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Comments Thread For: Andre Ward-Sergey Kovalev - CompuBox's Inside The Numbers

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  • #31
    Originally posted by NYC8224 View Post
    Youre the biggest idiot on this board, shut the **** up. You said we will hear information days before the fight, now its after the fight? Ward won ******
    Eat my ****, trick boy. Ward is a PED cheat stop being a sore loser and go fk your mother


    • #32
      Originally posted by Lou Cipher View Post
      Eat my ****, trick boy. Ward is a PED cheat stop being a sore loser and go fk your mother
      Go eat your mothers ****. Prove that Ward is on ****ing imbecile


      • #33
        Originally posted by NYC8224 View Post
        Go eat your mothers ****. Prove that Ward is on ****ing imbecile
        It's been proven already they just can't disclose it per the contract. Now go fk your mother some more.


        • #34
          *******, prove it. Prove that he used PEDs in writing and go public with it you moron. Do it


          • #35
            Originally posted by Lou Cipher View Post
            Eat my ****, trick boy. Ward is a PED cheat stop being a sore loser and go fk your mother
            If anyone is on PED's it's Kovalev. Russian state-sponsored doping is FACT and there's only one dude knocking out fighters with jabs. F7cking jabs! We're talking about professional, conditioned fighters that have sparred bigger heavier fighters in preparation for the fight, then you get a guy like Kovalev, who really shouldn't have great power looking at his wiry physique and his long-ass reach, and he somehow has one-punch power in both fists EVEN WHEN the punches are not particularly well timed, he doesn't seem to throw them with much body rotation or even much weight behind them. Kov has knocked people over with f7cking arm punches! He was close to knocking Ward down in Rd 1 with a an arm-thrown jab.

            Sorry, but the only one with su****ious power is Kov. Reminds me of Pac circa 2008.
            Last edited by cameltoe; 11-22-2016, 02:50 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Boxing Logic View Post

              Kovalev was Mayweather in this fight. Ward was Andre Berto. Them's just the facts. Go watch Mayweather-Berto again if you don't see what I mean. And back then all y'all Flowmos were saying that clean snapping head shots score way more than little inside body shots, or roughhouse tactics. Remember y'all said Floyd beat Maidana both times? Why did say that? Because Floyd landed the "CLEAN, snapping shots." Right? Y'all said that. Maidana's work was too smothered y'all said, too much to the body which doesn't score as much as clean shots to the head.

              But now that it's your guy, Ward, putting in an even less competitive fight than Maidana vs Floyd, and y'all say it's the other way around! That smothered body work is more valuable!

              See this is why no one takes y'all serious. Ward got the Mayweather treatment from Kovalev. Plus a knockdown. Now who expected THAT?
              I never defended Ward's inactivity. I like good fights though. He has fought Froch, Kessler, Abraham, Kovavlev. Four world class level fighters. G has been much busier, I'll give you that, but when in all of 2016 he has fought Wade(!!!) and a ww!!!

              But, no of course you are right, This was a replay of Mayweather-Berto. lmao.

              You are obviously a G nuthugger, and that's cool. Now, it was Ward lost, no he won but he fought dirty, no, ok so Kov did most of the clinching but Ward must be on peds (not Kov who told Pascal no ped testing or no fight, and who's countrymen were banned from Olympics for all Russian athletes widespread ped use), and now no the first was right, Ward lost. He lost as clearly as Berto did to Floyd.

              lmao. Get over it, G refused to fight Froch, Ward, and Canelo and instead fights guys who have never been in a scheduled 12 round fight and guys two divisions lower. Ward fights a top 5 p4p opponent that is at his prime and the top dog in a higher division. USA Today, Yahoo and writers here all had Ward winning. So they had Berto beating Floyd too? Really? Just admit you can't stand that the guy who proved G is a hypocrite and is scared to death to be in a big time fight, is the #1 p4p fighter in the world.

              The guy who proved G is a scared little girl is now the pound for pound king. Ouch, it must suck to worship G right now!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Dr.Cool View Post
                Every one of your posts contain two things: the words turd boi and either how G is so strong, smart, and ***y or how Andre Ward is a chicken, bum, loser, or cheater.

                You should be happy Ward won, at least it proves G was smart to stay away from S.O.G. Second, you really need to read more or at least purchase a thesaurus, "turd boi."

                Everyone will see Ward will fight Superman for the WBC title and get tested for peds randomly year round. Which the WBC is the one belt Kov mysteriously pulled out of a purse bid for, even though he had begged for it earlier. What happened in the meantime was the WBC started testing for peds.
                Kov lost, G is busying fight Wade and WWs, and Ward is the p4p king. You might not like it, but those are the facts and crying and calling everyone "turd boi" won't change it. Turd boi.

                he talks like a silly kid, then he runs around telling everyone that he was a boxing phenom who beat up Alfonso Gomez back when he was a 16yo MMA fighter LMAO

                he is just a poo-smearing gimp


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Boxing Logic View Post
                  Ward fans got no mind otherwise why would they root for Ward in the first place lol? Yeah you fans got a lot out of that arrangement the last five years. Must have been a really fulfilling time for Ward fans. Lots of excitement and entertainment. Totally worth it.

                  Since yall got no mind to begin with, you don't understand basic logic. No one is saying "either Kovalev won, or Ward cheated." Everyone is saying "the ref let Ward cheat, but he still got schooled and exposed. Outthrown, outlanded, out-power landed, knocked down, schooled in every respect besides the clinch which the ref let go on for minutes at a time as Ward fouled, Ward even admitted he "got dirty" but he STILL got schooled because holding and little inside body shots don't win fights when you're eating big power shots every round with actual leverage from the outside.

                  Ward said he would Mayweather Kovalev, but Kovalev actually Mayweathered Ward! Ward landed little body shots inside like Maidana did against Floyd in the rematch, or like the Berto fight, but Kovalev landed all the clean, scoring shots tot he head at range.

                  Kovalev was Mayweather in this fight. Ward was Andre Berto. Them's just the facts. Go watch Mayweather-Berto again if you don't see what I mean. And back then all y'all Flowmos were saying that clean snapping head shots score way more than little inside body shots, or roughhouse tactics. Remember y'all said Floyd beat Maidana both times? Why did say that? Because Floyd landed the "CLEAN, snapping shots." Right? Y'all said that. Maidana's work was too smothered y'all said, too much to the body which doesn't score as much as clean shots to the head.

                  But now that it's your guy, Ward, putting in an even less competitive fight than Maidana vs Floyd, and y'all say it's the other way around! That smothered body work is more valuable!

                  See this is why no one takes y'all serious. Ward got the Mayweather treatment from Kovalev. Plus a knockdown. Now who expected THAT?

