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Let me make my little rant

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  • Golovkin is a coward. I can't support a fighter that is afraid of being great. I also prefer to root for Asian fighters and it rubs me the wrong way that Golovkin doesn't pay homage to his Korean heritage.


    • Originally posted by Derranged View Post
      Sooner or later the mods will have enough doe.
      lol, yeah, sureeeee they will............


      • Originally posted by larryusa View Post
        I have a question, why do people get mad when GGG gets hate?? why do posters act like he is not allowed to be hated on? I have been on this forum for almost 10 years and have seen fighters who have accomplished more be torn apart. So why the surprise when GGG gets slammed?

        The same posters who get mad at people for slamming GGG sit on here and slam other fighters left and right. So what is the real issue at hand here? Honestly i just want to see the man in better fights, but i troll certain posters because they praise him like he has an alt resume or accomplishments when he doesnt. But fighters who do have great resumes and accomplishments get slammed and their accomplishments ripped apart.
        Cuz it's ****in annoying to see all these ****** threads every dam day, that's why. Lil g blah blah blah...lil gina blah blah...all the same mfers sayin the same **** on repeat. It's not even the hate that bothers's that these clowns think they're all clever and ****.


        • Originally posted by jmrf4435 View Post
          "lamechenko get hate? NO. does fury get hate"

          BUll****ttt, TMT posters say Wlad was suddenly "SHOT" and give Fury no credit for that win. And the same posters say LOmachenko hasn't "done anything' when he might be the best PFP boxer right now.

          "golovkin fans must realize that black posters have too much to be proud of in the sport of boxing. historically many great fighters are black & "

          The sport was very AMerican back then and didn't have a ton of international competition, not to mention white AMericans were virtually non participitory i boxing choosing football and basball. Many nations(especially in eastern europe/UK with the fall of the soviet union) now have the investment and training to develop boxers. Blacks no longer dominate like they useed too, SORRRRY man. So stop basing YOUR entire boxing philosphy on BS
          attention all white golovkin fans

          i really don't see lomachenko getting any hate like that.......if he does its barely even noticeable. also address me DIRECTLY so that i can break, rip, and **** on your entire logic.

          "The sport was very AMerican back then and didn't have a ton of international competition"

          thats a lie...the u.k had a ton of champs. & the international "competition" is eastern europe, thats what ure referring to isn't it? although eastern europe didn't compete in the pros due to politics they competed in the amateurs which in the amateurs back in the day it was exactly like fighting in the pros (the same set of rules just shorter rounds) ALI, fraizer, foreman, and so on has gold against eastern europes best before even entering the pros. ALI did an entire boxing "globe tour" challenging all fighters all over the world to come and take his title.

          ali fought in Switzerland, japan, Canada, doing things like taking on Mildenberger in his back yard of Kaiserslautern Germany. fighting brian london in the U.K. & so on. what the hell are u talking about "international competition?" u see, this is what happens.

          these are things u simply don't know about because you've been fed garbage by your love for golovkin and freedoms remedial troll threads. i swear to god you just repeated what freedom copies and paste all over the forum. I SWEAR you just did that.

          "white americans were none participitory back then"

          willie pep? jack dempsey? tunney? rocky graziano? jack lomata? max baer (also baer was known as the 2 sided clown, boxed beautifully happy joyful. but had another side that was evil crude and psychotic. you had the happy clown and the evil clown. he would frequently completely confused opponents with this style and knock them out in the process the man had 50 knock outs)

          baer is one of my favorite fighters of all time. you see you wouldn't know about all of this because u can't really find it on google & it's not in a freedoms copy and paste thread as you so choose to regurgitate like an idiot. you're regurgitating someone that doesn't even know what the **** they talking about.

          but anyway, white americans were everywhere in the sport of boxing. some of the most bad a** white shark mother****ers were in the sport. these guys were great. the guys today can't compare.

          should i continue you to give you a history lesson? you, freedom hype job WON'T debate a person like myself about boxing live on the radio EVER.

          Last edited by Godsfly; 09-14-2016, 09:48 PM.


          • Pretty much everyone in this thread is a whiny c unt.


            • MR. big........but in physical realty, you're shorter then a midge.


              • Seriously? You're comparing the 20 new threads a day full of burger flippers talking about 'lil g' to the couple times a day Ward, Floyd, Kovalev or Canelo gets trashed on?

                Go look on the last 10 pages and count the # of Golovkin hate threads.
                Overall Mayweather has received more hate than GGG. Until recently there were easily four to five threads on here a day dissecting some aspect of his career. Some even criticized Mayweather for refusing to move up to face GGG, how hypocritical is that!

                It ain't hard to tell.
                You mean it's not hard to assume or project your own bias.....

                Do you believe that all the members posting in stereotypical slang are actually black too ?


                • GGG is the baddest mother***er in Boxing right now. Deal with it.

                  Sergey Kovalev... a close second.


                  • Originally posted by Hype job View Post
                    It ain't hard to tell.

                    Coincidence doe.
                    Apparently it is hard to tell since I've gotten numerous red k from the likes of you and other racist posters who write comments that insinuate that I'm black when in actuality I'm as white as a sheet.


                    • Originally posted by Godsfly View Post
                      MR. big........but in physical realty, you're shorter then a midge.
                      You took it back old school with that line. I had Death Certificate, that shiz was hard. Especially No Vaseline, where he went in on all of NWA

