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Does anyone else feel Manny is simply a puppet on a string who will end up broke?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Pretty Boy32 View Post
    I feel bad for him - he's clearly got a team around him who manipulate him and basically use him. They don't care for him at all.

    I think we can all agree that Manny has the worst deal in boxing, Bob Arum is clearly taking him for a ride just like Don King did to Iron Mike.
    The problem is Manny is not smart enough to realise it.

    I hope he gets away from that crew of leeches.
    I have been saying this same thing for years. I think Pacquaio will retire after his next fight, but he will come back in a year or two after he runs out of money and fight until he is 50 just trying to survive.

    I also think he will, in a few years, sue Bob Arum, Michael Koncz and maybe a few other people for ripping him off, just like Mike Tyson did to Don King.


    • #62
      I wouldn't say it's so much his intelligence as the people he has around him, Pacquiao is loyal to a fault. Plus I'm sure what he makes goes a long way in the Philippines but if he was being taken cared of he could have made much more throughout his career.


      • #63
        Originally posted by DeandreXI View Post
        Nah, don't feel bad for him. Arum is pretty much his acting agent. Without Bob, Pacquiao wouldn't be a wordlwide icon known today. Plus he's living in the Philippines with millions of dollars, I heard $100 over there can pretty much pay rent, food and school for your kids He's fine financially, plus he's into politics which ensures he wont ever get broke tbh
        U should travel the world abit cause u sound ignorant. U probably never left the hood so im not very surprised. Get out and see the world if u can afford.u will see ur hood is not the center of the world...


        • #64
          Always funny to see a broke guy hoping a multi millionaire icon like Manny goes broke. U probably driving a piece of **** car while hes riding in bullet proof hummers and has million dollars houses and cars.

          Manny is and will always be richer than u. Same goes for the Floyd haters.Floyd is and will always be richer than u. So whos laughing?


          • #65
            Manny will probably never end up broke. His name alone is worth money. But I don't understand why he keeps resigning with Arum. And giving him 27% when he can promote or hire someone to do it for less.


            • #66
              Originally posted by LarryXXX View Post
              It is really sad honestly..he even brought in a company to adit Arum AND THEY TOLD HIM ARUM WAS ROBBING HIM....but Arum got him to fire them and they ended up suing Manny
              Very true Larry, he's definitely the dumbest fighter of all time


              • #67
                manny is politician, pretty powerful too. arum maybe stole his boxing money but i doubt manny will go broke


                • #68
                  pacquiao has connections with criminally rich politicians so it's doubtful.
                  and who's to say floyd even does half the **** he does on TV? remember, the guy was selling an image.

                  Originally posted by Dean_Razorback View Post
                  why would i feel bad for a multimillionaire?? if he ends up broke is his own damn fault, he has plenty of money right now
                  that's true. boxers aren't your typical white collar millionaires though so i can understand where the sympathy comes from.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by GOD-FR33 View Post
                    You obviously haven't been on here long enough to know about the Floyd fanboys who know how to put **** like that on your profile. I never tried to have it removed. I don't care honestly. Everyone on here knows that I am a Manny Pacquiao fan. Manny is smarter than these idiots think. Did you not watch May 2nd? He was smart enough to bust Floyd in the mouth round after round after round. Like I said, if anyone goes broke, it'll be Floyd because he is illiterate, not Manny. Do your research before spewing out hater BS.

                    LOL, ANYONE THAT SCREWS A HOOKER WITHOUT A RUBBER IS NOT A SMART MAN...AND GETS HER PREGNANT Oscar left arum and made more money, Floyd left Arum and made more money and got to make the fights he wanted, Cotto left and got the Floyd fight....Manny stayed and continued to get robbbed....Manny tried to sell "salt water cured his severely torn rotator cuff" MANNY IS NOT SMART


                    • #70
                      GOD-FR33 used to post with annoyingly large crayon style font, obvious what we're dealing with here.

