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Everyone Wants to Talk About Floyd's IV - What About Pac-Monster's Toradol Abuse???

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    • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post

      More deflections. The article states it, the other studies state it, you cannot understand it. Those are the facts. All the other stuff you say is nonsense!
      Where does it state that it's graphed against the natural release of marijuana? I'll wait.

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      Unless you understand what the guy wanted to formulate then you cannot shoot it down!!! Simple as that.

      The point that he made was that if you have 400ng/ml then by drinking quickly 1 liter of water, it will drive the values down to 50ng/ml. He also mentions that it can be done up to several thousands.

      BOOM! You lost but cannot handle it! Call him up if you want to complain but its stated in that article.
      LMAO. So you just admit it. You said 1 liter can dilute 400ng to 50ng. Now tell me, how quickly can you drink 1 liter? I can do that in. 5 minutes. So your argument is that you can dilute 400ng down to 50ng in...let's be generous and let it have some time to work...half an hour? LMAO. Only no study shows this. NONE!

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      CONTAMINATED? WTFreak, even SMRTL had marijuana in its samples. Diaz admits to smoking what? Marijuana?

      They had 2 separate tests performed. BOTH turned up positive!!!

      Its too bad so sad that they didn't ask for SAMPLE B to be tested. I wonder why? oh yes, they knew that Diaz was smoking to the gills, that is why!
      Dude, we know that they all had marijuana. What the hell? You have a head like a rock. We know he smokes marijuana. that is not the point. Smoking to the gills...yet he went and got tested to make sure he could pass. LMAOOO! Are you serious? He goes thru the trouble to test himself at least twice, makes sure he can pass, then smokes again! lol

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      TEST 1 - Heavily dilute. Unacceptable even for WADA
      Got no problem with that. When do fighters hydrate? After a weigh in but before the fight. This was before the fight. But yes, diluted by WADA standards. Cool.

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      TEST 3 - dilute by at least 2 folds
      Ahhh, but now you leave out WADA. LMAOOOOOO!

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      The best sample to test is TEST #2 which QUEST did. It was supposedly not diluted enough to test negative.
      It was not sealed properly and his name was attached to it. You don't even mention that, do you?

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      TEST #1 is a complete FAIL even for WADA's standard's. So how can we trust SMRTL?
      I wouldn't say it was a complete failure. NSAC allows more dilute samples. And again, that might be because it was before the fight. Notice they came back and got an appropriate sample. And the quan****** were consistent. One more dilute and a slight jump when less dilute. Not a huge jump like Quest which made no sense.

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      RARE: not occurring very often: "a rare genetic disorder"

      synonyms: infrequent, scarce, sparse, few and far between, thin on the ground, like gold dust, as scarce as hen's teeth; Funny stuff!
      Yet, you believe SMRTL got it wrong twice. lmao.

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      He said that because he knew that the TRUE B Sample would turn up positive as well.
      you can't read graphs but you can read minds? lol

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      If its the same then are TEST #1 and TEST #3 the same? Nope! All 3 tests had different dilution for starters!!! Man, I have to stop calling him "expert"
      Let's see...this is his job for over 20 years. Yet you believe Dr. Neal "give him toradol anyway" ElAttrache. LMAO.

      Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
      Go check out how to read a graph, studies, and so on ..... You would be saying that Travestyny "OLD" is WROOONG but "NEW" now understands!

      You are protecting someone who tried to cheat the system. Diaz admits to that but you are implying that Diaz is wrong!

      10:18.00 min mark - Diaz is pretty much admitting that he is using.

      "They raised the limit so they do not say that you cannot use it. Its only banned after a certain limit. "

      Wow. So still can't wrap your head around him using marijuana but being below the level for 3 out of 4 tests. One of these things is not like the otherrr.

      So tell me. How did he dilute if he was at 1.009? Your study said 1.003 is one liter of water, correct? So how much water did he drink to dilute? I want to know. Don't duck my question!
      Last edited by travestyny; 11-13-2016, 03:55 AM.




        • [QUOTE]
          Originally posted by travestyny View Post
          Where does it state that it's graphed against the natural release of marijuana? I'll wait.
          Funny stuff.

          Its about diluting and bring up how EASILY it is to dilute 8X by drinking just 1 liter of water! and states its simple to do more.

          Its states that its possible for 400ng/ml to be diluted down to 50 and that it only takes 1 liter to do. Says its easier to dilute for marijuana but brings up the
          point that diluting is possible up to several thousand ng/ml. Simple as that!

          LMAO. So you just admit it. You said 1 liter can dilute 400ng to 50ng. Now tell me, how quickly can you drink 1 liter? I can do that in. 5 minutes. So your argument is that you can dilute 400ng down to 50ng in...let's be generous and let it have some time to work...half an hour? LMAO. Only no study shows this. NONE!
          What I admit to is that everything that is showed to you, you cannot handle the data pointed out to you, as if you know better!
          - studies, the article, the NSAC, QUEST, podcast .... all point to you being WROOOOOONG! You are saying that they are ALL WROOONG and you are right?

