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"Tyson Fury Is An Assh*le Who Must Have Brain Damage" - Vegan Gains (VIDEO)

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  • #21
    Originally posted by PivotandRoll View Post
    You realise this is like defending FLoyd's domestic abuse? What Fury said was ignorant and offensive and if people thought like him the world would be a worse place...They are his views but the man took the first opportunity he had to spout them to the world. I'll watch his fights but the man is a pathetic loser who lives his life from a fantasy book from 2000 years ago...No world title will change that
    That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

    Thought police over here.


    • #22
      Just because you speak out against something doesn't mean you have hatred towards it, the bible does encourage people to speak out against sin but not judge or hate those that sin.

      What's funny is you have guys complaining about Fury likening *******uality to *****philia but then those same guys are okay with Flatline comparing Jesus Christ to Power Rangers or Santa Claus, the same way you're offended by Fury is the same way others would be offended by what you said.

      The one thing I've never gotten about the pro-LGBT crowd is that they want everyone to respect their way of life and thinking but are not willing to show that same level of respect to those that disagree with them.


      • #23
        Originally posted by PivotandRoll View Post
        You realise this is like defending FLoyd's domestic abuse? What Fury said was ignorant and offensive and if people thought like him the world would be a worse place...They are his views but the man took the first opportunity he had to spout them to the world. I'll watch his fights but the man is a pathetic loser who lives his life from a fantasy book from 2000 years ago...No world title will change that
        Calling the Bible a mere fantasy book is a gross simplification of what is in scholarly terms a remarkable literary achievement. Plus, it's factually incorrect. There are elements of clear fantasy in the Bible, but also oral histories, genealogies, first and second hand accounts of likely real-life figures (albeit exaggerated ones), parables, poems... the whole book is in actual fact a compendium of numerous sources collected from various times and places and arranged in such a way as to create a unified teleological whole.

        The field of Biblical scholarship is actually quite fascinating, regardless of your views, religious or otherwise. Here's a great book for anyone who's interested in the literary techniques underpinning much of the book.

        Last edited by Fury4daWIN; 12-16-2015, 08:18 AM.


        • #24
          The world heavyweight champion or a guy sat in his bedroom (I'm assuming)?

          Yeah, I'm sure he's bothered...


          • #25
            Originally posted by Fury4daWIN View Post
            Sure, I get that. But there are ways of presenting a message that don't have to resort to belittling anyone who doesn't share your views. If all he's concerned with is notching up hits and getting viewers fine, he's going about it the right way. But he clearly wants people to side with him, and being a stuck up know-it-all isn't the best way to go about that.
            I think everyone wants people to side with them when it comes to presenting an argument, Vegan Gains is no different in that respect and while his particular style of commentary might not wash well with you he does actually have masses of supporters (as well as detractors). The thing is the guy is a self-confessed sociopath due to being physically abused and bullied as a child apparently so he genuinely doesn't feel any real empathy for humans in general, only for (other) animals.

            It's too late for that. He could have retracted his views before this went viral; perhaps this would have blown over. But at this point in time the damage has been done. He's already public enemy number one in many people's eyes and anything he now does and says will be turned against him. His only option really is to embrace the heel role and hope his notoriety turns into the greater public tuning in to see him get knocked out. It worked for Floyd and numerous others so it's a very viable strategy. I just wonder if Fury really wants to be seen in that light. He might be regretting his stubbornness, despite what he might say. I can already see a couple of signs.

            You'd be surprised at how short the public's memory can be. If Fury does an about face and says he was only exaggerating and being extra-controversial to get video views for IFL TV or something, within a few months it will blow over and hardly any hardcore boxing fans would care that much.

            But that's just within the boxing world, I agree with your point if applied more generally. With the general public it's a different story because Fury did specifically target 3 separate groups of people who are very large in number collectively - Women, gays and non-Christians, which altogether amount to literally billions of people. It's like he was saying a big "F you" to anyone who isn't a straight Christian male so that may well be a very difficult trap to escape from which he created for himself. He's undoubtedly going to get asked about those views by sports reporters for years so they are going to resurface again and again.


            • #26
              Originally posted by NaijaD View Post
              Just because you speak out against something doesn't mean you have hatred towards it, the bible does encourage people to speak out against sin but not judge or hate those that sin.

              What's funny is you have guys complaining about Fury likening *******uality to *****philia but then those same guys are okay with Flatline comparing Jesus Christ to Power Rangers or Santa Claus, the same way you're offended by Fury is the same way others would be offended by what you said.

              The one thing I've never gotten about the pro-LGBT crowd is that they want everyone to respect their way of life and thinking but are not willing to show that same level of respect to those that disagree with them.
              well put. green k


              • #27
                Originally posted by Dirk Diggler UK View Post
                That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

                Thought police over here.
                Either agree with what I think or I'll make a youtube video about you calling you an idiot. You are not allowed to have your own views.

                The more Fury gets hated on for this the more I like the guy


                • #28
                  Originally posted by NaijaD View Post
                  Just because you speak out against something doesn't mean you have hatred towards it, the bible does encourage people to speak out against sin but not judge or hate those that sin.

                  What's funny is you have guys complaining about Fury likening *******uality to *****philia but then those same guys are okay with Flatline comparing Jesus Christ to Power Rangers or Santa Claus, the same way you're offended by Fury is the same way others would be offended by what you said.

                  The one thing I've never gotten about the pro-LGBT crowd is that they want everyone to respect their way of life and thinking but are not willing to show that same level of respect to those that disagree with them.
                  Respect? What an idiotic thing to say

                  a religious nutjob fundamentalist (and Fury is probably one of them) is incapable of having respect whatsoever for anyone who doesn't share his beliefs

                  christian fundamentalists would happily burn ¨heretics¨ at the stake if they could, like they used to do in the middle ages when the church had actual power. Pretty sure morons like Fury would support death penalty to ****s or atheists if they were given the chance

                  The middle east is a terrible place to live, due to religious nutjobs still ruling countries, having armies at their command, willing to kill and to die to defend their lunacy. Occident will be no different if christians ever regain their lost power. Religious fundamentalists, ******s, christians,etc are the scum of the earth.
                  Last edited by lopetego; 12-16-2015, 08:36 AM.


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by Rip Chudd View Post
                    well put. green k
                    Thanks man, just trying to level out these double standards as usual


                    • #30
                      I mean some would say that he's a self obsessed childish vegan desperately looking for attention but I recon he's the male Angela Davis, his passionate commitment to gender equality is . . . . .oh no wait. My bad. Looks like the guy's just an arsehole.


                      An embed of this pish would be much appreciated.

