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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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  • Originally posted by Vadrigar. View Post
    Very interesting


    • Originally posted by Vadrigar. View Post
      LOL, Floyd pays off Pacquiao to keep his records sealed and takes 5 hrs to give a urine sample. But Floyd Is clean.

      The fact of the matter Is, I don't even care that Floyd used PEDS, It's his fans. They are complete c*nts.

      Great video by the way.


      • Originally posted by BrometheusBob. View Post
        People's memories are short.

        I'm known as a pro-Floyd poster now for some reason that I can't understand

        Fanboy!!!!! I remember going back and forth with you on this one. How time flies.


        • Originally posted by Chollo Vista View Post
          Very interesting
          I found that video interesting as well.

          Manny listed PRP treatments (Legal under WADA), lidocaine/xcylocaine (legal) , Celestone (24 hour ban) and more (TORADOL) drugs on his prefight form May 1st.

          Yet none of the conspiracy theorist mentions this.

          Also any instance in which the video mentions T/E 4:1 6:1 ratios are irrelevant since it has been revealed all of Floyd samples have been CIR tested by USADA.

          Conte never said USADA doesnt do CIR test - he says that USADA doesn't do CIR test on every one of the (10000000+) samples they collect.

          Last but not least, Lance Armstrong HIMSELF reveals that his methods would NOT work against the New ATHLETE BIOLOGICAL PASSPORT testing that ONLY WADA SIGNATORIES such as USADA now perform. ABP allows for blood doping violations without detecting the specific PED.

          Bottom line the idiot has zero clue what he is talking about and wasted 18 mins clicking random links.
          Be careful what you see on YouTube.


          • Originally posted by b00g13man View Post
            Fanboy!!!!! I remember going back and forth with you on this one. How time flies.
            Feels like yesterday to me


            • Holy crap this thread is 800+ pages.

              Mayweather was certainly very dirty for the Pacman fight.

              My guess is that he would be back on the PEDs now training for McGregor.

              Boxing is a dirty game.


              • Damn why mayweather, on top of the game but had to cheat huh. 750ML way past the legal limits.

                Give them a inch and they'll take a mile!


                • This thread could have even been better if they didn't put a cap date on the voting.

                  873 pages only a few voted. It's like the OP was controlling the flood gates so it won't spill over into the biggest scam in all sports. This was used to be on the top page of NSB. It bugles me, why they have to stop people from voting in this epic thread. Another corruption at work even in NSB lol

                  Still majority thinks the reason why floyd did IVS is to make sure no one else was doping so HE could. And that's the bottomline.

                  #boxing is so dirty

                  Last edited by Spoon23; 07-06-2017, 03:36 AM.


                  • Floyd Mayweather is making a stand to clean up boxing

                    Floyd said:

                    @ 00:20 - Nevada commission is one of the best commision in the world (that's why they absolved me by giving me that late TUE exemption lol) And My ultimate goal is not just USADA (WHO GAVE ME ILLEGAL IVS) and the sport of boxing, but For USADA AND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS PERIOD.

                    @ 0:36 - Because there is too much cheating going on in sports! lololololololol


                    • That IV has only one purpose. To hide the PEDS.

