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Comments Thread For: Freddie Roach, Cooper on *****-Clinton as Championship Fight

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  • Comments Thread For: Freddie Roach, Cooper on *****-Clinton as Championship Fight

    Inasmuch as political pundits nationwide have been comparing Monday night's presidential debate between Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald ***** to a world championship fight, Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach weighed in on what he would do if he were working either of the candidates' corners.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    People who know nothing about politics using this as an excuse to take shots at *****'s "privilege. As if the Clinton's haven't made hundreds of millions of dollars from their "public service." Sounds more like they used public office to service themselves. In Bill's case, in more ways than one.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Boxing Logic View Post
      People who know nothing about politics using this as an excuse to take shots at *****'s "privilege. As if the Clinton's haven't made hundreds of millions of dollars from their "public service." Sounds more like they used public office to service themselves. In Bill's case, in more ways than one.
      I fully agree.... LOL


      • #4
        Roach or not it would be a long camp for Big Bad Hair Day *****. Looking at a year at least of intensive prep just to melt him down to heavyweight.


        • #5
          Go *****! ***** 2016.


          • #6
            Great Article....I liked the opening paragraphs now on cooper well everybody is entitled to their own opinion but he forgot to mention how no amount of training will fix clintons corruption exposed by wikileaks and how she deleted her emails and the last little detail how she left herself exposed to get hacked by foreign countrys....if the Chinese or Russians hacked her she is blackmail susceptible.....its a tough job but if ***** could do all the training that cooper suggests then ***** vs ***** 15 rounds of boxing action would be awesome with ***** winning by ko in the 14th round

