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[PLEASE HELP] Ariza Shakes vs Memo Juice: Who wins!?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
    I knew it! You will die for Froid lol
    The man is a certified nuthugger. It's shameful really.


    • #62
      Originally posted by LoadedWraps View Post
      The man is a certified nuthugger. It's shameful really.
      Yeah dude, in his eyes Floyd can do no wrong lol

      By the way, why do you like my previous avi sig so much?


      • #63
        Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
        Yeah dude, in his eyes Floyd can do no wrong lol

        By the way, why do you like my previous avi sig so much?
        I dunno it's great. guy getting punched in the face


        • #64
          Originally posted by Rath View Post
          you said so yourself that floyd was dehydrated that is why he administered IV

          now you are saying you don't have evidence that floyd was dehydrated, and only base your statement on Floyd's honesty?

          weren't you also the one who posted genius floyd fans only post facts?

          PEDs or no PEDs IV infusion is only allowed on a severely dehydrated person and on a given limited amount and also should be administered by an authorized person like doctor or the likes.

          were all those conditions met on May 1st at Floyd's house?

          Floyd was dehydrated trying to make weight.

          Were they? I don't know. But you don't need to be a doctor to administer an IV, EMT's (guys who ride around in ambulances) can administer IV's, and several other people who have been trained at lowish levels of medical care and dealing with trauma can do so, maybe the guidelines surrounding the fighters are more strict obviously, but I don't know the details of the contract. Do you?


          • #65
            Originally posted by LoadedWraps View Post

            Floyd was dehydrated trying to make weight.

            Were they? I don't know. But you don't need to be a doctor to administer an IV, EMT's (guys who ride around in ambulances) can administer IV's, and several other people who have been trained at lowish levels of medical care and dealing with trauma can do so, maybe the guidelines surrounding the fighters are more strict obviously, but I don't know the details of the contract. Do you?
            Dude, yes trained medical emergency personnel can handle the IV, that's not the issue here. Pac and Floyd agreed to stricter testing by using USADA which is under wada rules and guidelines. Under wada rules, an athlete must be diagnosed properly by a physician or a medical expert if severe dehydration is present that IV is the best course of action.

            Up to this day, no doctor or medical physician capable of diagnosing severe dehydration has come out for Floyd.

            No one would come out to clear the air and save Floyd for being assumed a cheat. You know why?

            Coz no physician will stake his professional license to say something inherently ****** that Floyd was severely dehydrated when evidence points to Floyd during and after the weigh-in is fit and ready to do battle the next day. No doctor can lie for him since it is that obvious he didn't need those IVS for dehydration, but for something else.. Masking.. Perhaps?


            • #66
              Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
              Dude, yes trained medical emergency personnel can handle the IV, that's not the issue here. Pac and Floyd agreed to stricter testing by using USADA which is under wada rules and guidelines. Under wada rules, an athlete must be diagnosed properly by a physician or a medical expert if severe dehydration is present that IV is the best course of action.
              Which floyd was so usada approved the theraputic exemption and wada has not reversed the tue.

              Up to this day, no doctor or medical physician capable of diagnosing severe dehydration has come out for Floyd.

              No one would come out to clear the air and save Floyd for being assumed a cheat. You know why?
              Because here in america we do have some privacy rights still intact, such as hipaa laws, to protect our medical records from going public.

              Coz no physician will stake his professional license to say something inherently ****** that Floyd was severely dehydrated when evidence points to Floyd during and after the weigh-in is fit and ready to do battle the next day. No doctor can lie for him since it is that obvious he didn't need those IVS for dehydration, but for something else.. Masking.. Perhaps?
              Floyd passed 19 test and gave a urine sample before and after the iv was administered.

              Stop lying. Stick to memes.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Dosumpthin View Post
                Which floyd was so usada approved the theraputic exemption and wada has not reversed the tue.

                Because here in america we do have some privacy rights still intact, such as hipaa laws, to protect our medical records from going public.

                Floyd passed 19 test and gave a urine sample before and after the iv was administered.

                Stop lying. Stick to memes.
                Really? so what's the name of the physician who diagnosed Floyd? Medical credential? What were the reasons?

                If Floyd wants to clear his good name all it takes is to request is, but he rather himself smeared with ped accusation, and now most see him as a cheat.

                Why Hide the truth if he has nothing bad to hide, and if it will actually helps him clear his good name.

                See the more they keep it hidden the more he would look guilty in the eyes of the public.

                If I was a suspected cheat, I would request this medical expert to come out and explain my dehydration..nothing wrong with that, But to this day..

                Not a whisper.. Floyd rather be called a cheat than to clean his name..-RED FLAG!
                Last edited by Spoon23; 03-28-2016, 01:32 AM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                  Really? so what's the name of the physician who diagnosed Floyd? Medical credential? What were the reasons?
                  I see what you did there. Is that intentional? Well maybe you dont understand english well enough. Medical records are confidential by law.

                  If Floyd wants to clear his good name all it takes is to request is, but he rather himself smeared with ped accusation, and now most see him as a cheat.
                  If floyd wants to clear his good name all it takes is to fight manny, but he rather himself smeared with cherry picking accusation, and now most see him as a chicken. (Insert kfc meme)

                  Notice a pattern yet?

                  Why Hide the truth if he has nothing bad to hide, and if it will actually helps him clear his good name.

                  See the more they keep it hidden the more he would look guilty in the eyes of the public.

                  If I was a suspected cheat, I would request this medical expert to come out and explain my dehydration..nothing wrong with that, But to this day..

                  Not a whisper.. Floyd rather be called a cheat than to clean his name..-RED FLAG!
                  Usada nsac and wada have cleared floyd from any wrongdoing. He proved himself to his peers and proper legal authorities.

                  Even an honest man can grow tired of "defending himself". Eventually youre going to learn to tell the police.....
                  "If you want to search my trunk, you need a warrant officer" or "am i being placed under arrest?"

                  If someone was guilty and admitted to lying about things like the nature of a shoulder injury, they would try extra hard to to appear innocent. Especially to the public to protect their public image. Similar to how politcians behave. But they dont fully disclose all information, but show what they want you to see. Those are the type of people that 9 out of 10 times more likely to be hiding something.

                  What was the grade tear of mannys injury? We met the surgeon, the celebrity doctor guy right..... but where is the mri, the official diagnosis and why no rehab?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
                    Really? so what's the name of the physician who diagnosed Floyd? Medical credential? What were the reasons?

                    If Floyd wants to clear his good name all it takes is to request is, but he rather himself smeared with ped accusation, and now most see him as a cheat.

                    Why Hide the truth if he has nothing bad to hide, and if it will actually helps him clear his good name.

                    See the more they keep it hidden the more he would look guilty in the eyes of the public.

                    If I was a suspected cheat, I would request this medical expert to come out and explain my dehydration..nothing wrong with that, But to this day..

                    Not a whisper.. Floyd rather be called a cheat than to clean his name..-RED FLAG!
                    Do you think Floyd cheated in the Manny fight?


                    • #70
                      I wonder if AJ can thank Ariza, or Memo for his HGH gut.

