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Comments Thread For: Mayweather on Canelo-GGG: May, September Are My Dates

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  • Originally posted by RememberTUA? View Post
    Where you at little girl?? You been quiet? Starting to realise that some people you just shouldn't mess with?
    Well get this, Got a friend looking to try and track your IP addres sees and location mwahaha! b!tches like you need to be taught a lesson, so keep your eyes open f@ggot you never know.
    Punk if you want my address I'll give it to you. If you think you man enough and you think you got balls then let's meet up punk! No need to track me down you ****ing coward!
    I'll give you my address if you really wanna meet up and deal with this issue we got!


    • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
      Punk if you want my address I'll give it to you. If you think you man enough and you think you got balls then let's meet up punk! No need to track me down you ****ing coward!
      I'll give you my address if you really wanna meet up and deal with this issue we got!
      You've folded like a lil b!tch that you are! First it was you'll come get me then it was meet halfway which I can actually do but now that I want to meet halfway you want me to to fly all the way to your nedneck hillbilly sister ****ing town to beat on a little inbred b!tch that ****s his mum? Hahaha balls you getting shat on hard now b!tch! Looking like even more of a fool than before, I'll meet you halfway, like we agreed on. You scared, I know you are. You the tough one telling everyone you coming for them. C.u.n.t I'm only telling you! you pathetic canelo cok sucker. Im actually real keen to meet halfway. I even offered to pay you back home if you can beat me, Ahahahaha like hell you would, coz you a sad miserable keyboard warrior hiding behind a a$$ name like bigstomps right from the instant someone sees your lame name they know you a gay little boy living out some sort of sad fantasy where you try to intimidate random net users and somehow your sick twisted ugly face gets satisfaction from it. You are one sad pathetic human being, if you ain't gonna meet halfway like you said you would then I'm done arguing with you. you have backed out twice on me now, why would I bother anymore, I'll just hit you up every time i see your ****** a$$ hollow threats you dish out. You twisted little $h!t


      • Originally posted by RememberTUA? View Post
        You've folded like a lil b!tch that you are! First it was you'll come get me then it was meet halfway which I can actually do but now that I want to meet halfway you want me to to fly all the way to your nedneck hillbilly sister ****ing town to beat on a little inbred b!tch that ****s his mum? Hahaha balls you getting shat on hard now b!tch! Looking like even more of a fool than before, I'll meet you halfway, like we agreed on. You scared, I know you are. You the tough one telling everyone you coming for them. C.u.n.t I'm only telling you! you pathetic canelo cok sucker. Im actually real keen to meet halfway. I even offered to pay you back home if you can beat me, Ahahahaha like hell you would, coz you a sad miserable keyboard warrior hiding behind a a$$ name like bigstomps right from the instant someone sees your lame name they know you a gay little boy living out some sort of sad fantasy where you try to intimidate random net users and somehow your sick twisted ugly face gets satisfaction from it. You are one sad pathetic human being, if you ain't gonna meet halfway like you said you would then I'm done arguing with you. you have backed out twice on me now, why would I bother anymore, I'll just hit you up every time i see your ****** a$$ hollow threats you dish out. You twisted little $h!t
        You asked for my address punk so Imma send it to you in a private message. I expect you to come see me you ****ing piece of shet coward!


        • Originally posted by RememberTUA? View Post
          You've folded like a lil b!tch that you are! First it was you'll come get me then it was meet halfway which I can actually do but now that I want to meet halfway you want me to to fly all the way to your nedneck hillbilly sister ****ing town to beat on a little inbred b!tch that ****s his mum? Hahaha balls you getting shat on hard now b!tch! Looking like even more of a fool than before, I'll meet you halfway, like we agreed on. You scared, I know you are. You the tough one telling everyone you coming for them. C.u.n.t I'm only telling you! you pathetic canelo cok sucker. Im actually real keen to meet halfway. I even offered to pay you back home if you can beat me, Ahahahaha like hell you would, coz you a sad miserable keyboard warrior hiding behind a a$$ name like bigstomps right from the instant someone sees your lame name they know you a gay little boy living out some sort of sad fantasy where you try to intimidate random net users and somehow your sick twisted ugly face gets satisfaction from it. You are one sad pathetic human being, if you ain't gonna meet halfway like you said you would then I'm done arguing with you. you have backed out twice on me now, why would I bother anymore, I'll just hit you up every time i see your ****** a$$ hollow threats you dish out. You twisted little $h!t
          Where you at punk??
          Why you all quiet now??
          I sent you my address yesterday and you been quiet as **** since...
          Don't be scared now b itch!
          You got my address, come see me punk!
          Back up all the shet you was saying punk!


          • but aren't you retire? why give a fuck?


            • Originally posted by RememberTUA? View Post
              You've folded like a lil b!tch that you are! First it was you'll come get me then it was meet halfway which I can actually do but now that I want to meet halfway you want me to to fly all the way to your nedneck hillbilly sister ****ing town to beat on a little inbred b!tch that ****s his mum? Hahaha balls you getting shat on hard now b!tch! Looking like even more of a fool than before, I'll meet you halfway, like we agreed on. You scared, I know you are. You the tough one telling everyone you coming for them. C.u.n.t I'm only telling you! you pathetic canelo cok sucker. Im actually real keen to meet halfway. I even offered to pay you back home if you can beat me, Ahahahaha like hell you would, coz you a sad miserable keyboard warrior hiding behind a a$$ name like bigstomps right from the instant someone sees your lame name they know you a gay little boy living out some sort of sad fantasy where you try to intimidate random net users and somehow your sick twisted ugly face gets satisfaction from it. You are one sad pathetic human being, if you ain't gonna meet halfway like you said you would then I'm done arguing with you. you have backed out twice on me now, why would I bother anymore, I'll just hit you up every time i see your ****** a$$ hollow threats you dish out. You twisted little $h!t
              Where you at punk? I sent you my address like you asked me too...
              That was a week ago and I haven't seen you on Boxing Scene or heard from you since.
              Don't be scared now b itch!
              Grow some balls and man up punk!
              You talked all that shet so back it up you piece of shet!


              • hehehehe.

                love it.


                • Originally posted by BigStomps View Post
                  Where you at punk? I sent you my address like you asked me too...
                  That was a week ago and I haven't seen you on Boxing Scene or heard from you since.
                  Don't be scared now b itch!
                  Grow some balls and man up punk!
                  You talked all that shet so back it up you piece of shet!
                  Haha sez the little girl that promised to meet me halfway then backed out. B!tch please you promised you'd come to me too. Youve done nothing, full of ***** right from the start. I pity ******s like you. Not even worth a backhand.


                  • Originally posted by RememberTUA? View Post
                    Haha sez the little girl that promised to meet me halfway then backed out. B!tch please you promised you'd come to me too. Youve done nothing, full of ***** right from the start. I pity ******s like you. Not even worth a backhand.
                    That's what I thought punk! Like I said, any b itch can run their mouth but it takes a man to back it up. But we both know you a straight b itch and a coward!
                    Your better off just shutting the **** up punk cause I keep making you look ******!
                    You asked for my address and I sent it to you and it took you over a week to respond..
                    And now you want me to go see you....
                    You ****ing coward piece of shet! I knew you was a punk just selling wolf tickets!
                    You got no heart punk and you got no balls either!
                    I'm done wasting my time on piece of shet cowards like you!
                    Don't bother replying fa ggot!