          It only takes 1-2 liters. The graph shows you that after drinking 1 liter of water, urine goes up 8X+ in about 40 minutes time and 2 liters at 50 min time.
          I pointed to a study that stated that some subjects were diluted after 1.5 hours and all after 2 hours long and that was just drinking 1 liter per hour!!!

          Dude, we know that they all had marijuana. What the hell? You have a head like a rock. We know he smokes marijuana. that is not the point. Smoking to the gills...yet he went and got tested to make sure he could pass. LMAOOO! Are you serious? He goes thru the trouble to test himself at least twice, makes sure he can pass, then smokes again! lol
          The only thing funny is you squirming trying to protect a known marijuana user that admits to not caring about the NSAC rules and telling people how he would go about to beat the system. That is right, by way of dilution. Diaz said it but you cannot listen to it! Diaz even says it that he is allowed to use it as long as its below a threshold!!!! WTF? He is dumb but you are accepting his dumbness!!!

          Got no problem with that. When do fighters hydrate? After a weigh in but before the fight. This was before the fight. But yes, diluted by WADA standards. Cool.

          but that is against WADA protocol! So BOTH SMRTL and QUEST didn't follow the WADA protocol but guess what? Only SMRTL needs to follow WADA protocol not QUEST!!! BOOOOM!

          Anyways, just like you are OK with SMRTL then NSAC, who has often used QUEST, is OK with QUESTs protocol. You just do not like that!!! Tooo bad!

          Ahhh, but now you leave out WADA. LMAOOOOOO!
          What are you even talking about?

          Anyways, you are "cool" with that when it goes against your statements! Either you go all in and fail both or you do not! Take your pick! Again, SMRTL failed WADA and they are the team that is supposed to follow it so that is worse, if you go by your logic!

          It was not sealed properly and his name was attached to it. You don't even mention that, do you?
          And you do not mention that there was a witness that testified under oath that it was all done right as per what they are used to doing. Protocol is different! You are OK when SMRTL doesn't follow WADA protocol which is their protocol!!! SMRTL FAILED!!!! Quest has their own protocol.

          I wouldn't say it was a complete failure. NSAC allows more dilute samples. And again, that might be because it was before the fight. Notice they came back and got an appropriate sample. And the quan****** were consistent. One more dilute and a slight jump when less dilute. Not a huge jump like Quest which made no sense.
          Funny stuff. Between you and the so called "expert" my sides are hurting! I'm laughing too much!

          When the WADA protocol is not met, you come up with an excuse. Well that would be fine if you at least stayed consistent! Again, the NSAC has been using QUEST for the longest of time and accepts the QUEST protocol!

          Yet, you believe SMRTL got it wrong twice. lmao.
          One was too dilute for even WADA. Now you are telling me that is right? So if that one was not acceptable protocol as per WADA statements then perhaps they got it all wrong!!!

          Also, your so called expert said that SMRTL and QUEST are different so the results can be dramatically different due to equipment, calibration of the equipment, techniques used, and so on.
          and there is more variables than that such as one sample was more dilute than the other supposedly!!!!

          So its more than possible that both are right. Well, actually QUEST has a better chance since SMRTL failed with TEST #1 at least probably both!!!

          Remember that they were not even testing the same urine sample!!!!

          you can't read graphs but you can read minds? lol
          OK, sorry, either they were too dumb to check out Sample B or they knew that Sample B would turn up positive. No other reason!

          Let's see...this is his job for over 20 years. Yet you believe Dr. Neal "give him toradol anyway" ElAttrache. LMAO.
          Because you are lousy at this compared to me. That or you just want to find a dumb loop hole instead of trying to find the truth! Take your pick.

          It very very obvious to me that the so called expert had a specific scenario but it blows up in their face once you deviate from his specific scenario! If you cannot see this then its because you are lousy at analyzing all this.

          Wow. So still can't wrap your head around him using marijuana but being below the level for 3 out of 4 tests. One of these things is not like the otherrr.

          So tell me. How did he dilute if he was at 1.009? Your study said 1.003 is one liter of water, correct? So how much water did he drink to dilute? I want to know. Don't duck my question!
          Here is more. I didn't hear it all but I went this far. Check it out. Its obvious!

          At 15 min mark He is calling it BS what the "expert" said and more but you can listen in from the start if you wish. He said similar to what I said.

          You took the WROOOONG side on this one.


          • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post

            Funny stuff.

            Its about diluting and bring up how EASILY it is to dilute 8X by drinking just 1 liter of water! and states its simple to do more.

