          South Africa is a shiathole


          • #15
            Originally posted by BlackSoul View Post
            international monetary fund, the world bank, world health organization, the clintons, the debeers, the oppenheimers, the rothschilds, the dutch, french, portugese, british, "americans",spanish the entire eu, benefit from the collusion of the puppets they install through debt aid percentages that re-enslave the nations wealth and enforce those regulations through africom and other Proxy organizations and corporations that loot and siphon the resources from these lands.

            funny i'm readin' a book by norman davies called: europe... a history. very indepth about yalls origins and customs and behavioral traits. interestin'..
            That's not a White conspiracy though. That's a ***ish-Zionist conspiracy, and I agree with it. There's clearly a ***ish Supremacy movement and Davies does expose that. For example, in the U.S., ***s are about 2% of the population but are overwhelmingly represented in every area - government, the Supreme Court, the media, banking, etc. No one has the guts to challenge that group out of fear of retaliation, including being called "anti-semitic." ***s give each other the positions in power and the money jobs while they push movements to divide all of the other groups by race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Hell, even Tyson Fury got targeted by the ***ish mafia.


            • #16
              "shot in the leg"..

              he'll be fine.


              • #17
                Originally posted by MisanthropicNY View Post
                That's not a White conspiracy though. That's a ***ish-Zionist conspiracy, and I agree with it. There's clearly a ***ish Supremacy movement and Davies does expose that. For example, in the U.S., ***s are about 2% of the population but are overwhelmingly represented in every area - government, the Supreme Court, the media, banking, etc. No one has the guts to challenge that group out of fear of retaliation, including being called "anti-semitic." ***s give each other the positions in power and the money jobs while they push movements to divide all of the other groups by race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Hell, even Tyson Fury got targeted by the ***ish mafia.
                "***s" is a false heritage they're not connected to those people. they are a particular ethnic group which descends from a general white population that invaded into europe and spread down into the so-called mediterranean. the ashke****, sephardic nor the khazars are of are a particular blend of whites that come from the central asian plains like the rest of whites who invaded into the place we now call "europe"(it wasnt called that before they came into that place in western peninsula)
                ethnic place and racial place is two different thangs.
                "***s" is STILL "white". hell most "whites" in "america" are not "nordic" white bc they have an admixture in their veins thats why they dont look norwegian etc but my point is yall are the same no differences. the oppenheimers, debeers, rothschilds, etc those "families" they aint "***ish" except for a few most are NOT.


                • #18
                  wish him a speedy recovery,this crime rate has to be curbed somehow in south africa

