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Comments Thread For: Mayweather: I Don't Need 50th Win, I'm Okay With 49

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  • #61
    Guaranteed going for 50. Even if he doesn't want to, his ego & money will drive him. Likely a GGG fight or a healthy PAC rematch. Too much money involved. High risk high reward.

    Maybe even Thurman or Brook. Low risk low reward.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
      I'm not lost in the matter at all, in fact I received a Bachelor's degree studying the matter. The numbers don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story. I know about the greedy bastards that took all of Joe Frazier's money, and I know why Joe Louis ended up broke, I know why Jack Johnson was feared and hated by America. This is why Floyd is important. He has learned to profit from the hate, and he's learned to cut off the leeches (like Bob Arum). No man is perfect, and "judge not, lest ye shall be judged..." There is a new day in sports, and athletes/entertainers are no longer ignorant to the businesses they help to build. A lot of people (like Dylan Roof) hate to see it, because they hate to see a Black Man with power. Don't let the hate blind you too!
      Bronx you are right with what you have said and i Floyd has earned so much Money i doubt he ever will be ever broke with these amounts of money he earned! Is he deserving to earn that much? Hell no! But if he Ends up Broke i would be confused....


      • #63
        Originally posted by Tobi.G View Post
        Bronx you are right with what you have said and i Floyd has earned so much Money i doubt he ever will be ever broke with these amounts of money he earned! Is he deserving to earn that much? Hell no! But if he Ends up Broke i would be confused....
        He only deserves to make what the people are willing to pay, and judging by his PPV numbers, the people are willing to pay a lot! Whether they hate him, or love him, THEY PAY!


        • #64
          Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
          If the Black Community is depending on athletes to define their community, then they are/were ****ed long before Floyd Mayweather. When we judge the White Community, do we look to Babe Ruth, Max Schmeling, Rocky Marciano, or Gerry Cooney? The best fighters come from the bottom of society, and they often reflect the segment of society they come from. The Black Community should be defined by Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. DuBois, Noble Drew Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Stokley Carmichael, etc., NOT Muhammad Ali, Tupac, Biggie Smalls, and Floyd Mayweather, and Oprah. There is a difference between Leaders and Celebrities! Ignorant people are the ones who don't know the difference!
          Great post.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
            I'm not lost in the matter at all, in fact I received a Bachelor's degree studying the matter. The numbers don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story. I know about the greedy bastards that took all of Joe Frazier's money, and I know why Joe Louis ended up broke, I know why Jack Johnson was feared and hated by America. This is why Floyd is important. He has learned to profit from the hate, and he's learned to cut off the leeches (like Bob Arum). No man is perfect, and "judge not, lest ye shall be judged..." There is a new day in sports, and athletes/entertainers are no longer ignorant to the businesses they help to build. A lot of people (like Dylan Roof) hate to see it, because they hate to see a Black Man with power. Don't let the hate blind you too!
            Good post Bronx.
            Last edited by The Big Dunn; 06-23-2015, 10:18 AM.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Bronx2245 View Post
              I'm not lost in the matter at all, in fact I received a Bachelor's degree studying the matter. The numbers don't lie, but they don't tell the whole story. I know about the greedy bastards that took all of Joe Frazier's money, and I know why Joe Louis ended up broke, I know why Jack Johnson was feared and hated by America. This is why Floyd is important. He has learned to profit from the hate, and he's learned to cut off the leeches (like Bob Arum). No man is perfect, and "judge not, lest ye shall be judged..." There is a new day in sports, and athletes/entertainers are no longer ignorant to the businesses they help to build. A lot of people (like Dylan Roof) hate to see it, because they hate to see a Black Man with power. Don't let the hate blind you too!
              You're an idiot.

              He has a huge entourage, that take money from him on a daily basis. He feeds them, he buys them things, he pays for their company. He pays women to be around him and buys them expensive gifts on a daily basis. He spends money recklessly. He gambles. A LOT. He buys expensive things he doesn't need. He throws away hundreds of thousands of dollars away at strip clubs. Buys expensive clothes, wears them once and throws them away when he's done with them, has a fleet of cars. Not once do we hear how he's investing his money wisely.

              So don't come here and act like he's smart with his money. He's a dumbass with it. Soon it will all be gone, his entourage will be gone, his girls will be gone and he'll be left broke and alone.