            Its states that its possible for 400ng/ml to be diluted down to 50 and that it only takes 1 liter to do. Says its easier to dilute for marijuana but brings up the
            point that diluting is possible up to several thousand ng/ml. Simple as that!
            You actually believe that you can dilute 400ng down to 50ng with 1 liter of water. Unbelievable. You've seen the studies YOU posted. So....reconcile that please. I dare you.

            What happened, ADP02. After a full gallon of water, I'm sure this dude could have gotten 53ng down to 0. What do you think went wrong? LMAOOOOOOOOO! By the way, 1 GALLON IS 3.79 LITERS! LMAOOOOOOOO!

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            What I admit to is that everything that is showed to you, you cannot handle the data pointed out to you, as if you know better!
            - studies, the article, the NSAC, QUEST, podcast .... all point to you being WROOOOOONG! You are saying that they are ALL WROOONG and you are right?

            It only takes 1-2 liters. The graph shows you that after drinking 1 liter of water, urine goes up 8X+ in about 40 minutes time and 2 liters at 50 min time.
            I pointed to a study that stated that some subjects were diluted after 1.5 hours and all after 2 hours long and that was just drinking 1 liter per hour!!!
            What was the specific gravity at, genius. LMAO. You are embarrassing yourself. Stop ducking.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            The only thing funny is you squirming trying to protect a known marijuana user that admits to not caring about the NSAC rules and telling people how he would go about to beat the system. That is right, by way of dilution. Diaz said it but you cannot listen to it! Diaz even says it that he is allowed to use it as long as its below a threshold!!!! WTF? He is dumb but you are accepting his dumbness!!!
            The bolded statement is correct. Are you the one smoking something? Again, how did he dilute when according to both of your studies his specific gravity would be lower than 1.009. I'm gonna keep hammering you with this until you are beaten to a pulp because I'm tired of you ducking it.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            but that is against WADA protocol! So BOTH SMRTL and QUEST didn't follow the WADA protocol but guess what? Only SMRTL needs to follow WADA protocol not QUEST!!! BOOOOM!
            Wrong. NSAC can choose not to follow WADA protocol because they are not a signatory of WADA protocol. However, test#3 followed WADA protocol. Right or wrong?

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Anyways, just like you are OK with SMRTL then NSAC, who has often used QUEST, is OK with QUESTs protocol. You just do not like that!!! Tooo bad!
            Test #3 followed WADA protocol.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            What are you even talking about?
            I'm talking about how you won't mention that TEST #3 FOLLOWED WADA PROTOCOL!!!!!

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Anyways, you are "cool" with that when it goes against your statements! Either you go all in and fail both or you do not! Take your pick! Again, SMRTL failed WADA and they are the team that is supposed to follow it so that is worse, if you go by your logic!
            Test #3 followed WADA protocol!

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            And you do not mention that there was a witness that testified under oath that it was all done right as per what they are used to doing. Protocol is different! You are OK when SMRTL doesn't follow WADA protocol which is their protocol!!! SMRTL FAILED!!!! Quest has their own protocol.
            WRONG. The DCO testified that he didn't mark off certain parts of the form correctly and would do it differently. Go review the video again.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Funny stuff. Between you and the so called "expert" my sides are hurting! I'm laughing too much!

            When the WADA protocol is not met, you come up with an excuse. Well that would be fine if you at least stayed consistent! Again, the NSAC has been using QUEST for the longest of time and accepts the QUEST protocol!
            And NSAC uses SMRTL too apparently, and sucks off WADA. And again, test #3 followed WADA protocol!

