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Can Team Canelo fix his stamina issues?

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  • #31
    Canelo can improve his stamina but no matter what he does Canelo will never be known for having great stamina. His gas tank will always be a flaw in his game. You can't have it all.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Boxfan83 View Post
      If so, how?
      Hiring Memo Herida or Alex Ariza


      • #33
        He's 27 years old, been fighting professionally for practically half his life and at a high level for years. I'd say his stamina is what it is and probably isn't getting any better.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Red_Menace View Post
          Just get him to jab more and stop throwing every punch with the intentions to kill. Could throw more jabs and straight rights and hooks that are just fast, but not loaded up.
          took the words right out of my mouth.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Luilun View Post
            Hiring Memo Herida or Alex Ariza
            ariza is a bad choice. he didnt even monitor floyd for the pac fight had floyd so dehydrated that he almost die. needed 750 mL of IV. with canelo's size, i dont think this is safe.


            • #36
              Originally posted by harwri008 View Post
              Sprints actually work better than distance in some cases. A lot people can go long distance but they only do it at a pace that don't tax their cardio enough. Sprinting will get your hear rate to where it needs to be fast and because you're going at about 90% you don't need to do it for long periods.

              Canelo won't necessary fix his stamina issues but if he incorporate more high intensity cardio workouts it might get his body used to being in that state where he won't need to take those breaks.

              I think it's mental with Canelo. He feels tired so decides to conserve his energy by taking breaks. It works for him to a certain extent. However, in some fights he'll need to fight for longer periods per round.
              I've heard this same thing about sprinting before but honestly I disagree. I think incorporating sprints and intervals does wonders but mentally Canelo would be better prepared running consistently for longer time or distance. I've seen him doing sprints a lot in videos. Obviously I don't know his whole regimen though.

              I think it really comes down to knowing your own body. Maybe the sprints have helped him in the past and thats why he does it? Personally sprints do **** all for my stamina. Running and swimming distance help but I'm no world class athlete either lol


              • #37
                Originally posted by atom-ictortilla View Post
                I've heard this same thing about sprinting before but honestly I disagree. I think incorporating sprints and intervals does wonders but mentally Canelo would be better prepared running consistently for longer time or distance. I've seen him doing sprints a lot in videos. Obviously I don't know his whole regimen though.

                I think it really comes down to knowing your own body. Maybe the sprints have helped him in the past and thats why he does it? Personally sprints do **** all for my stamina. Running and swimming distance help but I'm no world class athlete either lol
                Well it also depends on how far you're sprinting. Doing 100m sprints would help some but I've done varied sets of 800s, 400s, and 200s with breaks in between. When I went back to doing distance I shaved 2-3 minutes off my per mile average. I'm no athlete either but it worked for me.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by atom-ictortilla View Post
                  I've heard this same thing about sprinting before but honestly I disagree. I think incorporating sprints and intervals does wonders but mentally Canelo would be better prepared running consistently for longer time or distance. I've seen him doing sprints a lot in videos. Obviously I don't know his whole regimen though.

                  I think it really comes down to knowing your own body. Maybe the sprints have helped him in the past and thats why he does it? Personally sprints do **** all for my stamina. Running and swimming distance help but I'm no world class athlete either lol
                  Yeah he needs to swim or train in high elevation. To be honest Canelo needs to go back and look at tape, had he at least had the stamina for 1 or 2 rds, he wouldve won the fight. That should be motivation enough. I know its easier said than done of course, but Canelo can do it, hes young.


                  • #39
                    Canelo stamina is just genetically bad due to a series of factors.
                    He already have reach his maximum capability, and obviously is not enough for an high intnsity endurance sport like boxing


                    • #40
                      If Golovkin is in the ring with him, then no, it can't be fixed because Golovkin's relentless, nonstop pressure will always force Canelo Alvarez to become tired due to constantly reacting to the pressure. That is unless Golovkin heavily declines.

                      Canelo Alvarez's stamina was depleted due to Golovkin's pressure more than just having bad stamina himself. One can have all the stamina in the world, but if they are constantly being chased around the ring by someone who is as fearful of a puncher as Golovkin is, then even the most energetic individuals could be drained. Pressure breaks pipe and enough pressure breaks even durable pipes. Similar thing here. Enough pressure by Golovkin can make even the best conditioned boxers depleted in energy.

                      Put Canelo Alvarez in the ring against somebody who doesn't apply pressure the way Golovkin does, then you'll probably find that Canelo Alvarez doesn't get anywhere near as tired as he did against Golovkin.

