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Comments Thread For: Prichard Colon Investigation Ends With Sour Ruling For Family

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  • Comments Thread For: Prichard Colon Investigation Ends With Sour Ruling For Family

    An investigation by the Regulatory Department of Professions and Occupations (DPOR) for the state of ******ia have exonerated referee Joe Cooper, ringside doctor Richard Ashby and fighter Terrel Williams from having any responsibility in connection to the serious injuries suffered by Prichard Colon during his bout with Williams last October.
    [Click Here To Read More]

  • #2
    Damn he is still in a coma...


    • #3
      They should have been arrested and locked away with key thrown in the river.


      • #4
        I know emotions are high and the family is upset but the officials didn't do anything incompetent of out of the normal. It would be unfair for punishment to be brought upon them.

        But I hope Prichard recovers and the Athletic Commision of the scott the fought place in should help a bit with medical expenses to help relief the financial burden on the family. Also the promoters and advisers of the fight should be helping out in this situation all the way through.
        Last edited by SilverMiles; 03-16-2016, 10:00 PM.


        • #5
          Boxers know the risk that is the price for fame and trying to get rich fast


          • #6
            That fighter should be punished not co throwing rabbit punches


            • #7
              Terrible situation for all involved. Facts are Colon went down from a CLEAR foul, and instead of evaluating him/asking if he was okay/seeing if he could continue, the ref said "Cmon cmon, get up." Seemed like he felt Prichard was faking it.

              Ref should find a new career.


              • #8
                Great fight by Terrell Williams. Prichard would say the same.


                • #9

                  The ref did let things get out of control. Wow can't believe he is still in Coma. Hope everything works out and he wakes up soon.


                  • #10
                    Rabbit punches
                    Low blows
                    Blows after the bell
                    Blows on the break

                    Should all be automatic point deductions.
                    If refs did their jobs more it would make for a better sport.

