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Comments Thread For: Povetkin Tests Positive For Meldonium, Wilder Title Off

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  • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
    Wait weltz. Up until this you never had any questions about the accuracy or validity of VADA testing. why are you suddenly being so sheepish?

    Sharapova lied just like Povetkin. She didn't have a heart problem so please stop this.

    Unprofessional is not making weight. This is CHEATING, plain and simple.

    You are really compromising yourself here because this is Povetkin. I expected decent posters to be outraged same as they have when other fighters have tested positive using VADA. Instead, posters like you are asking for "investigation" as if VADA testing can't be trusted now.
    Had Povetkin been misusing this drug, higher levels would have been found in his urine. As we know, he delivered several clean results prior to the tainted sample. The circumstances don't make sense, in other words. You think Povetkin would be so ****** as to knowingly ingest an illegal drug, having already delivered clean results weeks prior? The logical explanation is that microscopic traces were found, not found in previous samples.

    I do trust VADA if any organization and fully expect them to clear things up, which they have stated they will. I respect the fact that the WBC have to put the fight on hold, but there's no reason to get hysterical about this. Wilder still needs to meet the contract and this talk from his team that the fight is 'off' is childish and premature. Makes it look like Wilder is running away in a hurry.


    • Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
      Had Povetkin been misusing this drug, higher levels would have been found in his urine. As we know, he delivered several clean results prior to the tainted sample. The circumstances don't make sense, in other words. You think Povetkin would be so ****** as to knowingly ingest an illegal drug, having already delivered clean results weeks prior? The logical explanation is that microscopic traces were found, not found in previous samples.

      I do trust VADA if any organization and fully expect them to clear things up, which they have stated they will. I respect the fact that the WBC have to put the fight on hold, but there's no reason to get hysterical about this. Wilder still needs to meet the contract and this talk from his team that the fight is 'off' is childish and premature. Makes it look like Wilder is running away in a hurry.

      Wilder's camp never wanted the fight and now they think they can strong arm the situation to their benefit by media proclamation. Pathetic mob.


      • Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
        Had Povetkin been misusing this drug, higher levels would have been found in his urine. As we know, he delivered several clean results prior to the tainted sample. The circumstances don't make sense, in other words. You think Povetkin would be so ****** as to knowingly ingest an illegal drug, having already delivered clean results weeks prior? The logical explanation is that microscopic traces were found, not found in previous samples.

        I do trust VADA if any organization and fully expect them to clear things up, which they have stated they will. I respect the fact that the WBC have to put the fight on hold, but there's no reason to get hysterical about this. Wilder still needs to meet the contract and this talk from his team that the fight is 'off' is childish and premature. Makes it look like Wilder is running away in a hurry.
        your 1st sentence is just your opinion and its not valid.

        Yes, I think Povetkin cheated and got caught because testing is random. No matter how trace the amount, it means it wasn't in his system when he tested those earlier dates and then he used and the test was beforer all of it was out of his system. How you can even try and give him the benefit of the doubt absolutely stinks. You are contradicting everything you ever posted relative to VADA testing and what should happen when a fighter gets caught.

        NO it makes Wilder not want to fight a cheater. It is utterly disgraceful that you are holding that against him.


        • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
          I read the entire thread. Your post was particularly disgraceful IMO so I responded to it.

          I did in the post. I didn't brand you a racist. I wondered if this is the reason Kov didn't want to take VADA testing, because it might have caught him.

          My agenda was responding to a post I found utterly disgraceful.
          uh. You found "Before passing judgement, we need more verifiable information. " disgraceful? Makes sense to me. Sounds like a lot of people on NSB.

          You read what you wanted to read because you usually have an agenda.

          How about we summarize with current information? Povetkin deserves punishment, Wilder did nothing wrong and needs people to get off his nuts. I don't like either of them as fighters.

          Now stop talking to me.


          • Originally posted by j0zef View Post
            uh. You found "Before passing judgement, we need more verifiable information. " disgraceful? Makes sense to me. Sounds like a lot of people on NSB.

            You read what you wanted to read because you usually have an agenda.

            How about we summarize with current information? Povetkin deserves punishment, Wilder did nothing wrong and needs people to get off his nuts. I don't like either of them as fighters.

            Now stop talking to me.
            The racist trolls are getting ignored by serious posters. So As I read posts from serious posters I saw yours and Yes jozef I did because you wouldn't ask for this in other situations.

            No, you and others use that to deflect from posts I make about GGG, same as you did here.

            Had you just posted that, I would not have had anything to respond to.


            • Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
              Had Povetkin been misusing this drug, higher levels would have been found in his urine. As we know, he delivered several clean results prior to the tainted sample. The circumstances don't make sense, in other words. You think Povetkin would be so ****** as to knowingly ingest an illegal drug, having already delivered clean results weeks prior? The logical explanation is that microscopic traces were found, not found in previous samples.

