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How is Mayweather looking 20 days out? (Picture)

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  • #41
    Floyd obviously on the PEDs again, hope he uses them to get a nice KO win over McGregor.

    It's hilarious to see a couple of his fanboys defending him so hypocritically.

    Cmon Floyd, get that KO. Beat the piss out of this pretender.


    • #42
      Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
      Travestyny destroyed your argument and you. Why are you still talking that crap.

      He destroyed NOTHING!

      Why did Floyd need an IV?
      You believe Floyd when he said its because he gave blood 10 days before? Urinated 4-5 days before? Because his last days before the fight he admitted that he was "just relaxing"?

      1) IVs are BANNED!!!
      2) Floyd used banned IVs!!!
      3) Floyd delayed the urine testing samples 6+ hours!
      4) Floyd did NOT require an IV .... his vital signs were good, drank like a fish, weighed relatively the same for 30 days .... heck, Floyd says for a decade(weighed the same) and made weight EASILY!


      • #43
        Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
        He destroyed NOTHING!

        Why did Floyd need an IV?
        You believe Floyd when he said its because he gave blood 10 days before? Urinated 4-5 days before? Because his last days before the fight he admitted that he was "just relaxing"?

        1) IVs are BANNED!!!
        2) Floyd used banned IVs!!!
        3) Floyd delayed the urine testing samples 6+ hours!
        4) Floyd did NOT require an IV .... his vital signs were good, drank like a fish, weighed relatively the same for 30 days .... heck, Floyd says for a decade(weighed the same) and made weight EASILY!
        Go ask the medical personnel that examined him and the independent panel of doctors that gave him a TUE.
        Impossible for you or anyone else that wasn't there to know, a ****** question really.

        Travestny destroyed every argument you had. But you just go around repeating the same **** trying to fool everyone else.
        Last edited by Robbie Barrett; 08-07-2017, 01:45 AM.


        • #44
          Originally posted by Beercules View Post
          You're reaching and its clear you can't accept the possibility of Floyd using a drug to increase performance levels.

          I admitted Manny has likely used juice. I still think he is a fantastic fighter and an ATG.

          Floyd has gyno clearly but it offends you. Very weird.
          What offends me is that you got no clue what you are talking about and you think youre theory is right, there is no hard evidence to support it, just media ramblings for official haters like Hauser who is Spoon with a paying job.

          Floyd could be on Peds I never said he isn't I don't know, I said being as high profile as he is its highly unlikely that he is, and he might not be and that's the thing, its a two way street.

          And Im sure if anybody in the world could put the finger on Floyd Mayweather using PEDS they would sell their soul for that scoop and the media would be willing to pay for it,,,,

          Common sense states that its pretty hard to hide when youre the biggest in the Sport know that your blood is being kept for years. the reality is its 2017 and not easy to beat testing today , its far easier to beat testing in forums where anything will fly.

          PEDS has become the catch cry of every hater in the forums , all the top guys get accused by their haters , it just amazes me all the proof in here yet nobody official can find anything, will the real Bshter please stand up.


          • #45
            Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
            Go ask the medical personnel that examined him and the independent panel of doctors that gave him a TUE.
            Impossible for you or anyone else that wasn't there to know, a ****** question really.
            Nope .... what you are saying is dumb!

            All that was based on FLOYD's paid "doctor's" note but even worse is that Floyd thanked Dr Alex Ariza!!!

            You know ... just like Lance Armstrong got a BS note from his doctor to say that he had a sore ASZ so that is why Lance required a banned substance!

            but we BOTH know what Floyd was doing BEFORE getting that IV .....
            the TRUTH is that Floyd didn't require an IV.


            • #46
              Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              Nope .... what you are saying is dumb!

              All that was based on FLOYD's paid "doctor's" note but even worse is that Floyd thanked Dr Alex Ariza!!!

              You know ... just like Lance Armstrong got a BS note from his doctor to say that he had a sore ASZ so that is why Lance required a banned substance!

              but we BOTH know what Floyd was doing BEFORE getting that IV .....
              the TRUTH is that Floyd didn't require an IV.

              Is that you official diagnosis doctor? Did you examine the patient?


              • #47
                Floyd juiced to the gills lol this guy leave nothing for chance, even against a guy with no boxing record.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by Robbie Barrett View Post
                  Is that you official diagnosis doctor? Did you examine the patient?
                  Fortunately, we have more than enough information to conclude that Floyd was BSing.

                  Examination was done just prior to getting the IV and we have the results. We have visuals of Floyd and more. We have Floyd's own words that shoot him down.

                  You are having a hard time with this.

                  I will repeat in case you missed it:

                  Floyd said he used an IV because:
                  - Floyd gave blood BUT that was 10 days before!
                  - Floyd gave urine sample BUT not that it mattered because this is dumb BUT that was 4-5 days before!
                  - Floyd's training BUT he admits to relaxing the final days before the fight.

                  - Vitals? Yes we have that!
                  - Weight? We have that up to 30 days out!!!
                  - Floyd admits that he made weight EASILY!!!
                  - Floyd drank and drank. I saw that, you saw that ... we ALL SAW THAT!!!!

                  Video of Floyd right after getting an IV he says this:
                  "I'm not one particular fighter that has drained himself 20 or 30 pounds. I'm a fighter that walks around at 150, 148...I'm extremely happy with everything"


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
                    Fortunately, we have more than enough information to conclude that Floyd was BSing.

                    Examination was done just prior to getting the IV and we have the results. We have visuals of Floyd and more. We have Floyd's own words that shoot him down.

                    You are having a hard time with this.

                    I will repeat in case you missed it:

                    Floyd said he used an IV because:
                    - Floyd gave blood BUT that was 10 days before!
                    - Floyd gave urine sample BUT not that it mattered because this is dumb BUT that was 4-5 days before!
                    - Floyd's training BUT he admits to relaxing the final days before the fight.

                    - Vitals? Yes we have that!
                    - Weight? We have that up to 30 days out!!!
                    - Floyd admits that he made weight EASILY!!!
                    - Floyd drank and drank. I saw that, you saw that ... we ALL SAW THAT!!!!

                    Video of Floyd right after getting an IV he says this:
                    "I'm not one particular fighter that has drained himself 20 or 30 pounds. I'm a fighter that walks around at 150, 148...I'm extremely happy with everything"

                    What? You aren't a doctor? You didn't examine the patient?

                    You want to use the examination of the NSAC doctor that regularly clears fighters that dehydrate up to 20lbs as evidence?

                    All the **** you're posting as been torn to pieces by Travetyny before. It's pathetic you're trying it again.
                    Last edited by Robbie Barrett; 08-07-2017, 02:20 AM.


                    • #50
                      Danm son.
                      He might need more than 750ml of IV for this one