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            One was too dilute for even WADA. Now you are telling me that is right? So if that one was not acceptable protocol as per WADA statements then perhaps they got it all wrong!!!
            LMAOOOOOOOOO. That's hysterical. Test #3 followed WADA protocol. This is a WADA accredited lab. Test #1 was at normal specific gravity, but dilute for testing, and showed results consistent with test#3. Also consistent with the Labcorp test that you don't want to discuss.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Also, your so called expert said that SMRTL and QUEST are different so the results can be dramatically different due to equipment, calibration of the equipment, techniques used, and so on.
            and there is more variables than that such as one sample was more dilute than the other supposedly!!!!
            You are still running with this statement and saying it means one can find marijuana metabolite of 733ng and the other can find a sample with 61ng and both are correct. LMAO. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, dude. Seriously. One is clearly wrong. If both were right, why did NSAC choose between them. They chose quest who's DCO admits ****ing up and who does not follow WADA protocol. And let me say it again. Test #3 followed WADA protocol.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            So its more than possible that both are right. Well, actually QUEST has a better chance since SMRTL failed with TEST #1 at least probably both!!!
            LMAO. Test #3 followed WADA protocol. By the way, which would you think would be more likely to be ****ed up. A test where the DCO admits to ****ing up chain of custody and one which had the donors name attached to it for anyone to see, or a WADA accredited lab which is widely known as the gold standard. LMAO. You're a fool for going with Quest and that's why you won't see me in the thunderdome and you know it.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Remember that they were not even testing the same urine sample!!!!
            Are you absolutely sure about that? Do you mean SMRTL and QUEST? Because the DCO testified that the way it works is that they take one urine sample and share it. He testified that if SMRTL doesn't have enough, they throw out their shared sample and start over. There was 1hour 15 minutes between so perhaps they had to throw theirs out and start over, but it was never stated that this exactly was the case. I know one thing is for sure. After all that time, he would be below 1.009 specific gravity.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            OK, sorry, either they were too dumb to check out Sample B or they knew that Sample B would turn up positive. No other reason!
            Or they didn't trust the lab and didn't want to have it done there again. Or they felt they already had a sample B with much better guidelines since Test#3 followed WADA guidelines.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Because you are lousy at this compared to me. That or you just want to find a dumb loop hole instead of trying to find the truth! Take your pick.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            It very very obvious to me that the so called expert had a specific scenario but it blows up in their face once you deviate from his specific scenario! If you cannot see this then its because you are lousy at analyzing all this.
            There must be A LOT of people out there that are lousy according to you, because I haven't found 1 person on your side in this matter. Why do you think NSAC moved so quickly to settle? Why do you think a ****ing petition was sent to the White House on behalf of Nick Diaz which got enough signatures that ***** was required to comment on it. LMAO.

            Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
            Here is more. I didn't hear it all but I went this far. Check it out. Its obvious!


            At 15 min mark He is calling it BS what the "expert" said and more but you can listen in from the start if you wish. He said similar to what I said.

            You took the WROOOONG side on this one.

            Ohhhh. This is the referee. LMAO. I read this statement before. And I read how many posters called him an idiot for his dumb ass statements. So you take the word of an MMA referee over a 20 year Medical Review Officer. LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

            Last edited by travestyny; 11-13-2016, 04:14 PM.


            • Originally posted by ADP02 View Post
              but that is against WADA protocol! So BOTH SMRTL and QUEST didn't follow the WADA protocol but guess what? Only SMRTL needs to follow WADA protocol not QUEST!!! BOOOOM!

              Anyways, just like you are OK with SMRTL then NSAC, who has often used QUEST, is OK with QUESTs protocol. You just do not like that!!! Tooo bad!

              Anyways, you are "cool" with that when it goes against your statements! Either you go all in and fail both or you do not! Take your pick! Again, SMRTL failed WADA and they are the team that is supposed to follow it so that is worse, if you go by your logic!

              And you do not mention that there was a witness that testified under oath that it was all done right as per what they are used to doing. Protocol is different! You are OK when SMRTL doesn't follow WADA protocol which is their protocol!!! SMRTL FAILED!!!! Quest has their own protocol.

              Funny stuff. Between you and the so called "expert" my sides are hurting! I'm laughing too much!

              One was too dilute for even WADA. Now you are telling me that is right? So if that one was not acceptable protocol as per WADA statements then perhaps they got it all wrong!!!

              So its more than possible that both are right. Well, actually QUEST has a better chance since SMRTL failed with TEST #1 at least probably both!!!

              Remember that they were not even testing the same urine sample!!!!
              Bet you didn't know that NSAC also accepted a diluted sample from Nick Diaz from QUEST! LMAOOOOOOOO!!!! Another one of your dumb ass theories gets obliterated. So does that mean Quest always gets it wrong because they processed a diluted sample that NSAC accepted? LMAOOOOO

              Although Diaz's post-fight drug test for an October show in Las Vegas came back negative, it was ruled to be "diluted" or "abnormal,"

              BOOM, BlTCH!

              Now tell was he diluting at 1.009? How many liters of water did he drink? Still waitingggggg!!!!


              • I'm still waiting for you to show me where it specifically say you can get a retro TUE with a home IV, I showed you where it specifically says you need a TUE in advance, but yet you ignore that ****head


                • Originally posted by Shape up View Post
                  I'm still waiting for you to show me where it specifically say you can get a retro TUE with a home IV, I showed you where it specifically says you need a TUE in advance, but yet you ignore that ****head
                  I showed you in the ISTUE, you lesbian. Asked you to show me where it says in advance in the ISTUE and you just ****ed off.

                  You should continue to **** off, Mr. "The ISTUE is irrelevant." You dumb bltch. **** off.


                  • damn I still cant believe mayweather cheated, why man. Your entire legacy is in question now, some say he been cheating since JLC1 right after,


                    • No you didn't ****lips, where it says that you can get a retro TUE for having an IV at HOME, not the hospital you dumb ****