              I do trust VADA if any organization and fully expect them to clear things up, which they have stated they will. I respect the fact that the WBC have to put the fight on hold, but there's no reason to get hysterical about this. Wilder still needs to meet the contract and this talk from his team that the fight is 'off' is childish and premature. Makes it look like Wilder is running away in a hurry.
              Agree. Meldonium is not a strong PED, and there are many legal alternatives that do just as well. Willfully and knowingly ingesting tiny amounts of the drug would be both dumb and pointless.

              There are a couple of possibilities of what actually happened:
              1. He knowingly and willfully took Meldonium
              2. He unknowingly took Meldonium, and someone on his team gave it to him.
              3. He unknowingly took Meldonium, and it was an accident by his team member, such as using an old water bottle or mixing in an old pill
              4. His physical condition affected his test. Athletes at the end of the training usually carry less water weight, which makes it easier to detect low concentrations of drugs.
              5. Wilder's team framed Povetkin oneoneoneone!!!

              People on NSB will follow with whatever suits their agenda. All the white supremacists will claim #5, all pro black fans will claim #1.

              The intelligent people are gonna shut their traps and wait for more information. My hypothesis is either 3 or 4. But again, I'm just guessing.


              • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
                your 1st sentence is just your opinion and its not valid.

                Yes, I think Povetkin cheated and got caught because testing is random. No matter how trace the amount, it means it wasn't in his system when he tested those earlier dates and then he used and the test was beforer all of it was out of his system. How you can even try and give him the benefit of the doubt absolutely stinks. You are contradicting everything you ever posted relative to VADA testing and what should happen when a fighter gets caught.

                NO it makes Wilder not want to fight a cheater. It is utterly disgraceful that you are holding that against him.
                Everything is opinion, which I back up with reason in this case. In any case, we need to wait for a B sample and further official announcements. Riabynsky has stated his athlete to be clean and that no ban will be handed down. I guess you are aware that Povetkin has been fighting and using meldonium for several years. What has Wilder been using, legally or illegally? There is always a fine line to be drawn. I get that some of you Americans want to scream cheater, doper, etc. but this just isn't the factual circumstances from what we know right now. I would postpone the fight 3 months and continue random testing, clear things up, etc. but let's see what happens. I have no doubt Povetkin is a legit fighter and not a cheat as things stand.


                • Originally posted by The Big Dunn View Post
                  The racist trolls are getting ignored by serious posters. So As I read posts from serious posters I saw yours and Yes jozef I did because you wouldn't ask for this in other situations.

                  No, you and others use that to deflect from posts I make about GGG, same as you did here.

                  Had you just posted that, I would not have had anything to respond to.
                  Not trying to be an ass, but I have no idea what you're saying here.

                  I'm not deflecting ****. You read something out of context and are trying to blame me for it, and now you're bringing both Kovalev and Golovkin into this conversation for some reason.

                  This has been a ****** exchange and I'm done with it.


                  • Originally posted by Weltschmerz View Post
                    Everything is opinion, which I back up with reason in this case. In any case, we need to wait for a B sample and further official announcements. Riabynsky has stated his athlete to be clean and that no ban will be handed down. I guess you are aware that Povetkin has been fighting and using meldonium for several years. What has Wilder been using, legally or illegally? There is always a fine line to be drawn. I get that some of you Americans want to scream cheater, doper, etc. but this just isn't the factual circumstances from what we know right now. I would postpone the fight 3 months and continue random testing, clear things up, etc. but let's see what happens. I have no doubt Povetkin is a legit fighter and not a cheat as things stand.
                    youre a complete phoney and have lost all credibility as a boxing fan with this post


                    • Originally posted by j0zef View Post
                      Agree. Meldonium is not a strong PED, and there are many legal alternatives that do just as well. Willfully and knowingly ingesting tiny amounts of the drug would be both dumb and pointless.

                      There are a couple of possibilities of what actually happened:
                      1. He knowingly and willfully took Meldonium
                      2. He unknowingly took Meldonium, and someone on his team gave it to him.
                      3. He unknowingly took Meldonium, and it was an accident by his team member, such as using an old water bottle or mixing in an old pill
                      4. His physical condition affected his test. Athletes at the end of the training usually carry less water weight, which makes it easier to detect low concentrations of drugs.
                      5. Wilder's team framed Povetkin oneoneoneone!!!

                      People on NSB will follow with whatever suits their agenda. All the white supremacists will claim #5, all pro black fans will claim #1.

                      The intelligent people are gonna shut their traps and wait for more information. My hypothesis is either 3 or 4. But again, I'm just guessing.
                      Thank you for offering a more nuanced picture and recognizing several realistic backgrounds.

