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Comments Thread For: De La Hoya Discusses Donald *****, Canelo vs. Golovkin

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  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vegemil View Post
    De La Hoya has to get off of *****'s nuts. He's looking real fishnets again.

    Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
    Shut the **** up punk! He's speaking on behalf of Mexicans! If you ain't Mexican then mind your own business! If you got a problem with Mexican's then you a straight b itch cause no doubt in my mind you dont have the balls to stand up to a Mexican you punk ass coward!
    Yeah the tired old Oscar b.s. is bad enough without this wacko crapola.


    • Quote:
      Originally Posted by daggum View Post
      who is a far left ******* though? maybe antifa but certainly no one in the ********ic party. they are a center right party. we have a far right and a less right party here. just look at the immigration issue. reagan was to the left of both parties. *****care was a right wing plan in the 90s now its a radical ******* plan lmao. we have continually gone to the right for 40 years policy wise while calling everything equal.

      Originally posted by Mr.Fantastic View Post
      Can you provide me with links please? Interesting if true.

      Yea what I mean by far left is Antifa, ***, people that want to silence you because they don't agree with your opinion types.
      You mean to say you actually aren't aware the ACA was Romney's plan for his state when he was guv there? Thought everyone knew that. Not like it hasn't been repeated over and over out the wazoo. Sometimes I wonder if anyone on the repub side pays attention to anything besides faux noise, info wars, breitbart et al.


      • oscar should rather talk about how it feels like to wear fishnet


        • Quote:
          Originally Posted by daggum View Post
          what are you supposed to do when he says and does ****** things? he just tried to strip 25 million people of health care in order to give rich people tax cuts. just because he failed doesnt mean he didnt try. he just put 800k people up for deportation when they are model people who work and contribute to the economy with no criminal record. only difference is they didnt happen to be born here but have spent almost all their life here. 800k jobs lost, 100k homes lost, families separated and hurt. does this damage to our economy and reputation help in any way besides making his dwindling fanbase happy?

          Originally posted by b d w View Post
          Yeah coz O'dummy Care is working SO WELL right now with insurers pulling out left, right and centre and ordinary hardworking people's premiums sky rocketing.
          Geez you Dumpiots are lame upstairs. Your party wants to kill the ACA, without ANY debate, instead of removing their heads from their azziz and tweaking it.... make it more like Single Payer... which BTW it would have been had the repubs not pizzed, moaned, whined, loaded their drawers, until the finished product was nothing like its original intention. What the dems should've done was told the repubs to pizzoff and kept it like it was originally intended to be.

          And BTW, you actually compare a healthcare plan needing some tweaks with a jurr-cough who had Rooskies in the WH with only Rooskie media, no U.S. media allowed, AND he leaked sensitive intel to them while they were there. And that's just ONE example of his ignorance. SMDH


          • Originally posted by John Barron View Post
            for the Mexican posters: what would happen to me if i cross the border to Mexico without papers and demand free **** from the government?

            the US doesn't have a problem with Mexicans coming here legally, so stop acting like entitled c*nts by conflating legal immigration with illegal immigration. we have laws too.

            it's slap in the face really because Mexico enforces one of the strictest immigration laws in the world. Mexico routinely treat South Americans like dirt on their southern border but we don't hear any moral grandstanding about that because Mexican-Americans like fishnet f*ggot over here only want open borders between the US and Mexico.
            I knew there would be some DAs on here with this subject, but wow man you sure set a new record. The Dreamers are upstanding citizens, students etc, or working, no threat or cost to society WHATSOEVER. Educate yourself before you go off with pinning that favorite word of yours 'entitlement' when you don't have a clue WTF you're talking about...


            • Originally posted by spn1025 View Post
              Sure thing Oscar. How many of these illegal invaders/parasites are you going to open your doors to and allow to stay in your multi-million dollar mansion?
              Educate your DA self before you talk about something you're obviously clueless about. No criminals amongst those 800K Dreamers. They're at university or working contributing members of society, yet you're just too ****** to even READ about them.



              • Originally posted by Leonis View Post
                ***** KOs both Hillary and ***** in the same night
                The ignorance is deep here tonite. Geez bubba, what a DA you are.


                • Originally posted by spn1025 View Post
                  **** off, parasite.
                  My wife is in immigrant. Took a year before she could come here, another 2 years for citizenship, and about $1800 in fees for the visa/citizenship paperwork. Had I went with an immigration lawyer, it would have been $10k.

                  If these parasites get a free pass (amnesty), then I want a refund of the fees I had to pay.

                  And don't be calling me lazy, gruber. I'm working a full time job in IT plus a part time weekend job to pay the taxes for your welfare.
                  Obviously your DA knows absolutely zero about these Dreamers.


                  • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
                    I got your momma sucking on my **** while your sister licks my balls fa ggot!
                    Huh? You make no sense, I said to come on wif it. You probably one of those weird transgender Cali keeps producing


                    • Quote:
                      Originally Posted by Thunderous1 View Post
                      Most not all but most of the people who hate ***** are the real racists, not to mention completely controlled like puppets and wouldn't know right from wrong if it punched them in the face. The people that come out publicly and bash ***** are cowards, they bash him because they know it's socially accepted to bash him , they wouldn't dare come out and speak the truth because they don't have the balls. What cowards .

                      Originally posted by bigjer88 View Post
                      What I find most amusing is when ***** supporters characterize ******** as sheep while those same supporters simply echo *****'s various talking points (whether about immigration, "fake news," locking Hilary up, etc.).

                      I, for one, don't oppose ***** because it's the "in" thing to do: there are so many better reasons than that. For starters, he has shown very little regard for or understanding of basic constitutional principles, such as those arising from the First *********. The media is far from flawless, but to repeatedly attack those who create or publish articles that are critical of him as "fake news" shows a profound contempt not only for freedom of the press, but also for informed discussion.

                      The leader of the free world should be better than that.
                      Yep. One of the first things hitl er did was attack the media when it reported on his b.s. Yet try to convince the hardcore Dumpiot the direction Dump is trying to take things.

